精華區beta LoL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
WCG USA官方聲明 http://us.wcg.com/?page=news&id=7026 WCG USA Community, 安安 各位, The intent of this statement is to address concerns over the League of Legends qualifier in the online US National Finals which recently took place. We understand the source of confusion and frustration, and we’d like to take a brief moment to provide as much clarity as we can. 這篇文章是來為WCG USA資格賽最終戰的結果背書,護航 As we understand it, there are two chief concerns, addressed below: 就我們了解,大家在戰的有兩點. 茲說明如下: 1. The published rules included a ‘series length’ provision that was inconsistent with the WCG’s intended format for an online League of Legends tournament. This was a miscommunication on the part of the WCG which we sincerely regret, and it stems from the fact that the US National Finals were originally intended to be a live event. The format that was actually used was consistent throughout the entire tournament across all games (double elimination, best of 3 sets). See Final Provisions - Rule #4. best of 3 set 的比賽制度部分, 這部份網站上所提供的資料(published) 與實際我們所設計的並不一致 (個人意見:"假設"官方是事後改變規則 只要說跟網站上的資料不合 以官方說了算就好?) 但是實際上整場比賽都是以我們所設計的規則來執行 也就是比賽是三戰兩勝 最終戰是三次<三戰兩勝> 要取得兩次<三戰兩勝>勝場 (個人意見: 你都事後說要加賽了 當然整個USA資格賽都是按照你所"設想"的走 說穿了還不就是WCG USA說了算 除非WCG能提出證據說明這些與網站資料不同的規則 是在USA資格賽舉辦前就已制定 不是事後加的) => 結論: 一切有照我們的制度來 沒有問題^_< 2. There were questions raised about the eligibility of a player with dual American and Canadian citizenship. To clarify: players with dual citizenship can participate in multiple qualifiers, but they can only represent one country in the WCG Grand Final. The WCG does not run citizenship checks until teams are qualified for the WCG Grand Final, and at that point should a player qualify from multiple countries, he/she would represent the first country in which he/she participated in any official WCG competition that year, per WCG regulations. 關於雙重國籍可參加多國的資格賽問題 選手可以參加多國的資格賽, 但他們只能代表一國參加WCG的決賽 (個人意見: 按照常理是不行 但是規則上沒有寫死說有多重國籍 不能參加資格賽 只能隨他們解釋XD) =>結論: 沒有問題 ^_< Both of these concerns stem from inadequate communication, and this has been a lesson we will take to heart. WCG USA values each competitor, and recognizes the hard work it takes to compete on a national and global level. Every ruling and stipulation surrounding the WCG USA tournaments is intended in the spirit of competition and to uphold the integrity of the tournament to ensure that all players have a fair chance to represent team USA at the Grand Finals. 會造成這種局面的原因是因為溝通不良 我們會記取教訓 這些規則的存在是為了要確保所有玩家能有公平的機會 取得代表美國參加決賽的權利 (場面話隨便翻一下=,=) That being said, the team who officially qualified for the WCG Grand Finals is Team Dignitas. We ask that all players please respect the decisions of WCG USA, and wish the qualified team the best of luck in the WCG Grand Finals in December. 所以 合法代表美國去韓國吃泡菜的隊伍是team dignitas 請大家尊重我們的決定 希望他們在12月比賽能順利^_< (個人意見: 為什麼不是請大家尊重比賽結果 是尊重你們的決定...) -WCG Staff -WCG官僚 TL;DR; 我們搞砸了 但要去韓國的仍然是team dignitas 祝他們一路順風 揪咪^_< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: badbadboy 來自: (11/02 15:39)
Blitzcrank :安安, 各位腦包 11/02 15:40
coolboy16 :riot真的打死不承認這種錯誤... 11/02 15:40
badbadboy :還蠻屌的 只要推說網站資料沒同步就好了 科科 11/02 15:41
ZMTL :安安, 各位__民, 聽我的就對了 11/02 15:41
badbadboy :riot說這是wcg的比賽 主辦是他們 riot沒辦法 11/02 15:41
gox1117 :有懶人包嗎 11/02 15:42
Blitzcrank :請看這個標題一系列文,找一篇你覺得清楚的懶人包 11/02 15:42
ZMTL :17960 17963 11/02 15:43
HankJiang :為什麼不是請大家尊重比賽結果?因為比賽結果就是... 11/02 15:46
gox1117 :所以去WCG的還是CLG跟Dig? 11/02 15:48
chunyulai :wcg幕後黑手就是三星SAMSUNG YOOOOOOOOOOO 11/02 15:48
badbadboy :CA代表: CLG, USA代表:Dig 11/02 15:49
chunyulai :CA不是CLG 是CLG+TSM聯隊 11/02 15:49
a2364983 :這次官方實在是讓人很賭爛 11/02 15:49
a2364983 :CA是CLG喔 掛名CLG 11/02 15:49
a2364983 :成員是CLG+TSM沒錯 但是隊伍名稱是掛CLG 11/02 15:50
gox1117 :噢 了解! 11/02 15:50
badbadboy :CA的對名叫CLG 不是有SV + Chau的CLG XD 11/02 15:50
ZMTL :CLG跟TSM感情真的很好XD 11/02 15:50
chunyulai :TheOddOne表示我跳槽了 11/02 15:50
molukino :CA的隊名就叫做CLG 成員是CLG+TSM的隊員 11/02 15:51
a2364983 :然後Dyrus會亂入 聽說他也會去韓國 11/02 15:54
steve8625 :不知道Chaox和Hotshot一起去韓國之後會不會..... 11/02 15:58
rappig :這下CLG跟DIG對戰到的話 張力十足 11/02 16:00
kattte : 交往 11/02 16:01
khoybgio :安安 各位腦包 11/02 16:02
badbadboy :看看這支持人數 打輸CLG怎麼對得起米國鄉民 11/02 16:02
badbadboy :http://tinyurl.com/6ly4z76 11/02 16:02
fearimba :92%VS8%... 11/02 16:06
kusokong :這次RS真的是黑到會發光 11/02 16:07
icarus0508 :i just want to see some random chinese them 11/02 16:13
icarus0508 :老美這麼看好中國隊啊 11/02 16:14
chunyulai :樓上 那是等著看笑話的語氣吧 11/02 16:15
meteor260 :TSM和CLG感情當然好阿(望向某兩人 11/02 16:15
Solid4 :第二項太機掰了,那Chau等華裔也可以參加中國預賽? 11/02 16:16
xxpp :中國隊很強阿,不要小看人家拉= =" 11/02 16:17
badbadboy :可以 但是代表權算在第一個勝出的隊伍 11/02 16:18
sunny1991225:大概是上次WE對CLG那次太印象深刻 11/02 16:18
sunny1991225:另外推TSM和CLG感情很好XDDD 11/02 16:18
sunny1991225:兩邊成員都常常一起排RANK 11/02 16:18
badbadboy :其實這條件並不鬆 只是剛好有人這樣用 11/02 16:19
badbadboy :你要是高端玩家 而且要有兩個強隊願意收你 11/02 16:19
badbadboy :加上你必須要有雙重國籍 11/02 16:19
rappig :CLG會去入住TSM gaming house嗎?! 11/02 16:21