精華區beta MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我英文很差,尤其第四段 WAR 的解釋我不確定翻得對不對, 希望版友們能多提供我一些建言(請盡量鞭用力一點 XD),感謝:) ※ 引述《abc12812 ()》之銘言: : http://tinyurl.com/czyedbm : The other night I tweeted that Prince Fielder's 50-homer season in 2007 -- : when he hit .288/.395/.618 -- rates as the lowest wins above replacement : total among the 42 seasons a player has hit at least 50. His 3.4 WAR on : Baseball-Reference is one of just three of those 42 seasons the site : evaluates as worth fewer than 5.0 wins, Mark McGwire's 4.9 in 1997 and Sammy : Sosa's 4.5 in 1999 being the other two. Prince Fielder 在07年敲了50轟,繳出 .288/.395/.618 的優異打擊三圍。 在MLB歷史上一共有42個球季曾出現過達成單季50轟成就的球員, 而 Fielder 2007年的 WAR 卻僅僅只有3.4勝,是所有達成50轟的球員中最低的。 依照Baseball-Reference的WAR統計,只有三位達成50轟的球員他們那一年的WAR不到5, 分別是Fielder、1997年的 Mark McGwire(4.9)以及1999年的 Sammy Sosa(4.5) : I followed up that factoid by mentioning that in 2012 Mariners shortstop : Brendan Ryan -- who hit .194 with a .277 on-base percentage and three home : runs -- was worth 3.3 WAR. How can two players of such extreme differences in : offensive production be valued so similarly? As somebody mentioned in a : follow-up tweet, it's numbers like this that make many fans skeptical of WAR : … or completely dismissive. Brendan Ryan 2012年的打擊率是1成94,上壘率2成77,而且只揮出3轟, 但他的 WAR 卻高達3.3勝。 為什麼在進攻端差異如此懸殊的兩人對球隊的貢獻卻幾乎是相等的? 這也是為什麼很多球迷對 WAR 這樣一個數據的正確性抱持懷疑的態度, 甚至根本不屑一顧。 : With that in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to do a rough example of : how WAR is calculated, using Fielder and Ryan -- and why it does work and why : it (hopefully) makes sense. (For a much more thorough description, here is : the Baseball-Reference explanation page, including the idea behind WAR and : the concept of replacement level, and here's the specific page on the steps : used for rating position players.) : As Sean Forman writes on Baseball-Reference, "The basic currency of WAR is : runs. We start with runs added or lost versus an average player and then : compare the average player to a replacement player." The formula is this: : Players Runs over Replacement = Player_runs - ReplPlayer_runs = : (Player_runs - AvgPlayer_runs) + (AvgPlayer_runs - ReplPlayer_runs) : OK, we'll start with runs on offense. 我認為 Fielder V.S. Ryan 正好是解釋 WAR 是如何計算的一個很棒的範本, 究竟 WAR 是怎麼得來的,以及為什麼(我誠摯地希望)它是有意義的。 (原文連結: (1) Baseball-Reference 對 WAR 的解釋: http://www.baseball-reference.com/about/war_explained.shtml) (2) 對於野手的 WAR 計算及相關細節: http://www.baseball-reference.com/about/war_explained_position.shtml) 如同 Sean Forman 在 Baseball-Reference 上所寫的: 「各家學派計算 WAR 的基本共通點就是"計算得分(runs)"。」 (註:不是比賽的實際得分,比較像是在打分數) 我們先將欲比較的球員和一位平均水準的球員做對照,並計算兩者之間的正負值, 然後再比較一般平均水準的球員和替補等級的球員(replacement player)間的差距。 公式:Players Runs over Replacement = Player_runs - ReplPlayer_runs = : (Player_runs - AvgPlayer_runs) + (AvgPlayer_runs - ReplPlayer_runs) 好了,以下就讓我們先從進攻上的得分開始談起。 : Offense : Using the linear weights method of evaluating offense -- giving value to each : single, double, triple, home run, walk, hit by pitch, sacrifice and even : reached on error -- Fielder created 143 runs in 2007. Ryan created 35 runs, : so Fielder is off to a 108-run advantage right off the bat. : But remember that we have to factor in the context those runs were created : in. The National League in 2007 hit .266/.334/.423 (and even higher when you : filter out pitcher hitting) and the American League in 2012 hit : .255/.320/.411, which means Fielder will be compared to a better average : hitter than will Ryan. Fielder also played in Miller Park, which is rated as : a neutral park for the three-year park factors Baseball-References uses (park : factor of 100), while Ryan played in Safeco Field, an extreme pitchers' park : (park factor of 90, decreasing run scoring by 10 percent). So Ryan played in : a tougher offensive environment, which means his batting runs are accordingly : adjusted. : Also, playing time -- Fielder produced his runs in 681 plate appearances : while Ryan had 470. When each hitter is then compared to what a : league-average hitter would produce in that amount of playing time, Fielder : ends up at plus-44 runs and Ryan at minus-18, so the difference on offense is : now 62 runs. 進攻端: 在計算進攻上的得分採用加權法。對於每一支一壘安打、二壘打、三壘打、全壘打、 保送、觸身、犧牲打甚至是靠失誤上壘賦予不同的價值。 按照此公式可計算出 Fielder 2007年創造出的得分是143分,2012年的 Ryan 則是35分。 因此我們發現 Fielder 靠著他的大棒子比 Ryan 創造出多達108分的得分。 但除此之外我們還必須將當時的環境、背景等因素考慮進去。2007年國聯平均打擊三圍 是.266/.334/.423(尤其若扣除掉投手打擊的部分應該會更高),而2012年美聯平均打擊 三圍是.255/.320/.411,這意謂著 Fielder 的比較標準應該要比 Ryan 來的高。而且 小王子當時是在 Miller Park (照 Baseball-References 的評估算是比較中立的球場) 打球,然而 Ryan 卻是待在 Safeco Field(極偏投手的球場),因此 Ryan 的進攻得分 勢必得作調整。 此外還有上場時間 - Fielder 07年擁有681個打席,相對來說 Ryan 只有470個。接著 我們假設一個平均水準的球員擁有和 Fielder 及 Ryan 相同的打席,計算出該平均水 準的球員所創造出的得分,最後再和 Fielder 和 Ryan 做對照得到我們所要的結果。 小王子比一般平均水準球員多創造 +44 的得分,Ryan 則是-18。因此經過調整後兩人 在進攻上的得分實際差距大約是62分。 : Baserunning and runs on avoiding double plays : It should not surprise you that a guy coming in somewhere close to 300 pounds : doesn't earn extra value with his baserunning (including stolen bases and : caught stealing). Fielder is minus-3 runs on baserunning, but plus-1 on : double plays as he grounded into just nine that year. Ryan was average (zero : runs) in both areas, so picks up two more runs in value, leaving Fielder at : plus-60 runs. 跑壘(包含盜壘和盜壘失敗) & 避免被雙殺: 不意外,小王子在跑壘上的得分是 -3,不過避免被雙殺的部分則是+1(當年他只有9次 雙殺打)。Ryan 在兩方面則皆屬於平均水準(得分都是0),因此 Ryan 在這一塊比小王 子多出+2分,現在兩人得分上的差距縮小至60分。 : Defense : This is the aspect of the game where Ryan shines. Baseball-Reference uses : defense runs saved from Baseball Info Solutions, which evaluates every batted : ball in a variety of categories, and then compares each player to the average : fielder at his position. Ryan is rated at plus-27 runs, a very high figure -- : the second highest of any fielder in 2012, and the fifth highest by a : shortstop in the past decade. : Fielder, meanwhile, is rated at 15 runs worse than an average first baseman, : a very poor total. 防守端: Ryan 在守備方面可說是大放異彩。Baseball-Reference 在防守上採用的是 Baseball Info Solutions 的 "defense runs saved" 來做評估,將"每一位野手"和"該野手所負責 的守位的平均水準"作比較。計算後 Ryan 得到了+27分,是2012年第二高分,也是近十年 游擊手得分第五名;而 Fielder 比起平均水準的一壘手是-15分,相當差的數字。 : Look, are defensive stats perfect? No. Are they pretty good these days? Yes. : Should one-year defensive stats in particular be viewed with some : reservations? Sure. Was Ryan's 2012 season a defensive fluke? I don't think : so. Defense runs saved has him at plus-25, plus-22, plus-18 and plus-27 in : his four seasons as a regular, the first two with St. Louis, so it has : consistently given high marks to his glove work. 但,守備數據是完美的嗎?顯然不是。 然而守備數據雖然不是完美的,但也已經很不錯了。 所以特地拿 Ryan 在2012年的守備表現來計算而得到這樣的結論,是不是應該要對此 結果持保留態度呢? 是的。 所以 Ryan 的2012在防守上的好表現會不會只是僥倖賽到的?抱歉我不這麼認為。 Defense runs saved 計算 Ryan 過去4年的守備得分分別是+25、+22、+18和+27, 前兩個數字是他還待在紅雀時的守備得分。因此我們可以從這裡看出 Ryan 的守備表現 是相當穩定的。 : As for Fielder, everyone would agree that he's not exactly Keith Hernandez at : first base. He's a big, heavy guy without much quickness who also made 14 : errors that year. It's certainly plausible that he was 15 runs below an : average first baseman (his defense has rated better in recent seasons). : So Ryan has a huge 42-run advantage on defense, leaving Fielder at plus-18 : runs. 關於小王子,所有人都應該會同意他並不是 Keith Hernandez。他不僅體格龐大、又胖 、反應又遲緩,當年他也發生14次失誤。所以對於"小王子比起守備平均水準的一壘手 要少了15分"這一結論我認為是可以相信的(不過小王子這幾年守備有比較好了)。所以 Ryan在防守上比小王子多得到+42分,現在小王子的領先數字從+60分大幅縮減至+18分。 : There are those who will argue that the value of defense is being overrated, : that the margins between the best and worst fielders can't be that high. : Well, why not? Ryan had 601 total chances in the field in 2012 -- about a : full season's worth of plate appearances for a hitter. Sure, many of those : are routine grounders and easy pop-ups that any competent major league : shortstop can field. But a certain percentage of possible plays are not : routine, and that's where defensive value comes in to play. As for Fielder, : he made 423 outs at the plate in 2007, so he's not obtaining any value in : about two-thirds of his plate appearances, as well. 可能會有人說守備價值被過分高估了,即使手套最好和最差的防守球員間也不應該會有 如此龐大的差距。但,為什麼你認為不會有呢?Ryan 在2012年一共有601次的守備機會 ,價值跟一個打滿整季的打者的打席數是相同的。喔好啦,這601次守備機會當中確實 有很多次只是非常簡單的的滾地球和可以輕鬆接殺的內野飛球,但不好處理的play也佔 了一定的比重,而能夠完成這些困難的play正是守備的價值所在。以 Fielder 來說, 2007年他在打擊上同樣製造了423次出局,因此他的681次打席其實有佔將近2/3是沒有 辦法創造出任何貢獻的,這道理就跟守備是一樣的。 : Final adjustments and wins : The final adjustment made is a positional adjustment. Obviously, it requires : more ability to play shortstop than first base, as reflected by the fact : teams will play lesser hitters there. Since Ryan was being compared only to : other good fielders at his position, and Fielder only to other first basemen, : that has to be factored in. Baseball-Reference's current values for : positional adjustment are plus-7.5 runs for shortstops (per 1,350 innings : played) and minus-10 for first basemen. This ends up giving Ryan plus-6 runs : and Fielder minus-10. : Which puts us at … Fielder at plus-2 runs. 最後是關於守備位置的調整。而且很顯然地,想當一個游擊手比當一壘手要更困難, 這從各球隊的守備位置人數分布多寡就可以看得出來。因此 Ryan 只能跟其他手套 同樣很優的球員來比較,而小王子也只需要和其他守備相對於游擊手來說比較不佳的 一壘手作比較。 Baseball-Reference 目前對於游擊手的調整分數是 +7.5/每守備1350局,而一壘手 則是 -10,結算 Ryan 得到+6分,Fielder 則是-10分。 所以在經過計算後 Fielder 最終只比 Ryan 多了2分。 : From there, runs are converted to wins, and Fielder ends up at 3.4 wins above : replacement and Ryan at 3.3. It's important to keep in mind that WAR is an : approximation of value, not a definitive answer, but I hope this helps in : explaining why a player who hit .194 can be viewed with the same value as a : player who hit 50 home runs. : By the way, Fielder's WAR in 2012: 4.4. Even though he hit only 30 home runs. 最後我們再將得分轉換成對球隊勝負的貢獻,得到 Fielder 比起 replacement player 要多貢獻了3.4勝,Ryan 則是3.3勝。但我們必須要切記的是,WAR 只是一個近似值,而 不是絕對的答案。但是我希望這能夠有助於解釋,為何一個打擊率才1成94的球員和一個 能幹出50本的球員是具有同等價值的。 順帶一提,Fielder 2012年只敲了30轟,但他的 WAR 卻是4.4。 (完) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nickyang:主詞是守備數據 03/01 12:37
nickyang:守備數據不完美但已經很不錯了 03/01 12:37
gn02530640:感謝樓上! 03/01 12:41
daniel955377:Are they pretty good these days?的they應該是 03/01 12:43
daniel955377:defensive stats吧? 03/01 12:44
gn02530640:我一看到"they"第一直覺就覺得是指人 XD 現在回過頭 03/01 12:45
gn02530640:看主詞其實很明顯就是指前一句的守備數據 囧rz 03/01 12:46
Guillen:推,我覺得翻得很好啊,原po謙虛了 XD 03/01 12:48
Seiran:推 原PO優秀! 03/01 12:55
pujos:我對最後那一段的Rpos修正有疑問 03/01 12:55
pujos:在進攻端的評估已經對pos做過一次修正.沒理由最後還要在一次 03/01 12:57
pujos:光看這兩季米高的WAR就很清楚了 03/01 12:59
gn02530640:進攻方面沒有做守位校正吧@@ 03/01 12:59
pujos:最後的Rpos校正直接影響他在BR版的WAR有1的差距 03/01 13:00
NickWeglarz:進攻哪裡有對守位做過校正? 03/01 13:00
nickyang:2012五月之後BR板的有 03/01 13:01
NickWeglarz:WAR架構的重點就是把攻守分開,不再像VORP一樣拿進攻 03/01 13:01
pujos:打錯是Rfield... 03/01 13:01
NickWeglarz:數據作防守校正 03/01 13:01
pujos:單就相同位子的球員來比WAR.那有相當程度的可信度 03/01 13:08
pujos:不過一但跨位子.可能這也不是個好的比較選項 03/01 13:08
porten812:推 03/01 13:22
※ 編輯: gn02530640 來自: (03/01 13:35)
god2:推 03/01 14:13
Lasvegas:PUSH~ 03/01 14:40
Yginger1:推 感謝 03/01 15:57
ajburnett:現在都流行先消毒嗎? lol 03/01 18:10
vg175:推用心翻譯 03/01 18:36
niravaabhas:推!感謝 不過Miller park我覺得很偏打者耶... 03/01 19:52
maxspeed150:PF 104 中性略偏打者而已 03/01 19:55
maxspeed150:Chase 106, Coors 120, Great American 107都比較高 03/01 19:57
miabcd199:推翻譯 03/01 20:08
andy880036s: 03/01 22:36
AStigma:好文+原PO用心,感謝! 03/01 22:59
uranusjr:Miller Park 會讓人覺得偏打者是 Fielder 和 Braun 造成 03/01 23:07
uranusjr:的錯覺吧, 感覺好像很容易打XD 03/01 23:07