精華區beta MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/c6kydo Yankees 97-65 Red Sox 96-66 Rays 89-73 Blue Jays 76-86 Orioles 74-88 The Yankees just absolutely dominated the offseason and it might just be enough to get them back into the position of being favorites. Of course to do this they will probably spend more money next year than the Rays and Red Sox combined. The Red Sox still have an excellent team, second in this division equals second best in baseball. Last year a prediction of 89 wins was a bold one for the Rays. This year, 89 wins and third place will be a bit of a disappointment. The Blue Jays, and even the Orioles, are not terrible teams. The AL East is so tough that just playing half your games in this unbalanced schedule will knock a few games off your win total. And the AL is 5-10 games better than the NL. The Orioles and Jays are probably as good as projected 2nd and 3rd place teams Oakland and Minnesota, and any of those teams would be contenders in the National league. If I ranked the teams in this division among all MLB teams, and everyone played the same schedule, here is the overall rank of the AL East teams: 1. Yankees 2. Red Sox 3. Rays 12. Blue Jays 15. Orioles -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
findme:AL East那3隊應該是誰狀況最少誰就會出線.... 02/17 21:58
jww:誰傷兵少應該就會出線了… 02/17 22:00
strayfrog:美東好刺激... 02/17 22:04
akainorei:1 2 樓都中肯 02/17 22:19
Sechslee:今年球賽很刺激啊~ 02/17 22:53
OoyaoO:比誰傷兵比較少 02/17 22:59
kimifort:今年的美東真的比往年還要有看頭... 02/17 23:07
aborwang:我的預測:NYY TB BOS TOR ORI, gut feeling 02/17 23:59
david319:我覺得NYY比較有危險...先發投手有隱憂 02/18 00:14
david319:BOS投手輪值比較深......比傷兵出線機會大 02/18 00:15
Darvish816:NYY感覺還是不夠穩定 全員健康是很殺 問題是不太可能 02/18 00:20
BelaTarr:美東區是在比明星賽...... 02/18 00:29
JamesChen:光芒也不一定有去年的身手阿~ 02/18 00:30
taker627:光芒怕遇到老虎之前的狀況 就囧了 02/18 00:35
mrkey:哪一年不是這樣預測的.....老掉牙了 02/18 01:06
strayfrog:都猜得到也不好玩啦 不是嗎XD 02/18 01:10
newseastar:我覺得是BOS>NY>TB耶...牛棚還是紅襪勝 02/18 02:14
rssh0106:紅襪雖然老兵多...但投手海很誇張 陣亡就有人替補@@ 02/18 07:34
sisi2005:但是肥襪的主砲有年紀了也是隱憂~ 02/18 10:03
tomjack0405:Papi年紀跟A-Rod一樣 只是看起來... 02/18 12:23
Belladonaa:年紀有比 Posada, 松井 老嗎 02/18 12:28