精華區beta MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A-Rod Should Not Be Allowed To Play For The Dominican Reports today indicated that, like in the time before the 2006 World Baseball Classic, Alex Rodriguez is leaning towards representing the Dominican Republic at the 2009 WBC. The American-born son of Dominican immigrants, A-Rod was solicited by friends on the DR squad to represent the team of his ancestors rather than the team of his birth. This time around, apparently David Ortiz is leading the lobbying effort. I am all for players representing the nation of their choice in the WBC — however, once a player picks a side he should be locked in. A-Rod chose the USA as his international team, and that choice should be made to stick. Two main examples of International sport that we can look at here are the Olympics and international soccer. In the Olympics a player is free to represent any country he is eligible for and can switch sides from one Games to another. This would be the example that favors A-Rod's move. However, in international soccer, once you have played a game with your senior international team, you are locked into that team for life. The soccer model offers a superior option because it brings a sense of continuity over time, and forces players to think hard before they choose to represent a country on the international stage. Nick Markakis, for example, may not have represented Greece at the 2004 Athens Games if he knew it would lock him in to Greece as his international team for the rest of his career. There would be a price for the exposure gained by performing on the international stage in the weaker squad of a WBC minnow like Italy, for example. The Olympic model would allow players like A-Rod to switch sides at their whim. Maybe an aging Derek Jeter could one day represent Ireland under A-Rod's type of logic, since he's got some Irish on his mom's side. Maybe a spurned Roger Clemens could come back and pitch for the Dutch. The problem is, however, that this type of swapping makes a joke out of the competition. A-Rod may feel both American and Dominican, but for the sake of treating the WBC like a real attempt at a Baseball World Cup, baseball should look to the sport with the most success at spreading its profile through an international competition. One day I hope the Cubans get their wish of a WBC every two years. If that day comes, this rule would be all the more important. Major League Baseball ought to look at the World Baseball Classic as their single most powerful tool for spread the game into new international markets (and thus tapping new sources of revenue). Locking players into one international team is an important step towards making sure the contest can be taken as seriously as the great international soccer tournaments. http://www.mlbscoop.com/?p=61 -- 我現在才知道許多人認為棒球國際比賽一生只能代表一個國家的迷思原來是來自足球 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nickyang:不過事實上A-Rod除了血緣,跟多明尼加沒啥淵源 12/07 15:48
appshjkli:他上次打美國隊還不是被多明尼加罵到臭頭 12/07 15:49
chendd:他四歲時倒是有在多明尼加住了四年 12/07 16:03
giveme5566:真可惜不是來台灣住四年 12/07 16:18
midstrong:如果可以幫邦交國打的話就好了 12/07 16:55
Beisbol:ARod想幫台灣打, 先來當兵吧 科科 12/07 17:27
DoraeCookie:ARod:我1場4打席也只能打4HR,台灣能掉低於4分嗎? XD 12/07 17:41
signorange:樓上0.0 12/07 17:47
blockman:摩拉可以幫台灣打嗎? 12/07 17:55
wakuwaku:他在台灣被黑道嚇成那樣 會想代表台灣@@ 12/07 18:37
JUNstudio:不過足球也有可能一生代表兩個國家啊、、、但很少、、、 12/07 20:06