精華區beta LoL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/patch-36-notes-1 原文網址 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9nVa8sbFuuY
更新說明影片 http://lol.zones.gamebase.com.tw/forum/60895/topic/95852814?g=e775 素人自翻,這次量好大,翻比較慢OTL Lissandra Lissandra the Ice Witch is in the 3.6 build and will be released at a later date. 麗珊卓 麗珊卓的資料有在更新檔內,但會在晚幾天才開放 Sejuani Sejuani has been relaunched with a new model, updates to her story and a revised kit. For more information on the Winter’s Wrath, click here. Frost Armor (Passive) Damaging an enemy with an ability or basic attack grants Sejuani bonus armor and reduces movement-slowing effects on her for a short duration Arctic Assault (Q) Sejuani charges forward, knocking enemies into the air and dealing magic damage to them based on their maximum health. The charge stops after knocking an enemy champion into the air Flail of the Northern Winds (W) Sejuani's next basic attack deals bonus magic damage to her target and all nearby enemies. She then spins her flail, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies for a few seconds Permafrost (E) Passive: Sejuani’s abilities and basic attacks apply Frost to enemies Active: Sejuani damages and slows all nearby enemies afflicted with Frost Glacial Prison (Ultimate) Sejuani throws a frost-forged bola in a line. If the bola hits an enemy champion, it shatters, stunning the target and all nearby enemies. If the bola reaches its maximum range without striking an enemy champion, it shatters and slows nearby enemies 史瓦妮 史瓦妮隨著新的模組,新的故事和修正過的技能組重新釋出.如果想知道更多資訊的話歡迎 到這邊看. 霜凍護甲(被動) -技能和普攻傷害敵人時會讓史瓦妮有額外的物防,並降低在她身上的緩 速效果. 極地衝刺(Q)-史瓦妮往前衝刺,將敵人撞飛到空中,並依他們最大血量造成傷害.衝刺在撞 到敵人英雄或是到達最遠距離後停止 北國狂風(W)-史瓦妮下次普攻對目標和身邊全部敵人造成額外魔法傷害.接下來她會揮舞 鏈球,在數秒內對身邊的敵人造成魔法傷害. 永恆凍土(E)-(被動)史瓦妮的普攻和技能會在敵人身上造成寒霜效果.(主動)史瓦妮對身 邊寒霜效果的敵人造成傷害和緩速. 冰河籠牢(R)-史瓦妮扔出冰霜鏈球,如果鏈球擊中敵方英雄,鏈球將會破碎並造成目標和週 圍的敵人暈眩效果.如果鏈球飛到極限而且沒破碎,則會破碎並造成週圍敵人緩速效果. ====================================================================== Trundle Trundle has been relaunched with a new model, updates to his story, and changes to his kit. For a full rundown of the Troll King’s changes, click here. King's Tribute (previously Decompose) No gameplay changes Chomp (previously Rabid Bite) Damage adjusted to 20/40/60/80/100 (+1.0/1.05/1.1/1.15/1.2 attack damage) from 30/45/60/75/90 (+0.8/0.9/1/1.1/1.2 attack damage) Now slows target by 75% for 0.1 seconds on hit Animation speed scales with Trundle's attack speed Frozen Kingdom (previously Contaminate) Attack speed bonus increased to 20/35/50/65/80% from 20/30/40/50/60% Now grants 8/11/14/17/20% increased healing to Trundle No longer grants tenacity Pillar of Ice (previously Pillar of Filth) Now interrupts channels Duration reduced to 6 seconds from 6.5 Subjugate (previously Agony) Now deals 20/22/24 (+2 per 100 AP)% max health damage instead of 200/350/500 Armor and magic resist drain adjusted to 20% from 15/20/25% Second drain effect now applies over 4 seconds and keeps the stats for another 4 seconds afterwards instead of draining over 6 seconds 特朗德隨著新的模組,新的故事和修正過的技能組重新釋出.如果想知道更多資訊的話歡迎 到這邊看. 帝王獻祭(被動)-和之前一樣 狂野撕咬(Q)-傷害調整成 20/40/60/80/100 (+1.0/1.05/1.1/1.15/1.2 AD),原本是 30/45/60/75/90 (+0.8/0.9/1/1.1/1.2 AD),額外造成0.1秒的緩速75%效果,而且動畫隨攻 擊速度加快. 極凍領地(W)-攻速加成變多( 20/30/40/50/60% -> 20/35/50/65/80%),在區域內回血量增 加(8/11/14/17/20%),但不再提供額外軔性 汙狤冰柱(E)-現在能中斷引導技.時效從6.5秒降低到6秒 盛怒霸體(R)-現在造成每秒(20/22/24 + 0.02 AP/100 *目標最大生命力)的傷害,不再是 固定的200/350/500.物魔防偷取從15/20/25%改成固定的20%.在施放後四秒會有第二次 的偷取物魔防的效果並會再持續四秒,而不再是六秒內平均分散. ============================================================= Brand Pyroclasm Now properly bounces to other targets after hitting an enemy affected by Blaze 布蘭德 (R)-大絕現在在擊中帶有烈炎標記的敵人後會正確的彈向其他目標 ================================================================= Corki Missile Barrage Fixed a bug where using Missile Barrage restarted the cooldown for gaining another missile 庫奇 (R)-修正發射飛彈會讓重生飛彈的CD重置的bug ==================================================================== Dr. Mundo Infected Cleaver Can be cast at any health value, but will not reduce health below 1 Masochism Can be cast at any health value, but will not reduce health below 1 蒙多 (Q)丟菜刀現在能在任何時間施放,但總血量不會被扣到1以下(原本血量太低會不能放) (E)增加攻擊力現在能在任何時間施放,但總血量不會被扣到1以下(原本血量太低不能放) ======================================================================= Draven In Patch 3.5, we changed Draven’s Spinning Axe to lead Draven more accurately when he was benefitting from movement speed increases. Unfortunately, these changes were very disruptive for dedicated Draven players and didn’t offer enough potential for skilled players to showcase their skill through covering long distances between throwing and catching. We decided to revert the change. Spinning Axe Reverted a recent change affecting how Draven was led by Spinning Axe, restoring prior functionality Axe drop location will no longer be placed on the far side of impassable terrain from Draven 達瑞文 在更新檔3.5中,我們將飛斧掉落的位置調的稍遠,讓達瑞文能夠被引導到更有利的位置. 不幸的是這對專玩達瑞文的玩家來說是很大的干擾, 而且對技巧較好的玩家來講也沒有提供更多額外的潛能來發揮他們接斧頭的技術. 我們決定取消這個變動. (Q)斧頭掉落的位置改回原本的狀態,取消上次的變動 (Q)斧頭掉落的位置不會掉在達瑞文無法通過的地型的另外一邊 ==================================================================== Ezreal Pulsefire Ezreal Fixed a bug where Pulsefire Ezreal would occasionally not see gold popups for some of his last hits on targets in plain view Fixed a bug where Pulsefire Ezreal would play his death animation a second time if Trueshot Barrage was leveled up while dead 伊澤瑞爾 脈衝火燄造型-修正有時後尾刀小兵看不到跳錢動畫的bug 脈衝火燄造型-修正有時後在死亡期間升級大絕,會讓死亡動畫會重放一次的bug ======================================================================= Fiddlesticks Drain Life Fixed a bug where Fiddlesticks would not immediately attack his target after successfully channeling Drain Life 費德提克 (W)修正費德提克不會馬上攻擊吸完血的目標的bug =========================================================== Karma With our previous patch changes, we increased Karma’s overall usability and Mantra generation. These changes are more focused on smoothing out Karma’s early game presence by giving a damage increase to Inner Flame’s lower levels and buffing Inspire to make it far more effective at level one. Additionally, by lowering the cooldowns of three of Karma’s abilities – including her Mantra – Karma will synergize better with Gathering Fire, allowing her to scale into late game. Inner Flame Damage increased to 80/125/170/215/260 from 60/110/160/210/260 Focused Resolve Cooldown reduced to 16/15/14/13/12 seconds from 16/15.5/15/14.5/14 Inspire Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 12 Movement speed bonus increased to 40/45/50/55/60% from 20/30/40/50/60% Mantra Cooldown reduced to 45/42/39/36 seconds from 45 卡瑪 在之前的更新中,我們增加了卡瑪整體的可用性和大絕產生效率. 這次的修正會透過增加早期(Q)光波的傷害和(E)盾一級時的效用來強化卡瑪的前期表現. 除此之外,藉由降低卡瑪三個技能的CD-包含大絕-卡瑪的被動效果會再次加強, 讓她在後期更有力 (Q)-波動拳的早期傷害增加( 60/110/160/210/260->80/125/170/215/260) (W)-牽線的CD下降( 16/15.5/15/14.5/14 -> 16/15/14/13/12 ) (E)-開盾的CD下降(12->10),早期跑速加成增加( 20/30/40/50/60% -> 40/45/50/55/60% ) (R)-大絕CD隨等級下降 (45-> 45/42/39/36) ==================================================================== Lulu Mana per level increased to 55 from 50 Glitterlance Mana cost increased to 60/65/70/75/80 from 40/50/60/70/80 露璐 每等級得到的法力增加( 50->55 ) (Q)閃耀雙重奏早期法耗增加(40/50/60/70/80->60/65/70/75/80) ========================================================================= Malzahar Call of the Void Mana cost reduced to 80/85/90/95/100 from 80/90/100/110/120 Null Zone Mana cost reduced to 90/95/100/105/110 from 90/100/110/120/130 馬爾札哈 (Q)沉默的法耗下降( 80/90/100/110/120->80/85/90/95/100 ) (W)髒地板的法耗下降( 90/100/110/120/130->90/95/100/105/110 ) ==================================================================== Nasus With a 95% movement speed and attack speed reduction at max levels, Wither was completely shutting down champions reliant on auto-attacks with no opportunity for counterplay. By reducing the attack speed slow, Nasus is still effective at suppressing champions, but his victims will now have the option to turn and fight. Wither Attack speed slow amount has been halved 納瑟斯 藉由降低目標95%的跑速和攻速,納瑟斯能夠摧毀普攻角色的輸出,並讓對方完全沒有 反擊機會.在削弱降攻速的效果之後,納瑟斯依然是有力的壓制型英雄,但是他的目標多了 轉頭硬上的選項. (W)老化降攻速的效果減半 ===================================================================== Nunu Consume No longer expends Visionary if the target dies before Consume resolves 努努 (Q)吃兵如果目標在被吃掉前就死了,那努努不會再因此消耗掉被動的無損施法效果. ======================================================================= Olaf Reckless Swing Can be cast at any health value, but will not reduce health below 1 歐拉夫 (E)打雷不管血量多少都能打,總血量不會因為打雷低於1 ========================================================================== Quinn We wanted to highlight Quinn’s great strengths as an unconventional AD carry with high cross-map mobility. As such, Quinn can now use Tag Team more reliably in and out of fights, and the additional movement speed on Heightened Senses should allow her to remain more elusive in skirmishes. For the other two changes, we gave Blinding Assault an ability power ratio so that players can gain some additional power when building items like Trinity Force or when receiving the Baron Nashor buff. For Vault, we added a mini stun on Quinn’s target as she dashes toward them, making it more reliable as an escape. Blinding Assault Now has a 0.5 ability power ratio Heightened Senses Passive as Quinn now grants 20/30/40/50/60 movement speed in addition to the attack speed bonus Vault Now briefly interrupts the target Tag Team Maximum movement speed bonus increased to 80/90/100% from 80% at all ranks Base movement speed bonus increased to 20/30/40% from 20% at all ranks Cooldown reduced to 140/110/80 seconds from 140/120/100 Skystrike can now be cast 1 second after activating Tag Team, down from 2.5 葵恩 我們希望強調葵恩作為高地圖機動性的新型態AD carry特質.因此葵恩現在能利用大絕進 出戰場,並在(W)觸發被動後得到額外跑速,讓她在會戰中更加難以捉摸. 此外我們給(Q)的目盲攻擊AP加成,藉此讓出像三向之力或是取得巴龍buff時會更加有力. 對於(E)的衝刺我們增加了極短的暈眩效果,讓這個技能更好應用在脫逃上. (Q)目盲現在有0.5AP加成 (W)強化感知被動觸發後除了原本的攻速加成外,還額外增加 20/30/40/50/60 跑速 (E)完美奇襲現在會稍微中斷目標動作 (R)大絕發動期間額外跑速最大值隨等級增加( 80%->80/90/100% ) (R)大絕發動期間額外跑速最小值隨等級增加( 20%->20/30/40% ) (R)後期大絕CD下降( 140/120/100->140/110/80 ) (R)大絕第二段在變鳥後一秒就能發動,不用等2.5秒 =================================================================== Rumble Flamespitter No longer prevents Rumble from automatically acquiring basic attack targets 藍寶 (Q)發動噴火不再中斷藍寶的攻擊動作 ====================================================================== Shen Ki Strike Fixed a bug that caused Ki Strike to be consumed when attacking wards 慎 (被動)修正打眼會消耗被動的bug ========================================================================= Sivir Fleet of Foot Now also grants its effect when Boomerang Blade and Ricochet hit enemy champions 希維爾 (被動)在(Q)丟鏢和(W)彈射擊中敵人時也會發動加跑速效果 ================================================================= Thresh Death Sentence and its passive were providing too many benefits at early levels with their high poke, burst damage, and lowered cooldowns. By moving the passive damage bonus from Death Sentence to Flay, Thresh players will now need to think strategically about how they level their skills. Death Sentence Damage increased to 80/120/160/200/240 from 80/110/140/170/200 Passive moved to Flay Flay Damage reduced to 65/95/125/155/185 from 65/105/145/185/225 Now has Death Sentence’s previous passive (bonus damage on basic attacks) Fixed a bug that caused the passive's damage to be consumed when attacking wards Fixed a bug where Flay sometimes dealt more damage than intended 瑟雷西 死亡宣告和它的被動提供的高輸出,高騷擾和短CD在早期對線太有利. 藉由將被動傷害調整到(E)推開的技能上, 瑟雷西的玩家現在要開始思考升級技能的順序. (Q)綁人的傷害增加( 80/110/140/170/200 -> 80/120/160/200/240 ) (E)推人的傷害下降( 65/105/145/185/225 -> 65/95/125/155/185 ) (E)原本付加在普攻上的額外被動傷害被移到這個技能上 (E)修正被動傷害會在打眼時被用掉的bug (E)修正推人的傷害有時後會比預期高的bug ============================================================= Udyr With these changes, we wanted to accomplish a few separate things. First, we wanted to tone down Udyr’s overpowering early game Tiger Stance damage, but we also wanted to let him scale better into late game. These changes were implemented by scaling the attack damage ratios on Tiger Stance’s active damage. Second, by changing the active damage of Tiger Stance from magical to physical, it should be more intuitive to itemize against Udyr. Additionally, it will also be easier for Udyr to itemize properly, as he will gain further benefits from attack damage focused items like Black Cleaver or Last Whisper. Tiger Stance Active damage changed to physical instead of magic Active damage changed to 30/80/130/180/230 (+1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6 attack damage) from 30/80/130/180/230 (+1.5 total attack damage) Active attack speed increased to 30/40/50/60/70% from 15/20/25/30/35% No longer grants attack speed as a persistent effect New persistent effect: Basic attacks deal 15% of his total attack damage as bonus physical damage on hit Bear Stance Udyr now only dashes when stunning champions 烏迪爾 隨著這次更新,我們達成了一些不同的目標.首先,我們想要調降烏迪爾早期虎態OP的傷害 力,但我們也要讓這個技能在後期效果好一點. 這邊的效果透過將AD傷害加成計算到虎態主動效果達成. 此外,藉由將虎態主動效果的傷害從魔法傷害調整成物理傷害, 和烏迪爾對線的人有更明確的早期道具選擇, 而烏迪爾也更容易調配道具.因為他也能從黑切和耳語的出裝上獲益. (Q)主動效果現在從法傷改成物傷 (Q)主動傷害效果修正成30/80/130/180/230 (+1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6 額外AD),原本是 30/80/130/180/230 (+1.5 全部物傷) (Q)攻速加成增加( 15/20/25/30/35% -> 30/40/50/60/70% ) (Q)攻速不再是持續效果,新的持續效果是普攻造成額外15%全部物理傷害. (E)變熊只會衝暈敵人英雄 ========================================================================== Vayne Condemn Range now accurately matches her attack range 汎 (E)推人的距離和普攻調成一樣遠 ========================================================================== Vi Vault Breaker Fixed a bug that caused Vault Breaker to become uncastable after activation Excessive Force Can no longer be cast while charging Vault Breaker 菲艾 (Q)修正有時候在發動衝刺之後變成無法施放的狀態 (E)在集氣期間不能發動粉碎震波 ============================================================== Zac Increased transparency when in brush 札克 增加在草叢時的透明度 ============================================================== Zed Previously, Zed could safely farm large minion waves with Shadow Slash by consistently resetting the cooldown of Living Shadow. These changes were intended to promote aggressive play with Zed while also creating a window for players to engage on him in lane. Living Shadow Cooldown reduced to 18/17/16/15/14 seconds from 22/20.5/19/17.5/16 Shadow Slash Hitting minions and monsters no longer reduces Living Shadow's cooldown Hitting enemy champions reduces Living Shadow's cooldown by 2 seconds, up from 1 劫 之前劫能夠利用分身加上影斬持續的清掉大量小兵.這次的更新強化劫的侵略性,並創造讓 敵人對他開戰的空隙. (W)分身CD下降( 22/20.5/19/17.5/16->18/17/16/15/14) (E)影斬打到小兵不再降低分身CD (E)影斬打到英雄能讓分身CD降低兩秒,不是一秒 ======================================================================= Items Elixir of Fortitude is meant to be an “all-in” burst of power for players looking to take control of a situation. With its low cost, however, players were simply defaulting to it as a general starting item with no significant repercussion. Increasing the gold cost of Elixir of Fortitude aligns it better with the risky strategy it was intended for. Elixir of Fortitude Cost increased to 350 gold from 250 堅韌藥劑原本是要提供"全上啦!"的爆發力來讓玩家控制狀況用的.但是它的價格太低,玩 家開始無差別使用這個道具來開場.增加堅韌藥劑的售價能夠強化他原本高風險的性質. 堅韌藥劑-售價調漲(250->350) Alongside our Elixir of Fortitude change, we wanted to tackle ultra-high sustain starts where players were beginning the game with as many health potions as possible in order to safely sustain in lane for long periods of time. However, these high sustain starts also destroy any incentive players have to interact. Manaless champions in particular benefitted from these starts, resulting in some mana-based opponents being unable to burn through the high levels of sustained HP. We will monitor starting item builds and champions that relied heavily on high potion starts, but wanted to focus on addressing passive high-sustain builds first. Health Potion Limited to 5 Health Potions at a time Mana Potion Limited to 5 Mana Potions at a time Ionian Boots of Lucidity Upgrade cost reduced to 650 gold from 700 (total cost is now 1000 from 1050) Tiamat Combine cost reduced to 265 from 665 (total cost is now 1900 from 2300) Attack damage reduced to 40 from 50 Ravenous Hydra Combine cost increased to 600 from 200 (total cost unchanged) 除了堅韌藥劑的調整之外,我們也想解決玩家想藉由買一堆生命藥水得到超高撐線力,並在 線上農個天長地久的問題.這種超高的生存力完全消滅了玩家之間的互動.無法耗的英雄特 別由此類開場方式得利,因為需要法力的英雄沒辦法燒光他們的血量.我們會持續觀察起手 物品的狀況和那些需要大量回血手段的英雄,但還是要先從太高的線上生存力開始著手. 生命藥水-身上最多帶五瓶 魔法藥水-身上最多帶五瓶 愛歐尼亞之靴-合成費下降(700->650,總價1050->1000) 海神之斧-合成價格下降(665->265,總價從2300調降到1900),物傷下降(50->40) 狂怒九頭蛇-合成價上升(200->600,總價不變) ================================================================ The Howling Abyss The Howling Abyss has replaced The Proving Grounds in custom games and the basic tutorial A 5v5 All-Random queue has been enabled for matches played on the Howling Abyss Restricted to players of level 5 or above Players may reroll for a different champion in Champion Select for 200 reroll points All players have been credited with 200 reroll points Additional reroll points are gained by completing matchmade Howling Abyss games Reroll point gains increase based on the number of champions the player owns Reroll point count can be checked in the player profile. 咆嘯深淵 咆嘯深淵取代了應證之地成為基本教學和五打五aram的地圖.並且有自己的排隊機制 咆嘯深淵系統組隊限制-玩家召喚師等級5以上. 全部的玩家都能夠藉由消耗200點重選點來重新隨機挑一隻英雄. 每個玩家都有200點的重選點. 完成嚎叫深淵的遊戲會取得額外的重選點. 重選點增加的速度和玩家擁有的英雄數量有關 重選點能夠在玩家資料頁看到 ======================================================================= Game Interface Smart Ping Updated the ping icons to better match other game visuals Item shop Can now be resized by dragging from the bottom right-hand corner Default size now determined by screen resolution 遊戲介面 智能呼叫-修正呼叫的圖示來和遊戲視覺效果統一 道具介面-現在能夠拉選大小,預設體積由解析度決定 =========================================================== Leagues Fixed an issue where the end of game screen would incorrectly show "League info processing" instead of updating immediately Champion headers designed for each specific league have been added to the Leagues tab in player profiles LP 'clamping' has been smoothed. Players will experience more predictable LP gains and losses as they approach 100 LP Dodging a match in a promotional series now counts as 1 loss. This will still end your series if you were one loss away from losing it 聯盟 修正對戰結束後畫面會秀出"聯盟資訊正在計算中",而不是馬上更新的問題. 每個聯盟都有自己對應的英雄頭像,可以在玩家資料頁看到 聯盟點的取得更加平順,不管打贏或打輸取得/失去的聯盟點都更加可預期 在晉級賽選英雄時跳game算一敗,如果再跳一次或是多一敗的話會算晉級失敗 ================================================================== General Baron Nashor/Dragon Now immune to effects that would reduce their damage Baron Nashor, Dragon, and Vilemaw kill messages are now bolded in chat Twisted Treeline altar capture messages are now bolded in chat Items with charges now display the charge counter in the inventory rather than displaying as a buff Players will no longer see reconnect messages from the enemy team Trundle has replaced Master Yi in the basic tutorial Spell shields now only block one spell even if multiple spells hit the target in rapid succession Blind Random has been added as a pick type in custom games. This mode works the same as All Random, but the enemy team's champions will not be displayed in champion select Players with video cards that use software vertex shaders (primarily integrated cards like those in laptops) should see a 10-40% FPS performance improvement across all maps 巴龍/龍 現在免疫降低他們傷害的技能效果 巴龍/龍/Vilemaw擊殺資訊可以在對話視窗中看到 扭曲樹林祭壇奪取資訊可以在對話視窗中看到 充能物品現在能在物品欄中看到充能狀態,而不是在buff區 玩家不再能看到敵隊的重新連線資訊 新手教學中特朗德取代易大師 魔法盾現在只會擋住一個技能,就算有多個技能同時打到同一目標上也一樣 自定遊戲中多了一個"盲目隨機",這個模式和aram一樣,但是你看不到對方選到那些英雄 使用軟體陰影模擬(通常是主機版內部顯晶片,不是獨立顯卡)的玩家可以感受到10~40%的 FPS成長. ====================================================================== With every patch, we strive to improve the look of the game in varying degrees. We recommend that you have the latest available video card drivers installed. 每次更新我們都會在不同的面向上進化我們的視覺效果,強烈建議你保持顯示卡區動程式 在最新的版本 -- http://goo.gl/H4sdW 遊戲基地lol專區 http://goo.gl/iAyRJ 基地3D全造型預覽 http://goo.gl/W4DbX 基地英雄專頁 http://goo.gl/60OG0 基地lol攻略區, http://goo.gl/BgfRZ 基地同人創作專區,歡迎投稿! 功能太多列不完啦!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sparking :有翻有推 辛苦了 04/30 11:36
gameboy0618 :推 04/30 11:38
cbull :ARAM <3 04/30 11:38
a2364983 :啊啊啊 col大版本出惹 04/30 11:41
gox1117 :<3 04/30 11:42
W22625231 :G桑!!!! 04/30 11:45
s1258 :推推 04/30 11:50
gox1117 :↖ˊ_ˋ(戳 04/30 11:50
ji3vul4su3 :Nunu的Visionary指的是被動法術幻想 不是視野 04/30 11:51
感謝提醒,改掉了OTL 翻的時候完全沒想到是這個被動G_G
TarTo :辛苦了 04/30 12:01
W22625231 :G桑是想戳我嗎...>\\\\\< 04/30 12:11
kaed :推 04/30 12:12
theonegi :推一個 感謝翻譯 04/30 12:16
mihudan :最後一項,應該是指使用內顯得玩家可以有FPS的成長。 04/30 12:20
mihudan :原因應該是陰影會轉由CPU做軟體運算,降低內顯負擔 04/30 12:20
Zenpeart :辛苦囉!謝謝 04/30 12:27
monday1221 :那請問本身已經沒開陰影的呢QAQ 04/30 12:32
tquendi :魔法盾.......魔甘娜夠可憐了 04/30 12:33
ciwewa :川島的大絕是改成固定20%魔物防偷取吧? 04/30 12:42
TWemperor :紅精煉早該改了 布甲五水打輸紅精煉 太誇張了.... 04/30 12:47
petersos80 :紅精煉的意思就是 你不可能跟我打一波 04/30 12:48
TWemperor :不過前期AD強角大NERF了不少 04/30 12:49
TWemperor :我猜靈藥會回歸起手裝行列 04/30 12:50
petersos80 :靈藥頂多中路出吧 覺得上路還是不能出 04/30 12:54
infi23 :上路就全部布甲啦 04/30 13:09
swbthj :無消耗上路角大概只能出1眼5水+回血了 04/30 13:15
a127 :魔法盾跟魔甘娜完全沒關係吧= = 04/30 13:17
a127 :魔法盾是在講希維爾、夜曲那種一發魔法無效的盾 04/30 13:18
LayerZ :Lux對上夜曲的絕望... 04/30 13:40
LayerZ :LuxQ到夜曲ER一起被擋掉... 04/30 13:41
stry :原文的Spell shield是指 女妖 希維爾或夜曲的那個盾 04/30 13:52
youGG :照買一精煉三水阿 提早殺人提早回家 04/30 14:10
athran :一精煉三水,少眼,對面可以不要跟你拼一波或call gank 04/30 14:21
dave9898 :原來達瑞文有改過...前一陣子沒打,回來對線超難= = 04/30 14:48
purhill :紅精煉那邊的ALL IN是不是翻成梭哈,全下比較適合 04/30 15:15
wayen1222 :川島起飛囉 04/30 15:41
※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (04/30 16:26)
colin1120 :札克 增加在草叢時的透明度 XD 04/30 17:31
a2364983 :ALL IN在SC被翻成一波流 04/30 18:23
a2364983 :我覺得還挺直覺得啊 就人家要跟你打一波的時候喝 04/30 18:24
z83420123 :狗頭RIP 04/30 18:57
a224996 :狗頭RIP 04/30 20:15
sillymon :歡迎來到大靈藥時代 04/30 20:18
iel :PUSH 04/30 20:40