精華區beta LoL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://lol.zone.gamebase.com.tw/zone/lol/forum/60895/topic/94017361 New Skins in the Store Thunder Lord Volibear Northern Storm Volibear Silverfang Akali Imperial Lux 新skin League of Legends v1.0.0.130 Volibear, the Thunder’s Roar Rolling Thunder: Volibear drops to all fours and runs faster if chasing an enemy champion. The first enemy he attacks is knocked into the air and flung behind Volibear. Frenzy: Volibear's repeated attacks grant him additional attack speed. Once Volibear has repeatedly attacked three times, he can perform a vicious bite on his target. Majestic Roar: Volibear lets out a powerful roar that damages and slows enemies. Minions and monsters are feared as well. Thunder Claws: Volibear channels the power of the storm causing his attacks to blast his targets with lightning that bounces to other nearby enemies. Chosen of the Storm (passive): Volibear heals rapidly for a few seconds when his health drops to a critical level. 新英雄Volibear,資料可以看這篇 http://lol.zone.gamebase.com.tw/zone/lol/forum/60895/topic/94002716/1 ======================================================================== Fizz Urchin Strike's targeting updating to hit targets slightly earlier Urchin Strike's attack component can no longer be dodged 深海頑童 飛斯 (Q)傷害的計算變早一點 (Q)Q的傷害現在不會被閃躲掉了 ========================================================================= Jarvan IV Martial Cadence (Passive) Damage changed to physical from magic Damage changed to 6/8/10% (at levels 1/7/13) of the target's current health from 8% No longer procs spell effects such as Rylai's or Spell Vamp Increased the hitbox size of Demacian Standard when targeted by Dragon Strike 蒂瑪西亞楷模 加文四世 (被動)傷害形式從法傷轉成物傷 (被動)傷害值變成(6/8/10% 在等級 1/7/13時)目標現有血量,以前是固定 8% (被動)現在不再觸發法術效果,像是冰杖和技能吸血 (Q,E)增加插旗之後可以用穿刺(Q)拉過去的觸發範圍. (穿刺刺的比較不準也會機會飛過去) ============================================================================ Karthus Wall of Pain Wall duration reduced to 5 seconds from 7 Now only affects a target once (instead of reapplying every pass through) Fixed a bug where Leona's passive and the Dominion center Sigil could cause an immediate double kill against Karthus 死亡頌唱者 卡爾薩斯 (W)緩速牆的持續時間下修(7->5秒) (W)緩速牆現在每次施放對每個英雄只會作用一次,之前是每次經過都會作用 (被動)修正Leona的被動和水晶之痕中間的buff會造成殺Karthus兩次的bug ============================================================================= Kassadin Fixed a bug which caused Force Pulse to cast backwards after performing Rift Walk 虛空行者 卡薩丁 (E)修正在(R)之後放aoe緩速方向會錯誤的bug ============================================================================= Katarina Shunpo now always moves Katarina behind the target regardless if Killer Instincts is active 卡特琳娜 (E)現在會把Katarina 移到目標背後,不管是不是有發動(W)<--上次patch 改的這次又改 回來了 ========================================================================== Kog'maw Fixed a bug where where if you killed an enemy that exploded using Icathian Surprise, the enemy was awarded an extra kill (Shaco Hallucinate clone, Maokai) Fixed a bug where Brand's Pyroclasm would give Brand an extra kill if it was traveling toward Kog'maw when Icathian Surprise triggered Fixed a bug where if Ignite killed Kog'maw, it would cause Icathian Surprise to not trigger Fixed a bug where Vayne's Silvered Bolts sometimes caused Icathian Surprise to not trigger 深淵巨口 卡個毛 (被動)修正當你用被動自爆殺死敵人時,敵人偶爾會有多一次擊殺的bug(像小丑Shaco的分 身) (被動)修正Brand(火人)的大絕彈到Kog死掉變成的炸彈時,會給Brand額外一次擊殺的bug (被動)修正當Kog被點燃燒死時,被動技不會發動的bug (被動)修正有時候Vayne的(W,第三下true damage那招)會讓Kog被動技不發動的bug. ========================================================================== Riven Blade of the Exile tooltip updated to display how much attack damage you will gain. It has also been clarified to state that Blade of the Exile scales off TOTAL attack damage, not bonus attack damage. 破刃放逐者 雷玟 (R)大絕的文字修正,現在會正確顯示你能造成多少傷害.文字有會正確的說明雷玟的大絕 計算的是總體AD,不是只算額外AD的部份 =========================================================================== Sivir (Remake) General Attack range increased to 500 from 425 Attack missile speed increased to 1400 from 1200 Updated her attack frames to be more responsive Base attack speed reduced to .658 from .679 Base attack damage reduced to 49 from 52.11 Updated recommended items Fleet of Foot (Passive) – Remake Sivir’s basic attacks against enemy champions grant her 50 Movement Speed for 2 seconds Boomerang Blade Mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 80/90/100/110/120 Damage changed to physical from magic Bonus attack damage ratio increased to 1.1 from 1.0 No longer has an ability power ratio Ricochet - Remake Sivir’s next basic attack bounces to 5 additional targets dealing 20/35/50/65/80 (+ 1.0 Attack Damage) physical damage to the first target and 25% reduced damage to each subsequent target. 7/6/5/4/3 second cooldown. 40 Mana cost. On The Hunt Now additionally applies the buff to allies who come into range while On the Hunt is active rather than only on activation. Attack speed bonus changed to 30/45/60% from 30/60/90% Allied attack speed gain increased to half of Sivir’s bonus from a third Cooldown adjusted to 100/90/80 seconds from 90 戰爭女神 希維爾(重製) 攻擊距離增加(425->500) 普攻動畫的飛行速度增加(1200->1400) 修正攻擊動畫 基本攻速下降(0.679->0.658) 基本傷害下降(52.11->49) 修正建議物品 (被動)Sivir的普攻若是打到敵方的英雄身上,會在兩秒內給sivir額外的50點跑速 (Q)法耗下降(80/90/100/110/120->70/80/90/100/110) (Q)傷害改成物傷 (Q)額外物傷加成上升(1.0->1.1) (Q)不再有AP加成 (W)跳彈重置 現在改成Sivir的下一次普攻會彈跳五個目標,並有額外傷害(20/35/50/65/80 +1.0 AD). 每次彈跳傷害都會下降25%,只有第一個目標有On hit的效果,40點法耗,CD (7/6/5/4/3)秒. (R)大絕對後來才進入範圍內的友軍也有效 (R)中後期攻速加成下降(30/60/90%->30/45/60%) (R)友軍的攻速加成從原本的 總值1/3 變 總值的1/2 (R)CD調整成(100/90/80秒),原本是90秒 ========================================================================= Taric Shatter ability power ratio increased to 0.6 from 0.4 Radiance ability power ratio increased to 0.7 from 0.6 寶石騎士塔力克 (W)AP加成上升(0.4->0.6) (R)AP加成上升(0.6->0.7) ======================================================================== Vayne Fixed a couple small bugs introduced to Condemn with Fizz patch 暗夜獵人 汎 (E)修正Fizz patch時說要改的bug ======================================================================= Yorick Fixed a bug where Ignite's tick damage dealing the killing blow caused Omen of Death to fail to reanimate its bearer Fixed a bug where Leona's Sunlight passive and the Dominion center Sigil could cause an immediate double kill against the Omen of Death target Fixed a bug where if Ignite killed the Omen of Death bearer, they would not be reanimated Fixed a bug where Vayne's Silvered Bolts sometimes caused Omen of Death to fail to reanimate its bearer 掘墓者 尤里克 (R)修正有時候無法復活被點燃的目標的bug (R)修正Leona的被動跟Dominion中間的神器殺死被放大絕的目標時, 會得到兩次殺人數的bug (R)修正Vayne的(W)有時候會讓大絕要復活的目標救不回來的bug ========================================================================= Items Health Potions now restore 150 health over 15 seconds (instead of 200 health over 20 seconds) Madred's Razor Proc chance increased to 20% from 15% Proc damage reduced to 300 from 500 Mana Potions now restore 100 mana over 15 seconds (from 100 over 20) Wriggle's Lantern proc damage reduced to 425 from 500 回血紅藥水->現在修正成15秒內回補150點血,之前是20秒內回補200點血 Madred's Razor(燈籠前置的紅爪) 被動觸發機率上修(15%->20%) 被動傷害力下降(500->300) 回魔藍藥水->現在修正成15秒內回補100點魔,之前是20秒內回補100點魔 燈籠->被動傷害力下修(500->425) ======================================================================== General Chat window location will be now saved between games 聊天視窗的位置現在會記下來了 Improved the targeting algorithms; it should now be much easier to select units that are obscured 修正點擊單位的演算法,現在應該比較容易點到要點的單位 Damage from lane minions to champions reduced by about 15% 小兵對英雄的傷害力下降15% Jungle Adjustments Small camps now respawn faster, but have reduced rewards Small camps now have a Healing Sigil, healing the killer based upon how much health they are missing Neutral monsters now have their health, damage, experience reward, and gold reward increase with game length, instead of having health increases with each respawn Neutral monster experience range reduced to 400 from 800 (the killer always gets experience) Ancient Golem camp experience increased slightly and gold reduced slightly Crest of the Ancient Golem now grants 25 flat MP5, but grants 1% regen from maximum mana, from 1.5%, and provides energy Lizard Elder camp experience increased and gold reduced slightly Blessing of the Lizard Elder melee slow % reduced to 8/16/24% from 10/20/30% Dragon and Baron Nashor are now immune to armor and magic resist-shredding effects Baron Nashor will now push wards away if you try to place one too close Monsters now heal 5% immediately when they retreat (instead of after 1 second), but are easier to re-aggro Jungle 區調整 小群的Jungle怪重生速度變快,不過殺死小群的jungle怪報酬變少 小群的Jungle怪現在有治療的buff,治療量依失血量而定 中立怪的血量,傷害力,經驗值,和錢都會隨時間變長而增加,之前是每次重生增加血量 中立怪的經驗值範圍變小(800->400),不過殺死怪的一定能拿到經驗值 藍buff怪的經驗值增加,錢變少 藍buff現在有個固定的 (25+1%max)MP/5秒跟能量回復,之前是1.5% Max mana/每秒 紅buff怪的經驗值增加,錢變少 紅buff現在在近戰角上的緩速作用下降(10/20/30%->8/16/24%) 龍和Baron現在對降雙抗都免疫 Baron現在會把插太近的眼推開 野怪現在只要開始徹退就會馬上回血5%(之前要等過一秒),不過拉怪變簡單了 -- http://lol.zone.gamebase.com.tw/zone/lol/ 遊戲基地lol專區 http://lol.zone.gamebase.com.tw/zone/lol/statistics 遊戲基地戰績分享區,新增BBS分享功能 http://lol.zone.gamebase.com.tw/zone/lol/skin_view?lang=tw 遊戲基地lol專區造型預覽,買skin的最好幫手 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
frankie30432:推~ 11/29 12:00
Yadsmood :快去生女角新圖出來啊 11/29 12:01
ZERO6555 :推這版本看起來最舒服。 11/29 12:01
chunyulai :翻錯囉 (被動)傷害形式從物傷轉成法傷 11/29 12:01
chunyulai :應該是法傷改成物傷 11/29 12:01
frankie30432:J4那邊反了 11/29 12:01
nosecoolie :原來卡丁丁那個是BUG啊... 我還一直以為是我手殘 11/29 12:02
frankie30432:很古老的BUG了 11/29 12:02
chunyulai :這bug高端場實況還是低端場Normal都超常發生的 11/29 12:03
Carmelo :(被動)傷害形式從法傷轉物傷才對 11/29 12:03
ashram :藍buff回魔那邊翻譯錯了 11/29 12:04
leeberty :sivir基礎傷害反了,是下降 11/29 12:06
rockacoke :Taric buff! 我要來研究ap塔里克的可能性了XDD!! 11/29 12:08
w3160828 :摳個毛超級大BUFF !!! 11/29 12:08
chunyulai :很久就有了啊 11/29 12:08
chunyulai :不過真的 Taric太gay了 不受注目.. 11/29 12:09
w3160828 :卡特官方還蠻好笑的 改過後沒再測試伺服器策過? 11/29 12:09
那個真的很瞎..還上過patch preview..XDDD
nornor0415 :kata到底出什麼問題要改回來? 11/29 12:11
maple0935 :原來卡薩丁是BUG我一直以為是我手殘點歪... 11/29 12:11
rockacoke :我知道之前有! buff後有機會成為上路大男殺手XD 11/29 12:11
leeberty :好想要熊熊阿~~熊熊耶~~熊熊歷險記 11/29 12:12
w3160828 :之前被罵說改成這樣反而不好接招 大概官方受教了 11/29 12:12
dslab :還是推這版本, 看起來最舒服 11/29 12:13
doomleika :ME TROLL TRANSLATE 11/29 12:14
virus13 :我也才發現原來卡丁丁是bug 不是我手殘.... 11/29 12:14
smkkbaba :雷小熊 北極熊 銀牙阿卡莉 帝國拉克斯 11/29 12:15
a23017174 :好像扇形AOE的技能瞬了馬上放都會往回頭丟?! 11/29 12:15
a23017174 :之前有看過一個蛇女Flash往回瞪的._. 11/29 12:15
ben91125 :藍水好像也怪怪的 11/29 12:16
fesiawind :死哥的直火牆哭哭 ... 11/29 12:16
ggyy21201 : 11/29 12:18
wulouise :blue buff現在有疑義 不知道是25mp5+1%mp/s 11/29 12:29
wulouise :還是之前是1.5%mp mp5? 11/29 12:30
colmash :我重看幾次是25+1%,之前是1.5..@@ 11/29 12:30
ashram :之前是1.5% MMP per second 11/29 12:31
ashram :現在是25MP5 而1%應該是per second 11/29 12:31
Murasaki0110:簡單來說MP<1000算buff,MP>1000nerf 11/29 12:33
andyleeyuan :沒有新SKIN的圖嗎 11/29 12:37
colmash :patch 檔還沒上XD 11/29 12:37
glaci :推推! 11/29 12:52
smallcoll :怎麼會>1000 nerf? 前:1000*1.5%=15 後1000*1%+25=35 11/29 12:52
smallcoll :我怎麼算都要超過5000才虧 11/29 12:53
cospara :%的是每秒,25是每5秒 11/29 12:55
smallcoll :oops...那就差多了 11/29 12:55
cospara :所以前者每5秒回75,後者每5秒也是回75,1000是界限 11/29 12:56
smallcoll :我把%也當成5秒回魔了 11/29 12:56
emiyashiro :sivir跳蛋重置>///< 11/29 12:58
smallcoll :5000mp是舊75/新55 每秒回魔 11/29 12:58
smallcoll :1000mp是舊15/新15 每秒回魔 11/29 12:59
smallcoll :常見的2000mp來算,150mp5/125mp5 11/29 13:00
i14d14 :Ryze哭了 11/29 13:02
remainder :ryze根本沒差吧...等女神長大..用完一條魔很難 11/29 13:06
fishyeats :推 很讚的翻譯 11/29 13:10
i14d14 :每秒少回20沒差? pro 11/29 13:14
Murasaki0110:每秒差20代表你MP5000 那還真的沒差 11/29 13:18
rufjvm12345 :魔量多 花光所需的時間多 能回魔的時間就多 結論沒差 11/29 13:20
remainder :回慢是一定的阿 但要把4000以上mana打完很難吧 11/29 13:21
an138 :那幾隻萬年OP角到底幾時要Nerf阿 是要給他們爽多久 11/29 13:22
※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (11/29 13:35)
evildark :藍buff早該nerf了 不然這遊戲幹嘛出回魔裝 11/29 15:24
colmash :樓上真是完全講中我的心聲XD 11/29 15:46
Blitzcrank :藍buff nerf不意外 11/29 16:49
ERTT :推好讀的翻譯 11/29 18:11