精華區beta LoL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Summoners, We’d like to take a moment to address recent events surrounding the WCG qualifiers. We understand why you’re upset about how the event has been handled and communicated thus far. 安安,各位腦包: 我想要來跳針一下,我們是如何解決鬧得沸沸揚揚的WCG 美國資格預賽。 Frustration over this event can be attributed entirely to poor communication of the tournament rules: As many of you have observed, the rules posted on the official WCG website were inconsistent with the way the WCG was running the qualifiers. The consistent ruleset for online WCG tournaments is a double elimination, best of three format (update for clarity: one set in initial round; multiple sets for the final round - see explanation below in response #1), and the entire event was run in this fashion. The officially posted rules on the WCG’s website incorrectly stated the rules for this event as best of three games. This was the primary reason for the confusion. 我想應該都被你們發現了,WCG官網的流程和事實不符(bo3-sets) 老子現在已經偷偷改了官網的規章了(在後面自作聰明加上附註) 現在一樣了吧~咬我啊笨蛋。 Riot works with a variety of eSports organizations, but we do not administer or have oversight of third party tournaments. When players raised this situation to our attention, we consulted with the WCG in an attempt to understand and clarify the situation. 我們可是跟很多電競主辦單位合作過哦,也超懂得為選手著想(屁話) We are still investigating the situation – as you know, this is fairly complex and there are a lot of moving parts, and we want to make sure we have the full story before commenting further. We have requested the WCG clarify the situation and their rules further, and we’ll continue to keep you posted. We know this hasn’t been a great experience for fans of competitive League of Legends. We’re not happy about it either, and we’re sorry it’s taken us a while to communicate to you on this subject. 拜託你們不要再哭哭了,你們的心聲我都有聽到(屁話) Q&A in progress: Will be reviewing the comments below and answering questions. 我們會為各位每個問題作解答(比政治人物還會說....幾萬筆有可能嗎?) Links to the WCG US brackets: Final Round - http://us.wcg.com/?page=stem_schedule&stageid=4383 - Dignitas advances to Korea Qualifier #1 - http://us.wcg.com/?page=stem_schedule&stageid=4069 - TSM/CDE advances to Final Round Qualifier #2 - http://us.wcg.com/?page=stem_schedule&stageid=4144 - al Round; reforms as Crs Qualifier #3 - http://us.wcg.com/?page=stem_schedule&stageid=4281 - RS/dignitas advances to Final Round Last Chance Qualifier - http://us.wcg.com/?page=stem_schedule&stageid=4325 - coL advances to Final Round 以上是被婊的比賽RP。 came from the upper bracket and defeated the lower bracket team without the need for an additional set. In the final round an additional set was needed b/c CDE defeated Dignitas putting both teams at one loss. 賽制我就不翻了,欲知詳情請往前找先進整理的文章。 (A) WCG National Qualifiers do not need to follow consistent formats across the world. The WCG allows for each national organizer to construct a format how they see fit (i.e. best of three, double elimination). This is to accommodate differences at the national level (e.g. # of participants, live vs. online finals) 以下發布聲明: 甲、WCG的LoL賽制不需要依循其他的國際電競比賽慣例。(有夠中二) It just so happens that the US and Canadian tournament were run by the same organizer and that organizer wanted both of those format to be the same since both tournament were concluded online. There are no national finals that need to be redone. 而且,加拿大和美國資格賽賽制明明就一樣。(睜眼說瞎話,還不是你們硬改) (B) The WCG will be providing additional clarity on their rule regarding players with dual citizenship. According to the WCG as of this moment, no player in the League of Legends has violated a rule or been disqualified. 乙、我改完了規章以後,都沒有人違反了規定或是被懲處喔~(樂) 一樓Aduro回應:你忘了Jatt? Matt     :..... (C) Dignitas earned a one set advantage by advancing the the championship match without suffering a match loss. CDE had lost once before in the final bracket. Since the format was double elimination - Dignitas only had to win one set (to give CDE two match losses); CDE had to defeat Dignitas in two sets in order to eliminate them from the tournament. 丙、賽制說明,基本上就是:我就是想改成Bo3sets你咬我啊。 The format was a double elimination tournament. A team suffers a loss (one elimination) when they lose a 3 game set. A team need to lose twice to be eliminated. The most "confusing" part of a double elimination tournament comes at the end. One team remains undefeated (upper bracket winner), while their final opponent has already suffer a loss and was dropped down to the lower bracket. At this point the lower bracket team needs to win two matches in order to earn the championship. Dignitas was the upper bracket champion with no losses and CDE emerged from the lower bracket with one loss. CDE evened the series by defeating dignitas 2 games to 0, but then lost the concluding set by a score of 2-1. Dignitas suffered one defeated in the tournament, while CDE was eliminated twice and thus finished 2nd. For further explanation of the nuances of the double elimination format I've linked to some references: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NSB-doubleelim-draw-2004.png
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-elimination_tournament Update #2 to DunkinDNuts Quote: Originally Posted by DunkinDNuts Then why wasn't Canada's Qualifiers run that way? The format for WCG Canada is the same format (double elimination, best of three). It was also communicated improperly by the WCG CA admins (the same organization that ran the US tournament). After the WCG CA admins were told that the Canadian final hadn't been completed, they called a meeting with those players to have the finish the finals. Final results from that tournament are still pending and will be posted by WCG Canada when they are complete. DunkinDNuts:加拿大明明就是舊的Bo3,哪有一樣? Matt :一樣啊,我可是有找所有隊員開會,硬逼加拿大決賽兩隊再比一兩場。        他們不比,怪我囉?(挖鼻孔) ----- 這就是Guts -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
badbadboy :看到第一句我就笑了 給推 哈哈哈 11/01 13:45
rappig :翻的夠討厭 推 11/01 13:45
badbadboy :這matt超政客... 但是Pendragon有跟著出來滅火 11/01 13:45
jaienhung :好想噓=口=.... 11/01 13:45
Solid4 :XD。 11/01 13:46
windtemple :Matt真是... 11/01 13:46
badbadboy :說cde跟dig的事情 最後決定權在wch不在他們 推光光 11/01 13:46
iammacross :好生動的翻譯~ 11/01 13:46
badbadboy : *WCG 11/01 13:46
mingyang727 :這翻的真好 11/01 14:06
molukino :安安 各位腦包們 總之就是咬我阿笨蛋 11/01 14:14
johnnyjaiu :葛來芬多+100 另外Matt去死 11/01 14:56
Qddd :很想噓你 但我想先問清楚 改規則的是美加WCG的承辦 11/01 16:49
Qddd :單位 還是Riot ? 甚至就是Matt?? 11/01 16:50
Qddd :這篇只是就Riot的立場出來說明事件讓玩家了解如此而 11/01 16:51
Qddd :已 11/01 16:51
你可以噓啊,只是請說為什麼而噓這樣我會比較好改進。 至於Riot的立場?我想就是護航到底,為什麼就是不肯認錯呢? ※ 編輯: sheoldark 來自: (11/01 17:23)
doomdied :翻得好 11/01 17:50
bjorn607 :這個人跑來打電動浪費了 逞口舌之能的政客 11/01 19:34
Blitzcrank :安安,各位腦包 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 11/01 22:03
AceID :安安,各位腦包 我看到也狂笑XDDDDDDDDDDD 11/01 22:38