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Brooks Robinson的四次三殺打 1. 1958.6.2 Washington Senators @ Baltimore Orioles 6局下 6*-6*-3* → 一壘:Jim Marshall 二壘:Lenny Green Brooks Robinson is the batter with a ?-? count. He hits a sinking liner speared by the SS, Rocky Bridges (OUT 1) SS steps on the bag at second to double up the runner caught off second, Lenny Green (OUT 2) SS throws to the 1B (Julio Becquer) who nabs the runner caught off first, Jim Marshall (OUT 3) 2. 1964.9.10 Baltimore Orioles @ Washington Senators 5局上 6-4*-3*-2* → 一壘:Boog Powell 二壘:Luis Aparicio 三壘:Jerry Adair Brooks Robinson is the batter with a ?-? count. He hits a ground ball fielded by the SS (John Kennedy) who flips the ball over to 2B (Don Blasingame) who forces the runner from first, Boog Powell (OUT 1) 2B throws to the 1B (Joe Cunningham) who retires the batter, Brooks Robinson ,while Jerry Adair scores from third (OUT 2) 1B throws home to the C (Mike Brumley) to nail the runner trying to score from second, Luis Aparicio (OUT 3) 註:Washington Senators隊史第一次三殺守備。這個Senators和上一個不同,這個是 Rangers的前身,而1960年以前的Senators則是成為了Twins。 3. 1965.8.18 Boston Red Sox @ Baltimore Orioles 1局下 5-4*-3*-5* → 一壘:Boog Powell 二壘:Paul Blair Brooks Robinson is the batter with a ?-? count. He hits a ground ball fielded by the 3B Frank Malzone who throws to 2B (Felix Mantilla) who puts out the runner from first, Boog Powell (OUT 1) 2B throws to the 1B (Tony Horton) who puts out the batter, Brooks Robinson (OUT 2) 1B throws to the 3B (Frank Malzone) who puts out the runner from second, Paul Blair (OUT 3) 4. 1967.8.6 Chicago White Sox @ Baltimore Orioles G2 5局下 5*-4*-3* → 一壘:Frank Robinson 二壘:Boog Powell Brooks Robinson is the batter with a ?-? count. He hits a ground ball fielded by 3B Ken Boyer who puts out the runner from second, Boog Powell (OUT 1) 3B throws to the 2B (Don Buford) who puts out the runner from first, Frank Robinson (OUT 2) 2B throws to the 1B (Tommy McCraw) who puts out the batter, Brooks Robinson (OUT 3) ------ 基本上會出現是否為三殺打的爭議應該是在於是否為被迫進壘的狀態,但上面的第 二和第三次TP,第三個出局數都已經解除了被迫進壘的狀態了,但帳還是記在Brooks Robinson頭上。其實只要提到Player who bat/hit into Triple Play,紀錄還是會 寫Brooks Robinson的四次。 http://tripleplays.sabr.org/tp_bat.htm 這裡ctrl+f找Johjima可以發現上一篇提到的也是有計算進去。而水手這場隔幾天後 皇家vs魔鬼魚也有一次更不一樣的TP。當時一三壘有跑者,打者Russell Branyan中 外野飛球接殺,CF傳本壘但傳過頭被補位的投手接到,投手傳游擊觸殺往二壘跑的 Rocco Baldelli,接著皇家認為三壘上的Aubrey Huff離壘過早促請裁決,三壘審Bob Davidson同意,因此游擊再傳給三壘手踩壘包完成三殺。同樣在上面的連結可以找到 Russell Branyan有一次batted into triple play的紀錄。 當然啦,如果要用中文的文字遊戲來分別三殺打跟三殺守備,那Brooks Robinson一 定會舉雙手雙腳贊成。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sylviehsiang:可能跨下還會多一點 XD 08/23 20:44