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Johan Santana plans to withdraw from the World Baseball Classic at the Mets request, according to the Daily News. Another case of a team getting in the way of a healthy player taking part in the WBC. The Mets are able to do so because Santana underwent knee surgery at the conclusion of the season. He'll be ready to go this spring, but the Mets, of course, would rather see him save his bullets for the regular season. Feb. 9 - 3:59 pm et Source: New York Daily News -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hikaruton:委內瑞拉:囧 02/10 13:47
TaiwanTeam:冏...想再看他K一次古巴 02/10 13:53
charliee:最後面的翻譯應該是梅子希望山大王的子彈發射在對的地方 02/10 13:56
nbahoop:為了梅子好 淚推 02/10 14:26
yLi:噓...樓上稱mets為梅子,用ppt發明的暱稱很爽嗎?以為很懂嗎? 02/10 19:34
frank836:看來樓上很懂? 02/10 19:37
t0151991:某Y真無聊 02/10 19:38
maxspeed150:ppt不是M$公司某軟體的檔案格式嗎 02/10 19:42
HOMERUN555:原來是M$發明的 某Y好威 02/10 19:43
allen30616:真遜...ptt ppt傻傻分不清楚還要教訓人?以為很懂嗎? 02/10 19:48
clkdtm32:PPT?是一種可以做簡報的程式嗎? 02/10 19:48
Valter:某Y搞笑? 02/10 19:52
JoshBeckeet:五樓救了 山大王... 02/10 20:04
lililolo:該轉笑版嗎?? 想訓人也不瞧瞧自己幾兩重... 02/10 20:43
jayin07:yLi不就是上次#19AJv4BE這篇說ptt暱稱不好的嗎? 02/10 21:01
jayin07:還是我們只能用國外球迷稱的綽號呢? 02/10 21:03
jayin07:這樣是有比較爽嗎? 02/10 21:04
xgpwh:五樓根本自婊嘛 02/10 21:12
t0151991:MLB版發文沒門檻嗎 yLi上一篇都劣成這樣了 還能推文 02/10 22:03
ph49:專業五樓 有笑有推 02/10 23:09