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別理廢文來看新聞吧 Team USA Captures Gold at the WCG Grand Finals! http://ppt.cc/1JR2 <=這網址我用pcman跟ie連過去會當掉 請用Google Chrome Team USA Captures Gold at the WCG Grand Finals! After a four day tournament featuring 18 teams from around the world, the winner of the World Cyber Games Grand Finals in Busan, Korea has been crowned. Team CDE (Chicks Dig Elo) from the United States only lost a single game against Dignitas on their way to winning the Gold Medal. Taking home the Silver Medal was Gameburg from Poland, who impressed the crowd with their upset victory over Canada’s Counter Logic Gaming in the Semi-Finals. In the Bronze Medal matchup, CLG was victorious over France 2-1 in some of the closest matches of the final day. As one of the largest Prized Events of the season, CDE is taking home a $25,000 prize for winning Gold. Congratulations are in order for CDE, Gameburg, and CLG for all their success representing their countries on the international stage in the WCG Grand Finals. We look forward to seeing all of these players again as they return to their regular Challenger Circuit teams. For the full results from the World Cyber Games 2011 Grand Finals, click here to visit the official WCG website. 根據咕狗小姐的說法 美國隊CDE拿到WCG的金牌同時獲得25000鎂的獎金 不好意思我只認識咕狗小姐不認識英文( ̄□ ̄|||)a 詳細內容有請翻譯官 -- 衛宮士郎準備上了,英雄王,你的武器存量還夠嗎? 基加美修你這盜版的雜種也想挑戰本王? 衛宮士郎盜版用過即丟,正版還要保養,看你的臉就知道你不會保養。 基加美修唔...這麼說好像有點道理,本王黃金律A用過就丟也可以! 衛宮士郎那又怎樣,我有Saber(*′ω`*) 基加美修醒來吧,「EA」!與你相稱的舞台已經佈置好了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
magicelva :估狗小姐正嗎?XD 12/13 09:07
chunyulai :不能忍 老查獎金分了一堆了吧 12/13 09:08
Bug5566 :老查踹共 12/13 09:10
lpiglet :一人大概15萬台幣....雨人不知道開實況賺多少 12/13 09:10
ddsnet :這新聞其實只是大概講一下比賽結束 結果和獎金 12/13 09:12
amuro0126 :賺到不用到丟垃圾? 12/13 09:12
ddsnet :然後詳情請參照官網這樣而已 12/13 09:12
laogiby :我只知道chaox超不爽hsgg 科科 12/13 09:13
laogiby :總算藉由wcg看透某人的真面目惹 0.0 12/13 09:14
fearimba :樓上有八卦嗎,沒跟到WCG@@ 12/13 09:19
thinkDie :CHAOX有不爽@@? 12/13 09:34
Narancia :不爽歸不爽 他現在看hsgg wcg偷笑影片看得很開心 XD 12/13 09:35
chunyulai :Chaox真的不爽也不意外 hsgg這次根本敗人品之旅啊 12/13 09:37
chrisvzxs :讓人又愛又恨的HSGG 12/13 09:38
howshine :WCG賽車冠軍換成台幣100萬獨得,LOL獎金都要5人分的 12/13 09:44
maple0935 :因為LOL是5V5團體遊戲( ′-`)y-~ 12/13 09:44
lpiglet :等等 為什麼賽車獎金是3萬 lol只有兩萬五... 12/13 09:55
tribeswf :老查這次打的很好 沒啥好挑剔的 12/13 09:56
imsohappy :手機車神!! 12/13 10:20
kidkenyen :不好意思我可以在哪裡爬文爬到hsgg跟chaox的抓馬(?) 12/13 10:23
kidkenyen :喔喔是指CLG表現不佳而這次=_=跟他同隊的事情? 12/13 10:27
ashram :應該是自己腦內補完的 12/13 10:27
Carmelo :沒有抓馬 你看WCG哈夏的表現就知道了 12/13 10:28
xajx :不爽是單純覺得HSGG打太爛? 還是其他部分不爽? 12/13 10:45
firegsh :肯定是不爽HS跟loco走太近 12/13 10:53
howshine :一定是HSGG泡becca bear被chaox發現了 12/13 10:59
kyo3tree :看看哈下gg的熊會不會出現在becca的房間就知道 12/13 11:07
winklly :=_=不爽是他凌晨直播的時候 講話很明顯 12/13 12:45
negi522 :沒跟到 可以問一下他不高興的點嗎 12/13 12:54
minoru04 :我只看到IG食物中毒就笑了 竟然有食物比中國食品毒 12/13 12:57