精華區beta LoL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
4Not公布隊員異動 Dan Dinh轉當教練&主播 Kramer & DrTrevor 退出回到學業上~ 補進三個新成員 Keith 「TakashiX」 Horita (前v8) Brad 「OneBadBrad」 Watson George 「Zekent」 Liu (波比神) 另外v8之前被Epik挖角2位成員後就傳出面臨解散,現在看來無法避免了... As some of you may have herd Team4Not.Fire went through a few roster changes, with Dan Dinh stepping down and just being the team's coach, and with Kramer & DrTrevor also stepping down to focus on school we were left with two options, pack up and call it, or rebuild, here at Team4Not we never give up, so this post is just letting the community know about our new line-up which consists of Keith 「TakashiX」 Horita Brad 「OneBadBrad」 Watson George 「Zekent" Liu Were happy to be adding these three players to the new and reformed 4Not.Fire, we at Team4Not feel this roster can bring great success and multiple wins home, and be a top contender in the North American circuit. https://www.facebook.com/team4not/posts/297874073622034 -- http://umiruss.pixnet.net/blog LoL近期賽事 職業競技相關資訊 http://elohell.net/chillout/image/26780/ 為何要阻止我! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
bluecsky :但丁真的不考慮去加入復仇者聯盟嗎? 04/23 08:47
lpca :又沒真的組出來XD 04/23 08:49
marcoyao :期待4NOT新表現 04/23 09:02
bassh :我之前聽人家說波比神指的不是spamhappy嗎orz 04/23 09:11
hipponi :最早以前DL的poppy也很神吧 只是後來都不怎麼玩了 04/23 09:12
marcoyao :那個就是spamhppy啊 那是他另外一個ID 04/23 09:15
bassh :喔喔~了解3Q! 04/23 09:16
slm52303025 :我很好奇 被BAN波比後 波比神還會玩什麼 04/23 09:23
bluecsky :他只有在開spamhappy打rank時後才會堅持poppy 04/23 09:23
bluecsky :開zekent的時候會玩的角色還不算少吧 04/23 09:24
slm52303025 :喔 原來如此 04/23 09:24
marcoyao :POPPY神的凱爾跟珍娜也很威 04/23 09:25
Blitzcrank :原來是同一個人,記得他是台灣人! 04/23 09:25
enchyi :V8 QQ 04/23 09:28
Octopuster :nooooooooooooo~ 但丁 04/23 09:47
Yadsmood :Zekent不是只會玩Poppy 他是故意只玩Poppy 04/23 09:50
misaki030 :poppy神!!! 04/23 10:36
Takeo :Takashi是日本人嗎 04/23 12:53
fish0112 :Poppy神有的角色很少 可是會玩數量似乎還ok 04/23 12:57
chunyulai :takashix應該是披著日本名字的美國人 04/23 13:55
xes666 :TakashiX ! 04/23 14:40