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關於George Steinbrenner被敲詐事件,我查了一下過程~ 來源http://espn.go.com/page2/s/list/steinbrenner.html #The Winfield Dirt Incident The Dave Winfield/Steinbrenner feud hit its low point in 1990, shortly after The Boss sent Winfield to the Angels in exchange for Mike Witt. In 1987, George, in a desperate attempt to dig up dirt on Winfield, hired gambler Howard Spira as his shovelmeister. Three years later, Spira, the Ken Starr of private baseball investigators, was still looking for nothing. But he was $40,000 richer, thanks to a payoff from Steinbrenner. In July 1990, commissioner Fay Vincent banned George from day-to-day operations ofthe Yankees for life. 簡單的說就是因Steinbrenner和隊中明星Dave Winfield長年不合,即使他在1990年 把Winfield賣到加州天使隊後,依然還是懷恨在心。因此他從1987年開始雇用賭徒 Howard Spira為私家偵探,專門去挖Winfield的個人隱私。最開始的價碼是110000 美金,但雖然Spira什麼都沒查到,他還是從Steinbrenner手上敲詐到了40000美金。 Howard Spira最後被判了22個月刑期。 這篇文章列了不少Steinbrenner做過的蠢(?)事,還蠻有趣的 XD~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: waitla 來自: (05/09 15:02)
charmk3:真是個熱血 (?)的老闆 XD 因為沒拿到總冠軍 揍牆揍斷手 05/09 15:07