精華區beta LoL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
轉自gamebase http://www.gamebase.com.tw/forum/60895/topic/91838618 =========================================================== PVP.net v1.23.10 * The Harrowing map has replaced the Winter map and can be selected by choosing "Autumn" when creating a Practice Game * You will now receive a warning when your IP or XP boost is about to expire * Fixed a bug where a user from a duo queue would automatically get the Captain slot * Fixed a bug where the Leaver status was not displayed in the Recent Games list * Fixed a bug where chat would automatically move the display to the bottom when a message was received *把Winter map改成Harrowing map,在開練習遊戲時能使用Autumn選項來使用這張地圖 *當IP或是XP boost過期的時候會有提示訊息 *duo queue的使用者不再自動取得隊長位置 *Recent Games list會顯示中離的玩家資訊 *修正聊天視窗在收到訊息時會自動移到下面的bug League of Legends v1.0.0.105 Irelia, the Will of the Blades * Bladesurge: Irelia dashes forward to strike her target. If it kills the target, Bladesurge's cooldown refreshes and half the mana cost is refunded. * Hiten Style: Irelia is skilled in the art of Hiten, passively giving her physical attacks health restoration. Activating Hiten Style adds true damage to her physical attacks for a short duration. * Equilibrium Strike: Irelia's attack balances the scales, dealing damage and slowing the target. However, if the target has a higher Health % than Irelia, then the blow stuns the target instead. * Transcendent Blades (Ultimate): Irelia summons four spirit blades which she can fling at her enemies. These blades deal magic damage to enemies that they pass through, siphoning life from them and healing Irelia. * Ionian Fervor (Passive): Each nearby enemy champion (to a maximum of three) reduces the effectiveness of Crowd Control on Irelia. 請參考Irelia技能組 http://www.gamebase.com.tw/forum/60895/topic/91800015/1 Alistar * Fixed a bug with Pulverize where the stun particle would show over units that don't get stunned (Q)修正沒被stun的人也跑出stun訊息的bug Amumu * Curse of the Sad Mummy o Curse of the Sad Mummy is now consistent with other similar skills (Dark Binding, Crescendo) and will deal damage to Black Shield o Fixed a bug where it was disabling enemies for too long o Now deals 150/250/350 damage initially rather than 150/300/450 damage over the duration (R)修正不會被黑盾擋住的bug (R)修正綁太久的bug (R)傷害模式改為發動後直接受到定額傷害,而不再是綁住的期間持續受傷 Anivia * Fixed a bug where Ice Wall could trap Champions inside for the duration (W)修正冰牆會卡到人的bug Annie * Summon: Tibbers tooltip cleaned up for clarity and included the damage values for Tibbers' area of effect damage (R)修正訊息提示,現在會列出Tibber身邊的火燒傷害 Cho'Gath * Fixed a bug with Rupture that showed cooldown in the levelup tooltip even though the cooldown did not change (Q)修正訊息提式,不再顯示會降CD的字樣(原本就不會降) Corki * Fixed Valkyrie's level-up tooltip to show the effects of Corki's current cooldown reduction * Missile Barrage o Base damage reduced to 120/190/260 from 125/200/275 o Mana cost increased to 30/35/40 from 25/30/35 o Big Ones now deal 60% increased damage, down from 100% * Cleaned up Gatling Gun and Missile Barrage tooltips (W)修正提示,現在提示中會加算CDR (R)初始傷害下降 (R)法耗增加 (R)大顆的額外多打60%傷害,不是100% Fiddlesticks * Crowstorm now immediately applies Dread to the surrounding area after using Crowstorm (R)跳過去後身邊就有降魔抗的效果 → dxassin :fid的應該是說 一旦r過去 被動馬上會影響附近目標 Galio * Idol of Durand o Fixed a bug where casting would break an enemy's Spell Shield and then taunt them again o Fixed a bug where the taunt particle sometimes played on targets that blocked the taunt o Fixed a bug where Idol of Durand's ability power ratio was inconsistent o Ability power ratio decreased to .8 from 0.85 * Bulwark duration reduced to 3.5 seconds from 4 * Righteous Gust base damage reduced to 65/110/155/200/245 from 70/115/160/205/250 * Righteous Gust ability power ratio reduced to 0.65 from 0.8 * Resolute Smite ability power ratio increased to 0.70 from 0.6 (R)修正會打破敵人護盾並嘲諷的bug (R)對於擋過嘲諷的人不會再次嘲諷 (R)AP 加成下降 (W)持續時間下降 (E)傷害下降 (E)AP加成下降 (Q)AP加成上升 Garen * Reduced Garen's selection size 減少可被選擇的範圍(敵人比較難指到他) Karthus * Clarified Wall of Pain's tooltip slightly to emphasize that target movement speeds are restored over time (W)修正提供訊息 Katarina * Fixed several tooltip errors with Death Lotus related to number of champions hit (R)修正提供訊息 Kog'maw * Fixed a bug where Bio-Arcane Barrage was doing more damage than intended * Fixed a bug where Bio-Arcane Barrage was dealing physical damage instead of magic damage (W)修正打的傷害比預期多的bug (W)修正原本是法傷卻變成物傷的bug 推 HEINOUS :嘴砲的不是R是W喔 Bio-Arcane Barrage<--感謝提醒XD LeBlanc * Mimic cooldown decreased to 40/35/30 from 40 at all ranks * Armor per level increased to 3.5 from 3.0 (R)cooldown下降 每次升級增加的護甲值上升 Lux * Prismatic Barrier o Missile width Increased 22% o Mana cost reduced to 60 from 75 o Fixed a bug where Prismatic Barrier was granting less ability power ratio than stated o Ability power ratio increased to .35 from .3 * Lucent Singularity o Fixed a tooltip bug causing Lucent Singularity to display the wrong values o Slow increased to 20/24/28/32/36 from 14/18/22/26/30 o Detonation radius increased to 350 from 300 * Finales Funkeln now ignites the Illumination debuff if the target is afflicted by it and refreshes the Illumination debuff duration (W)丟出去的法杖變大22%(含蓋範圍變大) (W)魔耗減少 (W)修正AP加成比預期少的bug (W)AP加成加到0.35 (E)修正訊息 (E)緩速的百分比增加 (E)爆炸的傷害範圍增加 (R)現在將觸發敵人身上的Illumination debuff,並且刷新他! Malphite * Fixed a bug with Ground Slam where it broke through Spell Shields and still affected the target (E)修正會穿透魔力盾的bug Miss Fortune * Standard attack missile speed reduced to 2000 from 2250 * Bullet Time o Fixed a bug where the bullets sometimes dealt too much damage. o Fixed a bug where the tooltip was calculating bonus damage from Attack Damage incorrectly (at 45% instead of 40%) o Lowered cone width by about 25% * Fixed a bug with Strut where the bonus movement speed could go slightly above 70 * Make It Rain base damage reduced to 90/145/200/255/310 from 95/155/215/275/335 攻擊動畫速度下降 Yadsmood :mf是攻擊動畫的飛行速度下降 尾刀會比較難撿的意思 (R)修正傷害比預期多的bug (R)修正訊息內物傷增加算錯的bug (R)範圍寬度下降25% 修正被動技能加跑速度70的bug (E)傷害下降 Mordekaiser * Mace of Spades now has a 0.2 ability power ratio * Fixed a bug where Mace of Spades didn't gain proc effects from Sheen, Lich Bane, and other similar items (Q)現在有0.2的AP 加成 (Q)修正被Sheen,Lich Bane和其他物品加成無效的bug(現在會有效了) Morgana * Black Shield now only blocks disabling buffs (stuns, silences, taunts, blinds, slows, fears, roots, snares, and suppressions). For example, Akali's Mark of the Assassin, Soraka's Starcall, and Morgana's Tormented Soil will now go through Black Shield. The damage they deal will still be absorbed. (E)現在只會免除場控性的效果,不造成傷害的mark類會保留,像是akali的Q和LeBlanc的Q, 減傷效果會在,可是身上會留mark Nidalee * Javelin Toss can now be cast out of range, and it will cast in that direction * Fixed a bug where Javelin Toss would not hit stealthed Champions (Q)現在可以在距離外投,會直接往該方向丟 (Q)修正打不到隱身英雄的bug Rammus * Fixed a bug with Puncturing Taunt where the taunt particle sometimes played on targets that blocked the taunt (E)修正偶對擋下嘲諷效果的人有動畫效果的畫面bug wulouise :taunt particle應該是指顯示效果 不是真的有效 Shen * Fixed a bug with Shadow Dash where the taunt particle sometimes played on targets that blocked the taunt (E)修正對擋下嘲諷效果的人有動畫效果的畫面bug wulouise :taunt particle應該是指顯示效果 不是真的有效 Singed * Updated Insanity Potion's tooltip (R)修正訊息 Sion * Cryptic Gaze missile speed increased to 1600 from 1100 * Fixed a bug with Death's Caress where the detonate tooltip was showing incorrect damage values (Q)飛的速度變快了 (W)修正訊息提示 Sona * All aura durations reduced to 2 seconds from 3 * All aura buff durations reduced to 0.25 seconds from 1 * Hymn of Valor o Attack damage and ability power aura reduced to 6/8/10/12/14 from 8/11/14/17/20 o Mana cost increased to 65/70/75/80/85 from 55/60/65/70/75 * Song of Celerity o Active movement speed boost reduced to 8/10/12/14/16 from 8/11/14/17/20 o Mana cost increased to 65/70/75/80/85 from 55/60/65/70/75 * Aria of Perseverance mana cost increased to 65/70/75/80/85 from 55/60/65/70/75 * Crescendo range reduced to 1000 from 1100 靈氣持續時間降到2秒 buff持續時間降到0.25秒 (Q)傷害跟AP的加成下降 (W)mana消耗增加 (E)增速幅度下降 (E)mana消耗增加 (R)距離下降 Soraka * Fixed a bug with Starcall where it would stop dealing damage if the target reaches max stacks (Q)修正當目標debuff疊滿後就不會再讓目標受傷的bug Swain * Decrepify leash range slightly increased * Torment range increased to 625 from 600 * Ravenous Flock cooldown decreased to 10 seconds from 15 seconds * Updated Swain's recommended items (Q)距離增加 (E)距離增加 (R)CD降為10秒 Twisted Fate * Fixed a bug with Destiny where the teleport spell was not being cancelled by suppression effects (R)R發動後敵人中斷技取消 lachu :TF的是R的gate會因為被suppress而取消(ww malz的R) Twitch * Debilitating Poison slow duration reduced to 2/2.6/3.2/3.8/4.4 seconds from 2.5/3.25/4/4.75/5.25 * Spray and Pray attack speed reduced to 30/45/60%, from 40/60/80% (W)緩速持續時間下降 (R)攻速加成下降 Vladimir * Transfusion will now heal Vladimir even if the target is spell immune * Hemoplague will no longer damage enemies if it is dispelled (Q)現在就算放在魔法免疫的敵人身上也能吸到血 (R)法術效果如果中途被取消的話,那不會再傷害敵人 Xin Zhao * Fixed a bug where Xin Zhao was considered to be a ranged Champion for the purpose of items like Frozen Mallet, etc 修正Xin被視為遠距英雄的bug Items * Oracle's Elixir now shows a particle on the Champion who has True Sight * New Item: Hexdrinker o Long Sword + Long Sword + Null-Magic Mantle + 570 gold. Total cost is 1800 gold o +35 Attack Damage o +30 Magic Resistance o UNIQUE Passive: If you would take Magic Damage which would leave you at less than 30% of your Maximum Health, you first gain a shield which absorbs 300 Magic Damage for 4 seconds. 45 second cooldown. * Sword of the Divine combination cost reduced to 500 gold from 700 gold * Sword of the Divine attack speed bonus increased to 60% from 55% * Hextech Revolver spell vamp increased to 15% from 10% * Hextech Gunblade spell vamp increased to 20% from 13% * Hextech Gunblade life steal increased to 20% from 15% * Will of the Ancients combination cost reduced to 465 gold from 765 gold * Will of the Ancients spell vamp increased to 20% from 15% * Vision Ward and Sight Ward tooltips updated Oracle藥水現在會有畫面特效 新物品:+35 傷害 +30 魔防 獨特能力:如果敵人的法上會讓你的血量低於上限30%,那你會自動取得一個4秒內 擋300點血的護盾,45秒內最多發動一次 Sword of the Divine價格調降 Sword of the Divine攻速加成增加 Hextech Revolver法傷吸血增加 Hextech Gunblade物傷害法傷吸血都增加 Will of the Ancients價格下降 Will of the Ancients法傷吸血增加 Vision Ward/ Sight Ward修正提示資訊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Anzar :有翻好的那我刪除~ 11/16 13:04
frankie30432:lux的W是耗魔減少吧? 11/16 13:04
kafka0 :Lux buff不少,有迪馬西亞的感覺了 11/16 13:05
frankie30432:Galio Q AP加成上升不是嗎 11/16 13:06
ZMTL :Lux沒有到"Buff不少"吧? W的吸收傷害感覺還是囧 11/16 13:08
LewisHamiltn:Kennenciaaaaa!! 11/16 13:13
Istari :Lux還是不夠 被動應要改成像那個R 原本設計師說要改 11/16 13:15
Istari :卻只改R 不知道腦袋在想啥 11/16 13:15
Istari :感覺還是有翻錯一些東西 11/16 13:16
Istari :被動最好改成攻擊法術可點燃並刷新 吃0.XAP W可觸發 11/16 13:17
Istari :W護盾持續效果6秒可疊加 飛行速度加快 11/16 13:19
colmash :我覺的Lux的改法會讓開場放大絕的打法不見..@@ 11/16 13:20
colmash :其實只要W對敵人會放debuff配這次的R就很威了.. 11/16 13:20
Istari :Lux這次buff完後應該還是在最底層 哀~ 11/16 13:20
colmash :然後W不能疊的話飛行速度調慢..,讓兩次都有效@@ 11/16 13:21
Istari :Riot最近PTR測平衡真的有夠爛 新出的英雄不是一下最 11/16 13:23
Istari :低 要不然就T1 爛死了 都不會平衡 11/16 13:24
testy :所以在徵人測試阿,樓上那麼有心不如去報名一下? 11/16 13:24
dxassin :fid的應該是說 一旦r過去 被動馬上會影響附近目標 11/16 13:26
Istari :你從哪句話看到我有心了? 高Tier的玩家放幾個測試就 11/16 13:27
Istari :很OK了 11/16 13:28
testy :高tier玩家測試完,低tier家哇哇叫 11/16 13:29
redor :好險kog沒被打臉 繼續用~ 11/16 13:29
redor :MF和Sona都變弱了 哭哭 11/16 13:31
bigbite :shen的部份應該是, shadow dash會在沒被taunt的人身 11/16 13:32
bigbite :上顯示出被taunt的效果 11/16 13:32
※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (11/16 13:33)
frankie30432:kog以外的t1 carry都被砍了呢 11/16 13:32
Anzar :我的morgana mf sona ... 11/16 13:32
LewisHamiltn:kennen teemo dodge...科科 11/16 13:33
Riddly :雖然不太滿意, 至少有在修正 Lux 11/16 13:33
colmash :感謝提醒fid的效果,已經修正了@@ 11/16 13:34
Riddly :而且 RIOT 大都是用一點一點慢慢 buff & nerf 在做的 11/16 13:34
Riddly :看看那隻應該是被完全放棄的 Urgot ... 11/16 13:34
oxx :soaraka那是最無用的buff嗎 誰被疊滿過XDDD 11/16 13:35
Istari :說實在的 原本的Lux也大概在T2左右 卻nerf到跟swain 11/16 13:35
frankie30432:Urgot:人醜命賤阿 11/16 13:35
Istari :一樣爛 11/16 13:35
LewisHamiltn:urgot慢慢往remove的方向前進... 11/16 13:36
※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (11/16 13:39)
leepeter121 :要買就要買6300的 大起大落機率高 11/16 13:41
Dolacone :高elo跟一般玩家對角色的分析給分當然不一樣 11/16 13:47
Dolacone :不可能調到大家都滿意(茶) 11/16 13:48
frankie30432:總要有人當最低層的阿(茶) 11/16 13:48
※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (11/16 13:52)
lachu :TF的是R的gate會因為被suppress而取消(ww malz的R) 11/16 13:59
lachu :之前不會 11/16 13:59
p21077 :像我認識一個人 他覺得LoL是爛遊戲 因為他老是遇到 11/16 14:09
Dolacone :新人殺手sigma 11/16 14:11
junzliu :說好的PANTH呢 11/16 14:12
p21077 :leaver  (ptt一直斷 推個文都不行 煩 11/16 14:14
※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (11/16 14:21) ※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (11/16 14:22)
littlemadcat:黑盾至少沒有像以前那樣只能用無恥二字來形容了..... 11/16 14:25
Istari :我PTT也一直斷耶 原來不只只有我有這個問題 11/16 14:31
bmfer :請問 xin的修正是什麼意思?遠距離近距離 差在哪? 11/16 14:42
colmash :遠距離英雄用一些武器效果會變差,像冰鎚跟鬼刀 11/16 14:43
bmfer :原來如此,感謝說明!謝謝 11/16 14:47
kafka0 :巴龍現在在中間,是不是很多角色不能隔山打龍了@@? 11/16 15:00
i14d14 :Kog:(搖尾巴) 11/16 15:00
Dolacone :龍的位置也是可以前後一起吃啊 11/16 15:04
evildark :p21077那個人我好像也認識 (思 11/16 15:09
evildark :新人sigma真是輾人無數 11/16 15:09
morphyster :KOG一樣隔山打龍...XD 11/16 15:57
redor :六秒殺不掉吧? 11/16 16:09
i14d14 :小炮tier上升XD 11/16 16:35
ideos :沒想到在lol版也會看到推文被插的接句 11/16 16:47
Yadsmood :mf是攻擊動畫的飛行速度下降 尾刀會比較難撿的意思 11/16 17:04
Yadsmood :漏了有關Will of the Ancients道具更新內容 11/16 17:09
※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (11/16 17:56) ※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (11/16 17:57) ※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (11/16 17:58)
wulouise :最近剛被新人西格碼的附身合體carry過^_^ 11/16 17:59
wulouise :taunt particle應該是指顯示效果 不是真的有效 11/16 18:00
wulouise :可是我有印象被galio燙過以後cleanse馬上又被燙.. 11/16 18:00
※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (11/16 18:04) ※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (11/16 18:05)
colmash :我也是因為clean後又被燙到才以為是這個bug..OTL 11/16 18:06
Gayarou :Kog修掉的Bug是一直存在的還是條件發動啊.. 11/16 18:12
Dolacone :只好找lou來carry我QQ 11/16 18:16
ao6qup3 :MF最讓我開心的就是尾刀撿起來很順阿QQ 看那JANNA... 11/16 18:29
tomuser :還是不懂TF改了哪 11/16 18:39
bigbite :樓上, 就是說你用tf大絕傳送到一半會被ww或是malz的 11/16 19:36
bigbite :大絕中斷 11/16 19:36
twraigogo :所以暈 不能斷TF傳送嗎 11/16 20:03
CKnightalker:他是說現在會斷了 11/16 20:12
briankch :twitch可以退貨嗎..太誇張了吧 11/16 20:49
Leavesb :臉都被打腫了 11/16 20:57
marjan :臉腫了就變花栗鼠了 11/16 21:12
cdsjquiz :沒人在意那把新刀嗎? 前期法師殺人會不會變難了 11/16 21:21
cdsjquiz :不過不能再合上去就是了 11/16 21:23
kafka0 :大概可以防eve?感覺不是很實用,沒有這個需求 11/16 21:25
HEINOUS :嘴砲的不是R是W喔 Bio-Arcane Barrage 11/16 21:54
vicklin :這新道具真是打法師臉.......... 11/16 21:59
wulouise :1800的東西沒往上合成..orz 11/16 22:01
※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (11/16 22:19) ※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (11/16 22:20)
uafone :老鼠哭哭 一路nerf nerf nerf ......... 11/16 22:22
duncan2002 :MF都快被打成吃果實前的亞爾麗塔了(噴哭) 11/16 22:31
colmash :樓上這位的梗也代入太多了一點XD 11/16 22:42
Argos :Riot到底是有多討厭MF的E技? 不但緩變短 現在打人也 11/16 22:45
Argos :變不痛... 11/16 22:46
colmash :主要是不讓他吃小兵吃這麼爽吧@@? 11/16 22:48
wulouise :不是打變不痛 是之前很痛算bug 11/16 22:53
Argos :剛試過MF...那個大絕...唉...(遮臉s 11/17 00:01
ching1210 :所以這次Ryze還沒有要被改的意思囉...? 11/17 00:03
colmash :推這個 wulouise :不是打變不痛 是之前很痛算bug 11/17 00:04
Jackalxx :一等90+範圍跟緩速……很夠了吧XD 11/17 00:37
abo1230 :amumu的q超超遠的耶,大概跟morg一樣 是有改過嗎? 11/17 01:17
wulouise :本來就很遠吧 11/17 13:25
someday55 :MF的大絕改成這樣...我現在只能看新SKIN打槍了 11/17 17:26
someday55 :要求把6條彈道多增加2條!! 11/17 17:26