精華區beta MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.hardballtimes.com/main/article/five-questions-pittsburgh-pirates5/ Five questions: Pittsburgh Pirates by Charlie Wilmoth 雖然我們在這探討五個問題,但還是會創下連17季進不了季後賽的紀錄。不過好消息是 FO以前弄出來的爛攤子過去了,而海盜也重回了軌道。如往常一樣,海盜迷會一邊看著 現在的球隊、一邊展望未來。 秉持著這個想法來做些討論吧。 1.誰會站在外野呢? 海盜去年在交易截止之前就將Bay和Nady送走,而他們的外野陣容就從那個時候起瓦解。 Nate McLouth在今年會從中外野出發,儘管他去年拿到了金手套,不過他並不是防守 突出的中外野手(雖然他在數據上也沒這麼差),如果McCutchen上來的話,他會被移到 角落去。 McCutchen是近年海盜農場最好的新秀。他們談到海到農場的時候,總會想到他,但是 McCutchen至少要成為一個稱職的先發球員。他有不錯的plate discipline、和優秀 的擊球能力、速度和防守能力。他的power還沒顯現出來,不過他有20HR的潛力。 他開季可能會從3A出發,但如果打得好的話,可能會讓他提早上來MLB。 同時間,海盜的先發右外野手可能會是從Bay的交易中得來的Bradon Moss。Moss 在offseason動了膝蓋手術,而且也因為手腕問題錯過了很多場春訓比賽。如果他 健康的話,他在一些較強的隊伍可能會是四號外野手,不過他有一些power和耐心 ,給他足夠的時間,他有可能會打出個.280/.350/.470的球季。很幸運的,他現在 有這個機會。 左外野開放競爭,Nyjer Morgan,一個28歲、有著優秀的速度但是沒有power的小 聯盟球員,不過他知道如何比賽中該做什麼,在春訓之前是推定的先發。不過 他在春訓的表現很糟糕,所以Craig Monroe可能會取代他的位置。有一件事 是比Monroe贏得這個先發位置更糟糕的---那就是Monroe最好的表現也稱不上優秀。 他的生涯OBP是.301,而他從'04年就一直退化。Eric Hinske可能會一起分食掉這個 位置。 2. 誰會在先發輪值裡? 去年海盜掉了884分,比其他國聯隊伍至少多掉了59分。海盜的先發成績為ERA5.36, 確實是個大問題,但他們之前面臨著很艱難的情況:去年海盜的防守效率是全大聯盟 第三差的,某方面來講,外野真是爛透了。隨著McCutchen、Morgan接手Bay和Nady 的位置,他們今年應該會進步一點。同樣的,海盜經由交易所得到的Ohlendorf、 Karstens、D.McCutchen、Barthmaier、Vasquez(從waiver撿來),預期可以 吃下Yoslan Herrera、John Van Benschoten的空缺,或是像去年接管Tom Gorzelanny 受傷後的局數。 這是好消息,而壞消息是先發陣容都不好。Paul Maholm只是個名義上的ace,他在 強隊裡面只能排到#3。除此之外,剩下的人選:如Ian Snell, Zach Duke, Gorzelanny,以及先前提到的投手都有風險存在。在這些人之中,Snell可能是 報酬最好的賭注,即使他根本不知道他去年出了什麼問題。只要有好野手的幫助, Duke會是個不錯的後段輪值投手,但是他在海盜的破爛防守下被擊出太多安打了。 Maholm, Snell和Duke很可能會排在前三號的位置,而後兩號讓Ohlendorf、Karstens 填補是最適當的選擇。 3. Andy LaRoche的元神會回歸嗎? 在海盜得到LaRoche的時候,看起來像是低價買進了一個在原本球隊沒有位置打球的 強打少年。他在海盜的前兩個月,防守乏善可陳、選球更是一場災難,完全顯示出 Dodgers不讓他出賽是合理的作為。從小聯盟成績、球探間的評價看來,他的表現應該 可以更好。他到底出了什麼問題呢? 有一個原因可能是,他整年都是帶傷打球的。LaRoche在去年春訓的拇指韌帶撕裂, 曾經做過手術,並且錯失了前幾個禮拜的球季。當他回來的時候,由'08年的ISO.146 比起前年的ISO.280,他的power看起來比以前小。他在MLB中的短期亮相也沒有展現 出power。他的另一個問題是在他海盜發生的,守備表現不好、打擊的時候去揮壞球, 可能會導致他有挫折感,讓他沒辦法結實的咬中球。 即使LaRoche因傷表現不如預期,海盜的教練團還是對LaRoche的潛力有極大的肯定。 而他現在的拇指看起來好了,他在春訓至禮拜一打出了0.389的打擊率,從整體來看 ,他的狀態和'08年截然不同,所以這是一個理由對他的未來有著樂觀的期待。 4. 老鳥要怎樣? 海盜去年送出了Bay、Nady、Marte,一定會讓海盜的老鳥們人人自危,或許自己就是 下一個被送走的。隨著offseason時買來Hinske、Vazquez和簽下小聯盟自由球員: Monroe、Phillips,在25人名單上最年長的就屬Adam LoRoche、Freddy Sanchez,Jack Wilson,John Grabow和Tyler Yates了。這些人之中,Adam和Grabow 今年結束就是自由球員了,而Sanchez、Wilson還有2010年的club option,不過海賊 可能會選擇買斷。 LaRoche和Grabow有進入FA待價而沽的本錢。LaRoche一直有慢熱的現象,前兩個月 打得像Willie Bloomquist、最後兩個月又會變身為Willie Stargell,所以海盜 可能會把他標上「可以逆轉戰局的打者」當作今年的交易籌碼。Grabow是個 稱職的左手setup,可以在交易截止之前換幾個小朋友回來。現在海盜可能在接訂單呢。 5.坐在辦公室裡面的傢伙可以帶領海盜走回榮耀嗎? 海盜制服組的大頭目Frank Coonelly、指揮官Neal Huntington,顯然只有一個計畫 ,就是打造一個low-payroll的球隊。他們在08年他們的第一輪-Pedro Alvarez 和後段的Robbie Grossman、Quinton Miller一大筆錢。接著投資在前指揮官 Dave Littlefield忽略多年的拉丁美洲新秀寶庫,接著也開始打造最好的Dominican facility。 新的制服組團隊已經開始著手挖掘海外新秀,例如先下南非的Mpho Ngoepe、印度 Rinku Singh 和 Dinesh Patel。最後,Coonelly、Huntington經由交易拿到如同 Jose Tabata、Bryan Morris這種天份的新秀。如果海盜的策略奏效的話,他們就能 用低成本讓農場長滿漂亮的農作物。顯然,他們終於知道要這樣做了。 不過制服組的計畫要是成功了,會有三個潛在問題降臨。 第一,當海盜作物出產之後, 海盜的大頭目可能不會提高他們的pay-roll。這裡有一個充分的理由去解釋球迷們 的疑惑,這支球隊去年的pay-roll 51M排名整個聯盟的第27位。雖然紅人和酒人的市場 規模與海盜差不多,但花的錢要比海盜來得多。不過海盜在今年並不打算把他提高,因 為他們沒錢可用。 他們把錢花在Dominican facility和選秀上是很好的補強,而海賊頭子明確說了在他們 沒有足夠的競爭力之前,沒有理由把pay-roll提高。沒錯,把大把鈔票拿去簽昂貴的資 深球員很蠢,誰會拿長約去綁球員然後讓自己負債到有競爭力的時候?所以海盜頭子 去避免提高payroll,用農場的證明他們可以有競爭力。不過難免會讓球迷擔心payroll 沒有顯著提高(失去競爭力),而難以認同頭子的做法。 Another potential snag that could catch the Pirates' long-term plan might come from those same fans, many of whom have already turned on Huntington and Coonelly. As Wilbur Miller has pointed out, the more Huntington and Coonelly distinguish themselves from Littlefield, the angrier the fans get, which is ironic, since Littlefield is arguably the person most responsible for the Pirates' current predicament. Littlefield left the organization in utter disrepair, from the major league team all the way down to rookie ball. It took Andrew Friedman two and a half years to fix the Rays, and Friedman had the benefit of a very good farm system to work with. Huntington and Coonelly inherited a Rays-like situation at the major league level and one of the worst farm systems in baseball. Fans were furious with Huntington and Coonelly after they'd been on the job less than a year, and it's going to take at least a couple more before the Pirates show real progress in the majors. These next two years will be very tough for the Pirates, and the ownership needs to have the resolve to stick with the plan. A third potential area of concern that might prevent the Pirates from achieving their goals is that Huntington and Coonelly's skills as evaluators of talent haven't yet been tested. The most important players they've acquired so far--Alvarez, Grossman, Miller, Tabata, Morris--haven't yet played much for the organization. We know a lot more about their less important acquisitions, and the results so far have been uninspiring. Their strategy for acquiring relievers thus far has largely consisted of grabbing the hardest throwers they can find, regardless of their ability to find the plate. For example, last offseason Huntington dealt Todd Redmond—now a decent starting pitching prospect—to the Braves for Tyler Yates. Yates racked up walks for the Pirates in 2008 and was completely untrustworthy in any situation that required him to keep batters from reaching base. Many of Huntington's other acquisitions, including Denny Bautista, Evan Meek, and Craig Hansen, were exactly the same way. The Pirates' 2008 bench was also a mess. When shortstop Jack Wilson got hurt early in the season, the Bucs turned to minor league free agent Luis Rivas, a terrible hitter whom the Pirates' own statistical analyst, Dan Fox, had earlier described as one of the worst defensive second basemen of the past 50 years. The results were predictable, and the performances the Pirates got from fellow bench players like Jason Michaels and Luis Cruz weren't much better. The only bench player who was worth the playing time he received was Doug Mientkiewicz. In fairness to Huntington and Coonelly, these were all low-risk, low-reward acquisitions, and it ultimately doesn't matter much who pitches the sixth inning or pinch hits for a 95-loss team. It also appears that they may have learned their lesson, signing substantially better players in Hinske and Vazquez for this year's bench. But when the Pirates pay a steep price for, say, Andy LaRoche, only to have him crater spectacularly, it's possible for a cynical observer to see a pattern, and worry that a dark future awaits the more important group of players Huntington and Coonelly have acquired. Despite all that, though, Huntington and Coonelly have gotten the big things right so far, and they deserve the benefit of the doubt. In 2009, many serious Pirates fans will pay at least as much attention to the actions of the front office as they do to the results on the field, hoping that Huntington and Coonelly are capable of finally leading the franchise out of the woods. 後面有一大半不知該如何翻譯,前面那段不太懂,應該是指以前的FO和現在FO的差別。 在此之後那幾段大意是講他們FO對新秀的評估出了些問題,拿一些有用的 去換弄了一些沒用的東西,球員受傷找來替補的又鳥。 因為沒辦法一次翻出來,不想翻得零零碎碎的,所以後面那一大段還需請人幫助翻譯...。 -- t a █◣══╮ ██ █◤ ╭══════theanswer3 h n █ ● ╰══════╯█▌ █╰══╯● ◣ e s ▄◤ █◣ . █▌ █ █◣ █◣ A w ▌█.‵﹑ ˙ █▌ █ ▌█ █ █ e █ ◤ ██ ────────────── ﹀ ╭ r 3█◤═══▄◤〞′══◥█═══════════════╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Sechslee:頭推 03/29 21:13
ColbyRasmus:McLouth:數據sucks~ 臘肉弟加油! 03/29 21:15
Ayukawayen:OF競爭者:McLouth McCutchen Moss Morgan Monroe..... 03/29 21:31
goopa:麥當勞要不要考慮在海盜外野的牆上放個看板,打到就送漢堡... 03/29 21:41
goopa:MM巧克力也可以考慮... 03/29 21:42
jayin07:XD 03/29 21:47
zerg1228:"M"OFs 03/29 21:53
sunnyfin:感謝翻譯大隊! 03/29 22:45
※ 編輯: jayin07 來自: (03/29 22:59)