精華區beta MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
N.L. rotations: The good, bad and surprising Top 3 N.L. rotations 1. San Francisco Giants (Tim Lincecum, Randy Johnson, Matt Cain, Barry Zito, Jonathan Sanchez). Lincecum, Cain, Sanchez and Zito all made at least 29 starts for the Giants last season. Lincecum, obviously, was outstanding in his Cy Young season. Cain's run of solid pitching and tough luck continued (he is just 15-30 the past two seasons despite a 3.71 ERA). Sanchez came into his own, though consistency still eludes him from time to time. Johnson, the lone new addition, should reach 300 career wins this year (he's five short; we know how the Giants love to celebrate milestones). And despite a disappointing 17-loss season, Zito fashioned a 3.15 ERA in five September starts. 2. Chicago Cubs (Carlos Zambrano, Ryan Dempster, Ted Lilly, Rich Harden, Sean Marshall). Sure, this rotation would look better with Jake Peavy at the top, but it's still solid. There always will be injury concerns surrounding Harden and emotional worries about Zambrano, but the bottom line is this is essentially the same group that paced the Cubs to a National League-best 97 wins last season. There's no reason to think they won't do it again. 3. New York Mets (Johan Santana, Mike Pelfrey, Oliver Perez, John Maine, Freddy Garcia/Tim Redding). There are so many good-not-great rotations in the National League, it's hard to separate what makes one better than the other. We'll go with the Mets in this spot because they have the best lefthanded starter in baseball in Santana (how he only won 16 games with a 2.53 ERA in 20008 is mind-boggling). Worst N.L. rotation Pittsburgh Pirates (Paul Maholm, Ian Snell, Zach Duke, Tom Gorzelanny, Ross Ohlendorf/Jeff Karstens). For three consecutive seasons, Maholm, Snell, Duke and Gorzelanny have made at least 11 starts. This is the group that was going to lead the Pirates back into contention, but these guys have been all over the map from season to season. Each of the four has had an ERA under 3.80 (if you count Duke's 1.81 mark in 14 games as a rookie in 2005), and each has had an ERA over 5.00. Gorzelanny went from 3.88 in 2007 to 6.66 in 2008; Snell went from 3.76 in 2007 to 5.42 in 2008. Maholm went the opposite way, from 5.02 in 2007 to 3.71 in 2008. They're still young -- Snell is the oldest of the four at 27 -- but at some point Pittsburgh has to realize they might not ever put it together in the same season. (Note: The Astros avoid this spot because they have Roy Oswalt; the Nationals avoid it because of the acquisition of Scott Olsen.) N.L. rotation that could surprise Cincinnati Reds (Aaron Harang, Edinson Volquez, Bronson Arroyo, Johnny Cueto, Micah Owings/Homer Bailey). They have a tough home ballpark in which to pitch, but the Reds' top four top starters are capable of throwing seven shutout innings in any given outing. After years of consistent (and underappreciated) production, Harang had a slipup of a season in 2008; if healthy, he should return to his 16-win form again this year. Volquez and Cueto both have dominating stuff. If Cueto finds the consistency Volquez locked into last summer, watch out. Arroyo understands how to make the ball dip and dive as well as any pitcher in the majors. His problem is finding too much of the plate and giving up the long ball (29 in 2008). -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Homura:太色人靠著王牌救了全隊 XD 02/16 16:08
Belladonaa:Solid! 02/16 16:10
bounds:勇士也不輸梅子吧,蜜蜂回來後更可觀 02/16 16:13
rma:梅子除了山大王之外應該沒有能稱上強的吧...不過倒是蠻深的 02/16 16:15
Belladonaa:這個是開季預測啦 開季不在ROTATION就會拿掉 02/16 16:16
tomjack0405:老人隊rotation好多CYA 02/16 16:17
Homura:Lowe + Vazquez + 川上 + Jurrjens + Campillo(Glavine) 02/16 16:17
Homura:勇士的rotation也蠻適合solid這個詞的 不到outstanding 02/16 16:18
Belladonaa:看起來勇士的比較優 02/16 16:18
Homura:(Hudson) Reyes Morton Hanson Carlyle Bennett 02/16 16:20
Homura:勇士今年可以扛先發的人真多 02/16 16:21
andreo:老人隊的ROTATION也要靠打擊多幫忙了 可能嗎? 02/16 16:27
redsnipertd:Hudson開季還不能歸隊啊?! 02/16 16:28
Homura:Hudson下半季才能上場...如果趨時勇士戰績不理想 可能就不 02/16 16:29
Homura:會讓他上來了 02/16 16:29
Belladonaa:我想排 Mets 第三就是因為有 True Ace 02/16 16:35
Belladonaa:響尾蛇有兩隻 Ace... 02/16 16:37
waitla:Hanson會開季就上嗎? 應該沒那麼趕吧 02/16 16:38
Homura:Hudson才剛開始練投而已 牛步復建中 02/16 16:41
Homura:不過今年也是他合約的最後一年了... 02/16 16:41
Homura:勇士開季可以吃局數的人很多 應該是不至於得用到Hanson 02/16 16:43
ColbyRasmus:響尾蛇有可能出到三張ace啊... 02/16 17:01
Belladonaa:Max Scherzer? 02/16 17:05
ColbyRasmus:恩 02/16 17:31
Belladonaa:他應該會有局數限制吧? 02/16 17:32
ColbyRasmus:不清楚他要怎麼用耶...要請版主說明XD 02/16 17:44
catchtsu:Danie Haren+CY Webb就已經夠扯了, 三張Ace就太強大惹 02/16 18:47
ajburnett:Scherzer真的很殺 02/17 00:06