精華區beta LoL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/44y2fz3 WCG USA Qualifiers ended Monday with a 2-0 win by Team Chicks Dig Elo over Team Dignitas in the qualifier's grand finale. After both teams have already accepted their fates and departed with their final salutations, we were informed the following day by WCG staff that we would have to play another best of 3. WCG USA 資格賽以*CDE 2-0 Dignitas 的結果勝出 就在兩隊都接受自己的命運之時,WCG的工作人員告訴他們必須在打另外一次BO3 Quote: Originally Posted by WCG's Site 3rd place match & championship match – Best of 3 with one game advantage to team from upper bracket http://us.wcg.com/?page=page&abbr=lol_rules 3位決定戰和冠亞決賽 - 以BO3且勝部多一場優勢的制度來決定 We played and beat Dignitas under these rules, that for some reason have been overturned, reviving the qualifers. This isn't the first time Dignitas was treated favorably. Jatt, a citizen of both Canada and USA, played in both WCG Canada and USA qualifiers. WCG rules forbid such actions. An exception was made by "disqualifying" Jatt from the WCG Canada qualifiers AFTER his team lost, allowing him to play in WCG USA. 這不是Dignitas第一次獲得這種待遇 Jatt同時是canada和USA的公民 在WCG canada的賽事輸掉之後又跑去參加USA的 WCG的規則是不允許這樣的 WCG is changing their rules on the spot and each time it is benefiting Dignitas. They are claiming to be consistent in enforcing their rules by forcing a second best of 3 round, pointing out that WCG Canada finals were played the same. Unfortunately, this introduces another instance of incompetence as WCG Canada finals was finished in A SINGLE GAME. WCG宣稱兩邊的規則都一樣,但是canada方的比賽否定了官方說法 Counter Logic Gaming Canada came from the winner's bracket and team Jpak and Friends came from the loser's bracket, with CLG taking the series in a single game. CLG來自勝部,Jpak來自敗部 因此CLG只需拿到一場勝利就算冠軍 (原始規則) Team Dignitas came from the winner's bracket and team Chicks Dig Elo came from the loser's bracket, with CDE taking the series by winning two games in a row. Dignitas來自勝部 CDE來自敗部, CDE贏了兩場 因此CDE應該取得WCG USA的資格 WCG, undeniably reserves the right to change their rules however they like and whenever they like, but consistent rulings in favor of a single team seems fairly biased. We have no choice but to play tomorrow in what should be our final best of 3 match, unless rulings are changed yet again. WCG and Riot " Myself along with Riot Games have been in constant communication for the past 6 or so hours and have come the conclusion that the match is to be continued. This decision was a joint decision between WCG USA and Riot Games, and agreed upon unanimously by both parties. It will be the final ruling in the matter, without any further discussion or comment." WCG和Riot “主辦方以及Riot一直在過去的6小時左右得出的結論,將繼續進行資格賽 這項決定是WCG USA和Riot 在兩邊當事人都沒有意見下所做出的決定 這是最終決定 Wish us luck , np bros. 祝我們好運 兄弟們 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ert0700 :We have no choice 10/26 10:52
firet :扯 10/26 10:54
johnnyjaiu :請問一下Bo3是什麼意思?? 10/26 11:04
andyleeyuan :三戰兩勝 10/26 11:04
badbadboy :best of 3 10/26 11:08
johnnyjaiu :謝謝樓樓上 10/26 11:09
ernieyang09 :看不懂= = 10/26 11:20
l2272 :所以DIGI 還有機會代表美國? 10/26 11:27
KISSFORMISS :所以是因為Jatt違規參賽 Digi必須把他踢掉再跟CDE打 10/26 12:26
KISSFORMISS :一次?? 怎麼有種Digi賺到的感覺XD 10/26 12:26
ZMTL :這邊寫的CLG組成是? 10/26 12:55
ZMTL :應該沒有SV跟老查吧? 10/26 12:55
a2364983 :CLG-Canada 10/26 12:56