精華區beta MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.twinkietown.com/2009/1/8/713890/2009-al-central-win-projec Method: 1) For the Twins, I used my projected PA/IP allocations across each position. Feel free to weigh in if you disagree. For other teams, I started with the ESPN depth charts and made a few mods of my own. 2) Projected wOBA is based on a subjective combination of Bill James and CHONE, using Marcel to bump or down a bit. 3) Projected baserunning is also subjective, but I've got data from 2008 to justify most of the +/- 0.25 values. 4) Projected defense is based on UZR/150 over the past few years for the player at the given position. I tried not to be too extreme one way or the other with the defensive ratings. 5) ERA is generally based on Bill James and Marcel projected xFIP, adjusted up or down using CHONE projections. Findings: Based on these projections, Cleveland is the early favorite to win the division. There's a long way to go before Spring Training or Opening Day though. wins Cleveland Indians 91.5 Minnesota Twins 88.0 Detroit Tigers 87.4 Chicago White Sox 80.0 Kansas City Royals 79.9 http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pO3dbhlV3dGR7GlCfzmbaYQ&hl=en -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
abc12812:白襪被看太扁了吧 01/09 19:44
WASnations:這組冠軍說不定會是皇家 也該輪到他們了吧 01/09 19:46
MingXDD:比照08年美東預測 白襪沒有被看扁呀XD 01/09 19:54
dreamerx:當年白襪冠軍 也沒幾個人在季初看好過他們... 01/09 22:51
tunababy:twins fan的網站吧? 01/10 03:15
tunababy:而且預測結果其實還算ok..沒有到離譜的地步... 01/10 03:16
Belladonaa:這是雙城迷算的沒錯 不過試算表是Beyond Box給的 01/10 13:15