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叫做 Suffragette Sessions Tour, 剛剛查了 Suffragette 這個字,意思是「(英國二十世紀初期)爭取選舉權的婦女」 參加的歌手似乎都比較 undergound 一些, 像是 Gail Ann Dorsey(?), Lisa Germano, Lourdes Perez(?), Jane Siberry (似乎是個加拿大歌手), Mecca Normal's Jean Smith(?), former Breeders member Josephine Wiggs, Come's Thalia Zedek Japanese acts Shonen Knife and Buffalo Daughter 聽過 Shonen Knife,但誰是 Buffalo Daughter? PS: 喜歡這一掛女歌手的,有興趣的話可以參考買一本 Rolling Stone 出版的 Women In Rock,是本蠻好的參考書, 上至 Janis Joplin、Madonna、Joni Mitchell 等一直到 1997 年的出版日期, 大概有照著年代、風格稍稍分個類,比較重要的歌手還有專篇介紹, 當然也有上次 shamdoer 提到的 Riot Grrrl, 我一直以為這是六、七零年代的時候發生的事情說。 Indigo Girls to do 'Suffragette' tour again (Launch) - Last year, the Indigo Girls took an eclectic collection of female artists out on the road for a short tour dubbed the "Suffragette Sessions Tour." The tour played clubs, not large venues and featured the Indigo Girls, Gail Ann Dorsey, Lisa Germano, Lourdes Perez, Luscious Jackson's Kate Schellenbach, Jane Siberry, Mecca Normal's Jean Smith, Heart's Ann Wilson, former Breeders member Josephine Wiggs, Come's Thalia Zedek and Japanese acts Shonen Knife and Buffalo Daughter. Emily Saliers and Amy Ray recently said that they enjoyed the tour so much the first time out that they're going to put together a second run for the fall of 2000. "We're already talking about making plans for that. It will probably happen at the end of our touring season," Saliers said. "We'll wrap it up with something really, really fun. We totally dug that tour last time." "The Suffragettes were the best of every world for us," Ray said. "We played clubs, which we loved doing." The Indigo Girls' latest album, "Come On Now Social," is currently in stores and the duo is on tour. -- gender is just an excuse, relationship shouldn't just be an excuse, love is often an excuse, although sometimes these excuses are all we have to hold onto, death is the reason and living is the celebration - Beth Orton -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: