精華區beta MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A.L. rotations: The good, bad and surprising Top 3 A.L. rotations 1. Tampa Bay Rays (Scott Kazmir, James Shields, Matt Garza, Andy Sonnanstine, David Price). The Rays are deep and balanced, young and experienced. That's quite the combination. The group returns almost fully intact from last season (though Price replaces Edwin Jackson), when these five pitchers compiled a 3.78 ERA as starters (including Price's one September start). There's really only one question about this group: How will these young arms bounce back after pitching deep into October? The longer spring training will help; there's no need to rush anyone. Plus, the added depth in the bullpen will allow Rays manager Joe Maddon to give his starters a little more rest when the opportunity arises. 2. Boston Red Sox (Josh Beckett, Jon Lester, Daisuke Matsuzaka, Tim Wakefield, Brad Penny). There isn't a better top three in baseball. Lester is the best lefthanded pitcher in the majors not named Johan Santana, Matsuzaka is a master at escaping trouble and Beckett won 12 games even in a down year. This group's experience in the postseason is what gives it the slight edge over the Yankees' rotation, even though New York is more solid in the 4 and 5 slots. And the Red Sox have guys waiting in the wings, too. Clay Buchholz is electric when he is on (which wasn't often in 2008), and veteran John Smoltz knows a thing or 10 about winning big games late in the season. Youngsters Michael Bowden and Justin Masterson also are options. 3. New York Yankees (CC Sabathia, A.J. Burnett, Chien-Ming Wang, Andy Pettitte, Joba Chamberlain). At this point, it is apparent why the A.L. East will be so tough. The Yankees have the third-best rotation in baseball, and it's only good enough for third-best in their own division. The Yankees have balance (two lefties, two righthanders) and different looks (three flamethrowers, two "crafty" types). They also have young guys waiting in the wings in Phil Hughes, Alfredo Aceves and Ian Kennedy. Worst A.L. rotation Texas Rangers (Kevin Millwood, Vicente Padilla, Scott Feldman, Matt Harrison, Brandon McCarthy). There is help on the horizon -- the organization has tons of big guns in the minors, led by Neftali Feliz and Derek Holland -- but there isn't much reason to expect many 2-1 games in Arlington this summer. The Orioles were contenders for this spot, too, but ace Jeremy Guthrie and his 3.63 ERA kept the birds out of the cellar. A.L. rotation that could surprise Seattle Mariners (Felix Hernandez, Erik Bedard, Brandon Morrow, Carlos Silva, Ryan Rowland-Smith.) Don't laugh. Yes, the Mariners lost 101 games last year and, yes, the pitching staff was just shy of terrible. But this is a new year, with a new manager and a new attitude. Hernandez is an ace any team would love to have. Bedard was considered a flop in his first year with the M's, but he was pitching hurt and actually posted a nice ERA (3.67) in his 15 starts. Morrow allowed just one hit in 7 1/3 innings in his first major league start in September; Rowland-Smith had a 3.50 ERA in 12 starts last year. Now, if they can just do something about Silva. Jarrod Washburn also is in the mix. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dreamerx:..... 可以扣掉美東排一個嗎? 02/16 16:12
※ 編輯: Belladonaa 來自: (02/16 16:13)
Homura:if they can just do something about Silva 02/16 16:13
Belladonaa:不可能吧 因為下一個會是藍鳥XD 02/16 16:14
RobertLucas:美西、美中:啊都給你們排就好啦 02/16 16:14
sexremix:推1樓.. 02/16 16:15
Anero:啊啊~ 天使跌出來了啊 02/16 16:15
Belladonaa:對 為啥沒有天使... 02/16 16:16
stk11:天使笑臉人都有得拼 02/16 16:16
Belladonaa:不過藍鳥去年ERA是第一名 02/16 16:17
Anero:這篇是誰排的啊? 請問作者貴姓大名? 02/16 16:19
Belladonaa:sportingnews.com 02/16 16:20
Beretta:美東看起來滿噁爛的...... 02/16 16:20
Belladonaa:Ryan Fagan 02/16 16:20
appshjkli:我比較沒那麼看好TB... 02/16 16:22
Homura:沒有猴子該不會是因為少了Garland? 02/16 16:22
Belladonaa:少了一個5號應該還好吧 02/16 16:23
andreo:這個分析 感覺在吐槽邪惡亂花錢....才第3? 02/16 16:29
redsnipertd:我覺得猴子rotation真的不錯 02/16 16:29
appshjkli:不花錢會被笑,花錢會被幹礁,那你要嗯歪歪怎樣 02/16 16:30
Homura:Lackey + Santana + Saunders + Waiver + @ 02/16 16:30
Belladonaa:怎麼有"放棄"出現了XD 02/16 16:32
Homura:Moseley跟Adenhart都還要時間證明自己... 02/16 16:33
Anero:你要把小公主Waiver了呀 哭哭 XD 02/16 16:34
Anero:He's young and still has time! 02/16 16:35
Belladonaa:美東感覺自我矛盾...打擊最強、投手也最強 02/16 16:36
Pujols5:交友男今年會回來嗎? 02/16 16:37
Anero:最快明星賽後 02/16 16:38
Homura:Weaver...XDDD 02/16 16:38
EvilCerberus:美東是怎樣... 02/16 16:38
Homura:交友男回來我記得會從牛棚出發對吧? 02/16 16:39
tomjack0405:交友男還在喔-.- 好久不見 02/16 16:39
appshjkli:美東現在真的可以叫火藥庫了,有三隻球隊被預期90勝以上 02/16 16:40
appshjkli:可惜外卡就一個 02/16 16:41
Anero:其實交友男能不能再投都不太確定 Orz 02/16 16:41
Homura:之前的報導是說復原的狀況還不錯 02/16 16:43
musefita:完全沒有美中球隊... 02/16 16:44
PennyHughes:交友男是誰? 02/16 16:46
midstrong:雙鳥: QQ 02/16 16:48
amgdaaaa:Kelvim Escorba 02/16 16:48
Belladonaa:前面那篇 best and worst offseason 也是這位作者 02/16 16:48
amgdaaaa:Kelvim Escobar(上面打錯) 02/16 16:48
ZMTL:就... 美聯第三的球隊沒有季後 ..╮(﹋﹏﹌)╭.. 02/16 16:50
ZMTL:目前幾乎所有預測文都是光芒美東第三美聯第三..... 02/16 16:51
OoyaoO:結果最後美聯前四是NYY BOS TB TOR的話不知觀眾作何感想XD 02/16 17:16
abc12812:也許是TB BOS TOR NYY呢 02/16 17:39
JacqueJones:照樓上的意思 我要推 不是不可能 02/16 17:41
appshjkli:最後結果TOR BAL TB NYY BOS不是不可能 02/16 17:54
OoyaoO:我都已經用"前四"這個詞而不是用"排名"了就是不想戰這個Orz 02/16 18:00
searoar:美東....很疑惑為什麼會預估金鳥的SLG全聯盟第一... 02/16 18:03
kenny781558:天使前四號根本不輸美東那三隊的前四號投手...... 02/16 18:10
kenny781558:只是五號的人選不確定性比較大 02/16 18:11
Liandh:我本來要直接end找我們家... 02/16 18:31
catchtsu:Escobar如果又回來, 安那罕也是擁有三張王牌 02/16 18:50
z9440610:美東XDDDDDDD 02/16 20:25
gonzalez0528:還是我們家Rangers最沒爭議 XD 02/16 20:34
devilsky:Rangers都靠砲擊的 02/16 20:38
kcl0801:一看到第1名是TB我笑了,再看到第二名是BOS更歡樂 02/16 20:44
KOSHON:不然樓上覺得呢? 好奇ing說來聽聽吧 02/16 21:17
alphameric:我滿好奇這排名怎麼出來的... 02/16 21:19
montrachet:應該是NYY=BOS>TB比較可能 02/16 22:56
gonzalez0528:樓上算命仙? :P 02/16 22:58
Belladonaa:很簡單阿 你把洋基三號丟過去看看排在哪 02/16 22:58
z9440610:科科..樓上戳到養雞迷的戰點了!? 02/16 23:11
a5896:爭什麼爭 排名第幾又如何 進季後賽又如何 沒有世界冠軍都是 02/16 23:17
a5896:空~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 02/16 23:17
Belladonaa:不會戰 大部分的說法是幾號不重要 反正都20勝 02/16 23:18
Belladonaa:反倒你那句會水桶加引戰:) 02/16 23:20
a5896:單數年 王葛葛也要一起加入嗎 02/16 23:20
a5896:這樣單數年好多人好忙 02/16 23:22
immortalqq:TB拿第一好笑在哪 要嗆分析再嗆 02/17 00:04
catchtsu:而且還把E.Jackson換成D.Price, 這是更大的升級 02/17 00:09
Belladonaa:最重要的光芒只有 Scott Kazmir 健康紅燈 02/17 00:10
ajburnett:Escobar如果趕得上的話應該會接CP吧 02/17 00:10
Belladonaa:洋基紅燈有Pettitte, Burnett 紅襪更多 02/17 00:11
iluy:洋基的輪值很看人品...... 02/17 01:24
KOSHON: 看人品?? 挑女婿?? XD 02/17 01:27
iluy:我的意思是健康堪憂XD 02/17 01:38
turtle1210:結果只有2樓注意到12M那句...XD 02/17 03:40
Belladonaa:#19Fr8dRj 02/17 03:50
Belladonaa:2008的最強輪值 02/17 03:51
aborwang:沒有WS Champion就是空?這樣看球太辛苦了啦... 02/17 04:55
wl118:我看好養雞出現痛痛rotation 錢丟在水裡 02/17 07:59
sarserror:Pettitte叫紅燈...受教了 02/17 17:35
kcl0801:我只是想說NYY花了這麼多錢還是排第三 沒別的意思啦 02/17 18:21
maxspeed150:Pettitte本來就有健康上的疑慮 別忘了他當年是喊著要 02/17 19:31
maxspeed150:退休的 02/17 19:31
maxspeed150:還有當年洋基不和他續約也是因為擔心他的傷y 02/17 19:32
maxspeed150:他在太空人隊也真的有進場維修過 02/17 19:32