精華區beta LoL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文: https://www.facebook.com/LoLbigfatlp/posts/507862152570471 hello peepzorz, figured id post this here and educate errone and fans of clg/myself. so its nice & clear and no confusion or weird theories some nagas may randomly dream up of l0L (((this shit is p long i think? i wouldnt read it thru if i saw a wall of text myself gg gl))) The news: I es now a sub for clg!! 8D For a long time come i have always felt the uncomfortableness when playing team games and or especially tournament games (even games i do really well and carry i still just don't feel the 'right' floW). There are definitely a lot of shit talkers out there trying to piss pro players off all the time, but they are usually not the people that can get to someone like me (just makes me annoyed thats all most of the time). Most of this unwanted feeling i feel really stems from long terms of increasingly snowballing decreasing faith in me from my teammembaz. Not just past month or two something like that, but for a really long time. These 'snowballing decreasing faith' shit i call it is a common enemy for le hotshotgG also! Often the sole reason why there would be huge ass level 10 arguements and rageshotgg/argueshotgg in the past loL and recent too obv. But i actually feel its not too bad to actually get it out of urself like hotshot cries about it for hours at times and often brings it back up at different times again too l0l. For i have just tried to focus on my own game for a long time ignoring what they say, but when i go in scrims i still end up focusing pretty hard on what people think rather then playing the game and making my own plays and coordinating with team. Not really their fault tho its just how the jiji brain functions prob l0l (Their human and its just how humans respond to things), and it just kind of snowballed ever since long time ago i guess! pretty damn hard to improve i have always felt for the longest time ~_~. Ever since i played Dota back in the day my confidence level is fcking god almighty high, higher than doublelift by 2x+ ez for the longest time and into season 1 too l0l. confidence/faith/trust really is something for a player like myself, too bad i lost most of it and started playing halfassedly stucked in the same area of problems for zeeeh long time. ,,,l0l this shit is really getting long, end of news story is even if they didn't decide to give link the starter position i feel like i wouldve wanted to let him have it because of the above reasons and uncomfortableness (I DONT THINK lINk is MUCH BETTER THAN ME THO JUST FYI GGl0l *i still have that much confidence huehue*) So fans of myself i will be entering relax streaming training myself entertain u mode, expect more streams and more kitties and more talking to u nagas l0!L ps; I have also been asked to be the coach for CLG and move in (Yes, if i was a starter for s3 i agreed to move in also). I think i can really help them get into shape and stop slacking so hard. However i feel like atm its too hard and annoying to command these silly wild cray nagas to do their tasks properly currently, maybe a later date huehue pps; donations welcome from now onl0l! since i will not have any realreal salary as a sub and rely on streaming (own3d tuff teehee) for awhile to feed dem kitticats 8D while i relax and turn on the entertainer training mode! no idea how to post a button on facebook gg and own3d 2 hard, https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=7L73AHVXD8D86 LOL HTML THINGS HOW U WORK?? *Never forget*: 2011-10-05 IEM Guangzhou grand finals day died to a GP gank with misaya on annie, then got ganked few more times then annie snowball into oblivion. badTLDR: off to poon yoloq noobs and maybe make a ranked 5s team for fun from yoloq'ers and scrim LCS teams for fun. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
CoolTomato :SUBWAY 01/15 17:32
applemonster:!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/15 17:32
hunter10817 :CLG要崛起了嗎 01/15 17:32
freethief :!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/15 17:32
johnnyjaiu :不意外... 01/15 17:32
doomleika :一代宗師最後也是變替補了 01/15 17:33
ivantien :看成轉USB... 01/15 17:33
bill90211 :CLG要崛起了嗎 01/15 17:33
cat0405 :JIJI啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~QAQ 01/15 17:33
fearimba :泰瑞爾:我曾是.... 01/15 17:33
solo0724 :一代宗師 01/15 17:33
johnnyjaiu :看今天早上HSGG的實況,中路換Link就覺得不妙囉 01/15 17:34
freethief :不過今天哈下比賽也很糟說 01/15 17:34
fishead1116 :JIJI Q________________Q 01/15 17:34
hirdaramani :一代球女TF冰鳥之神 01/15 17:34
johnnyjaiu :#1Gz8H875 01/15 17:34
kiddlau :這一天還是到來了... 01/15 17:34
T9 :他打字真的很難看懂 01/15 17:34
yachien04 :哈下:MID IS EASY 01/15 17:35
asd2260123 :QQ 01/15 17:35
applemonster:哈下可以中路斯溫和馬爾哈哈 01/15 17:36
hirdaramani :Richard Tracy, Sandy Richard, bigfatlp BYEBYE 01/15 17:36
frank123ya :哈下:MID IS EASY 01/15 17:36
takura :Crs Bigfatjiji 01/15 17:36
swbthj :Crs bigfatjiji 準備好了 01/15 17:36
gn01172011 :我以為會是老查替補 達成成就:在一隊中 打過所有路 01/15 17:36
phenom1 :CLG.西門夜說 gogo 01/15 17:36
deankiller :SUB? 01/15 17:36
kuramylove :有點感傷XD 01/15 17:37
ck3300511 :CLG.readmyname 01/15 17:37
johnnyjaiu :sub = 替補 01/15 17:37
Harute :CRS準備好了 01/15 17:37
silveriii :hotshot毒瘤 01/15 17:37
johnnyjaiu :今天早上的北美資格賽 HSGG和jiji打得有夠糟... 01/15 17:37
no321 :時代的眼淚JIJI SUB就是Substitute 01/15 17:37
swbthj :去CRS把鼻子踢了 這樣只剩下AD不是CLG來的了 01/15 17:37
johnnyjaiu :HSGG唯一的亮點只剩奶大力 其他GG 01/15 17:38
a7v333 :老查的JG打的很好,我甚至覺得他是北美最好的JG 01/15 17:38
ourear :Jiji取代不了鼻子吧. 01/15 17:38
dwk :失去舞台了 01/15 17:38
ourear :跟元素voyboy SV比起來 jiji 已經給他很多機會了. 01/15 17:39
Hylun :那誰要打中路啊 01/15 17:39
blackxo4u86 :已哭 01/15 17:39
problem5566 :爽!! 01/15 17:39
qtzero :MID IS EASY 01/15 17:39
ourear :感覺找來link115 後他改為midlink就有跡象了吧.. 01/15 17:39
rukawaryu :所以阿福魔也被FIRE了 是我資訊太LAG了嗎@@? 01/15 17:39
frank123ya :4個都被HS洗過一輪了 他什麼時候要洗掉自己? 01/15 17:40
Heedictator :HS也順便換一換 01/15 17:40
ching7896 :WOW 這消息有點勁爆 JIJI不是打從CLG成軍就一直正式 01/15 17:40
yachien04 :不可能取代鼻子 SV都說鼻子比JIJI好很多 01/15 17:40
swbthj :北美好像也沒甚麼強中路可以簽下來?要換能換誰? 01/15 17:40
silveriii :內文有說換link 但jiji還是覺得自己比他強 01/15 17:40
big1p :還以為是我 01/15 17:41
k1233112331 :可惜了JIJI 01/15 17:41
edwdada :鼻子是誰啊? 另外是換到替補 不是SUP哦 阿佛摸沒事 01/15 17:42
Gaujing :大概是HS裸照被銷燬了(無誤) 01/15 17:42
blackxo4u86 :鼻子->jacky 01/15 17:42
cat0405 :鼻子是NyJacky 01/15 17:42
winklly :我覺得啦 hs每次打輸都要找人當戰犯問題蠻大的 01/15 17:42
phenom1 :要實況mid徵選了嗎? 蠻想看的 01/15 17:42
rukawaryu :喔喔 還以為是筆誤XD 01/15 17:42
gn01172011 :球z應該有點感慨 當年國中一起翹課打網咖的兩人組 01/15 17:43
Dimitre :CLG westdoor 01/15 17:43
edwdada :那就是link啦 不是很多人推他的mid嗎 01/15 17:43
ilris :...W....WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/15 17:43
graegraegrae:我猜很多人沒看原文 01/15 17:43
hydra6716 :不用海選吧,老查超愛link115 01/15 17:43
vergilmir :多找一些人然後全部拿來混搭重組比較實在 01/15 17:43
hydra6716 :jiji去sub,link肯定直接補上 01/15 17:43
kenyon0619 :jiji:我曾是...我就是... 01/15 17:43
yzpdal :hs始終沒發現該換的是自己 01/15 17:43
yangtsur :開國元老最終也是得下去.但我覺得最該下的還是HSGG 01/15 17:44
no321 :不過感覺CLG要起飛了?! 也許是好事 01/15 17:44
qe70r178rl :h4h4h4 i'm benched 01/15 17:44
sss0824 :洋人的東西 01/15 17:44
potionx :sub平常要做啥?掃地和煮飯嗎? 01/15 17:44
silveriii :rageshotgg cryshotgg 01/15 17:44
winklly :是換link不過他的火星英文有些看不懂 01/15 17:44
lpca :抓穩囉 準備起飛(?) 01/15 17:44
winklly :他說他之後可能會轉coach 01/15 17:44
swbthj :3 CARRY 2變成4 CARRY 1 根據AZF經驗 這樣就有奪冠機 01/15 17:44
johnnyjaiu :誰能翻譯一下肥大雞雞的 火星文英文... ="= 01/15 17:44
swbthj :會了 (無誤) 01/15 17:44
rufjvm12345 :哈下居居 瞧瞧你從前的愛將 01/15 17:45
winklly :他好像有偷表hs吧 應該啦就說hs太愛吵之類的 01/15 17:45
gn01172011 :XDD 4 carry1 HS要成為北美woong公子了嗎 01/15 17:45
chrisvzxs :現在HS打的還算不錯吧 換他幹嘛? 01/15 17:46
winklly :不過woong當初打上路很難carry耶 01/15 17:46
ben3683 :希望下一個是HSGG去SUB 01/15 17:46
johnnyjaiu :@chrisvzxs: 你看過早上的北美資格賽了嗎? 01/15 17:46
winklly :你說的不錯是2/10/x的cho嗎?還不是打一流隊伍喔 01/15 17:46
johnnyjaiu :對上Pulse各種送頭= = 01/15 17:47
winklly :那場他後來送的還比jiji兇 01/15 17:47
HsiaoHsiu :HSGG的唯一貢獻不就是金錢嗎? 01/15 17:47
Dimitre :HS轉去當教練或退居經營CLG比較有搞頭 01/15 17:47
Dimitre :最近看他實況有種他跟不太上meta的感覺 01/15 17:48
BLACKCAT0703:HS去當教練還比較好 01/15 17:48
johnnyjaiu :HSGG和Regibro都應該轉幕後才是... 01/15 17:48
chrisvzxs :喔喔 最新的我沒看 想說他NID最近看時都不錯啊 01/15 17:48
johnnyjaiu :HSGG也只有奶大力穩... 01/15 17:48
Istari :HS就像韓國的WONG一樣 是金主 不會被換 01/15 17:48
ZERORICH :果然還是clg四本蛀 應該也是換一陣子又回原位了吧= 3 01/15 17:49
johnnyjaiu :你知 我知 獨眼龍也知 HSGG的對手更知他的奶大力難搞 01/15 17:49
winklly :他最近也只有nid『不錯』 01/15 17:49
lpca :北美公子 哈下GG 01/15 17:49
johnnyjaiu :ban掉奶大力上路壓力就輕鬆了... 01/15 17:49
winklly :可是他的nid也不到宰制比賽 頂多就很討厭 01/15 17:49
chrisvzxs :HS除了NID 的確作為TOP來說已經..XD 01/15 17:50
winklly :只要全力弄爆dl clg會戰就輸60% 01/15 17:50
swbthj :有Woong.NA Woong.KR 還需要CN TW EU 01/15 17:51
johnnyjaiu :Pulse後期腦衝各種送頭餵DL, 結果CLG還是輸- 3- 01/15 17:51
tearcolor :CLG=HG與陪他玩遊戲的其他四個人 01/15 17:51
qtzero :公子.NA 誕生啦 01/15 17:51
solo0724 :淚推殞落的屏東JIJI! 01/15 17:51
odanaga :JIJI可以來台灣和Lilballz玩 01/15 17:52
swbthj :JIJI換掉應該能拿下S3北美霸主 出國後就不敢說了 01/15 17:52
cat0405 :真的好可惜 猶記得他當時TF冰鳥還有鐘老的風采 Q__Q 01/15 17:52
solo0724 :繼 M3 AZB4 TPA4 之後 CLG4 ! 01/15 17:52
winklly :pulse送dl的hs跟jiji會馬上雙倍奉還啊 01/15 17:52
Serphi :他文章沒有婊hsgg,只是說他們碰到一樣的難題 01/15 17:53
sawaman :求翻譯!!! 01/15 17:53
invander :所以推文群的意思是說TSM、AZB4st跟CLG是同性質敗因? 01/15 17:53
mingyang727 :懷念JIJI冰鳥、時鐘、雷茲、球女、TF、藍寶都世界級 01/15 17:54
invander :M3跟TP4不算啦,這兩個戰犯又不是金主。 01/15 17:54
myran :有看今天的比賽的話發生這事應該不會覺得太過意外 01/15 17:54
mingyang727 :可惜童子功破了以後 一切就都消失了 01/15 17:54
steve8625 :jiji QQ 01/15 17:54
frank123ya :童子功沒破之前美服前五佔三 01/15 17:54
frank123ya :超懷念他以前神擋殺神佛擋殺佛的年代 BAN什麼都沒用 01/15 17:55
frank123ya :AD TF AP TF 拆爆雙塔飛回家的TF Q_Q 01/15 17:55
Serphi :大意:社群垃圾話/隊友不信任/自信心崩盤/直播為主 01/15 17:55
swbthj :社群垃圾話 是指北美鄉民狂酸嗎?他在北美黑多久了? 01/15 17:56
no321 :M3是怎麼回事@@? 01/15 17:56
frank123ya :直播為主? 不然哩?CLG有在團練的嗎= =? 01/15 17:57
sodaice :過幾天 jiji加入curse 01/15 17:57
a23031631 :紅的明顯 --------求翻譯-------- 等等補推 01/15 17:57
lpca :唉 他的好朋友球Z之前也黑了半年 令人唏噓 01/15 17:57
swbthj :JIJI應該不只半年 S2到現在可能超過一年了... 01/15 17:57
cat0405 :他以前真的是卡牌王 Q_Q 還有鐘老各種神奇大絕 Q_Q 01/15 17:58
ppppp367 :Curse不會要他啦= = 鼻子就不錯了 01/15 17:58
winklly :球z被玩家黑又沒被隊友黑 01/15 17:58
frank123ya :Curse現在不是也六個人了嗎XD" 01/15 17:58
Serphi :沒什麼好翻的 大意就我上面那樣 他打字像小屁孩 01/15 17:58
pkur :加入TSM吧!! 01/15 17:59
a23031631 :補推 01/15 17:59
lpca :說的也對 隊員有沒有支持差很多 畢竟酸民很多只是... 01/15 17:59
emilio0924 :JIJI打字就是駭客風leet呀XD 01/15 17:59
imwind :jiji的文章真的好難看懂= = 01/15 18:00
dwk :其實HS上路也敵不過現在一堆牛鬼蛇神 01/15 18:00
qtzero :HS上路無力不是S2開始就顯示出來了嗎 01/15 18:00
swbthj :HS上路應付北美綽綽有餘了 反正要鎖國了也不會碰到 01/15 18:00
swbthj :來自歐亞的牛鬼蛇神 01/15 18:00
j311220 :沒記錯的話 s2時期比賽 鼻子都押不到jiji 01/15 18:01
cat0405 :JIJI打字真的有很強烈的JIJI style ww 01/15 18:01
IDs :noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 01/15 18:01
Gaujing :要換也換HS幹嘛換吉祥物呢 不知道吉祥物換掉會倒楣嗎 01/15 18:01
IDs :難過... 01/15 18:01
a3329 :CLG.NA已死 01/15 18:02
lpca :因為HS才是吉祥物 01/15 18:02
yachien04 :鼻子最大的優點就是穩 但也沒特別CARRY 01/15 18:02
sodaice :jiji加入curse不是因為比鼻子強 是傳統 01/15 18:02
invander :HS內建第七技能「群體嘲諷」太過imba 01/15 18:03
SDFSDF :不要爭誰是吉祥誤了,整個隊伍都在拖累老查 01/15 18:03
gn01172011 :復仇者聯盟爆滿了 現在還有報名表可以填嗎 01/15 18:03
zsp7009 :Q_Q 01/15 18:03
zsp7009 :貓貓..... 01/15 18:03
ourear :鼻子對jiji說過:sorry jiji it's so easy to beat u 01/15 18:04
ourear :不過是solo rank時 01/15 18:04
WEIKUNG :早晚的事 01/15 18:06
toloveXD :當後補沒錢錢只能靠贊助和實況QQ 01/15 18:07
Shxt :一代王者的殞落 不過也撐夠久了 01/15 18:07
spf6127 :Crs已經把合約準備好了 01/15 18:08
swbthj :想轉隊也沒機會 也不能和前隊友同隊 可憐 01/15 18:08
myran :選手表現一直不理想被替換掉其實也是無可厚非的事情 01/15 18:09
csf11235 :Crs bigfatlp 01/15 18:13
koyshan :現在公子.tw 不是丁特嗎= = 01/15 18:14
usoko :這消息真是讓人好笑又難過.... 01/15 18:15
blackxo4u86 :JiJi風:h4h4h4h4h4 01/15 18:15
drummers :HS=內建teemo 01/15 18:15
holypaul :鼻子的地位岌岌可危阿www 01/15 18:16
minoru04 :北美欺負我們南部人喔 01/15 18:18
CrazyLord :Crs Bigfatjiji準備好了 01/15 18:18
aa384756 :JIJI去CRS NYJACKY怎麼辦 01/15 18:22
sunny1991225:Crs怎麼可能會換上Jiji,他們已經有更強的紐約鼻子了 01/15 18:31
sunny1991225:基本上現在的鼻子比JIJI強應該是共識吧....... 01/15 18:31
WindSpread :鼻子有啥好怕的wwww 01/15 18:31
shaiker :鼻子一直都很穩定就是了 很少看他爆炸 01/15 18:32
shaiker :但好像jiji剋鼻子 印象中贏的不多xdddd 01/15 18:32
howdie5566 :看了還真感傷 會拖到現在才退場 還不是因為北美的mid 01/15 18:33
link515 :誰叫我 01/15 18:33
howdie5566 :沒幾個堪用的 搞得一堆要自盡的都還在台上一直黑 01/15 18:33
howdie5566 :以從北美高端來看link真的沒比jiji強 說不定還稍弱 01/15 18:34
hank898989 :想當初玩AP都看JIJI實況把CLG當LP捧 可惜 哀哭哭 01/15 18:35
sunny1991225:北美AP完全沒有人才倒是真的 01/15 18:35
sunny1991225:比較有名的不過就Regi、jiji、鼻子、鬼王........ 01/15 18:36
sunny1991225:阿我漏掉了烏雲 01/15 18:36
ourear :還有slace~~ 01/15 18:37
freethief :刀妹算嗎qq 01/15 18:38
ourear :@salce 01/15 18:39
aa384756 :是誰會去補JIJI的位置? 01/15 18:39
sunny1991225:salce之前有說要組一個新隊伍 01/15 18:40
howdie5566 :建議CLG挖westdoor or去韓服找AScat or來台服找梅子 01/15 18:40
sunny1991225:不知道後續怎麼樣了 01/15 18:40
aa384756 :西門還要一個半月 而且溝通上有點問題吧 01/15 18:40
mygarysm :salce的EG已經GG了.... 01/15 18:41
no321 :EG復出後不久就解散了... 01/15 18:42
solo0724 :Salce的EG在1/12被淘汰...... 01/15 18:42
TheMidnight :鼻子不是crs嗎 .... 找他當讓Jiji補復仇者喔 -.- 01/15 18:43
totocc :唉...曾經的新人類 01/15 18:47
a23031631 :推 01/15 18:48
amALu :……一代北美ap神…其實現在北美線上他還是前2吧 01/15 18:53
amALu :只是北美完全跟不上世界了…唉 01/15 18:53
notgoodcow :年輕人出國英文一下就學好了 怕三... 01/15 18:57
ANOTHERK :jiji有一定的實力 但是缺少練習才會時好時壞 01/15 18:58
lisanna20 :CRS有Nyjacky了 除非為了話題性不然不太可能簽jiji吧 01/15 18:59
ANOTHERK :這些日子表現真的太糟了 01/15 18:59
hahn :退出clg 在換幾個隊伍就知道能不能東山再起 01/15 19:03
IDs :他說他累了 東山再起的機率不大吧 01/15 19:04
agus1007 :身為clg的開朝元老 換隊伍應該割捨不下吧 01/15 19:06
ANOTHERK :當替補沒薪水 有人挖就去吧 01/15 19:07
a524528 :當職業電競的最怕就是失去熱情,更別提還降為替補 01/15 19:08
a524528 :很可能去找其他的工作慢慢的就沒練了 01/15 19:08
satan317 :既然是台灣人 當替補大概會被家長逼找別的工作 01/15 19:10
a8086886 :link是誰啊?有他資料嗎?? 01/15 19:12
jojohibs :看成USB 01/15 19:16
SINXIII :本來想推刀妹快上阿 結果看到已經有人選了= = 01/15 19:18
fishead1116 :問一下有早上比賽的vod嗎 01/15 19:22