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※ 引述《dadabo (或許真是那種狀況來臨)》之銘言: : 看過了洋基和印地安人的主場 : 發現印地安人會很瘋狂的全場揮動白毛巾,好像很眾志一同 : 可是洋基球迷好像就是各自看各自的,自己做自己的標語 : 會不會是因為紐約畢竟是國際大都市,球迷組成太雜 : 所以沒有辦法做到全場一起做某些加油動作,例如揮白毛巾等等 有關於Rally Towel的起源,在網路上找到了這一段文字... A frequent favorite of teams, fans and sponsors Rally Towels, Homer Hankies and Terrible Towels are a long standing history in sports. Legend has it that loyal Pittsburgh Steelers fans brought towels containing "magical powers" to games as early as 1974. In 1978 during their playoff run a merchandising manager named Bernie Pollak decided to produce the towels. While the crowd routinely waved their "magic" towels the players were not seen using them until January 7th of 1979 when Lynn Swann emerged from the introduction tunnel waving one of the now mythical towels. The towels followed the Steelers to the Super Bowl weeks later and has captured a piece of Americana ever since. In the 1987 (and again in 1991) the Minnesota Twins pumped new life in to the idea of waving a piece of fabric at games with the Homer Hankie. Themed Rally Towels remain popular with dozens of success stories in all sports and many levels. 這裡還有Terrible Towel的介紹 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrible_Towel Homer Hankie的介紹 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homer_Hankie 另外在洋基球場是不會看到球迷一起揮舞Rally Towels的 http://www.philly.com/philly/business/20071004_RALLY_MANIA.html 在這篇文章中有提到,某些球隊會因為傳統所以不做這種事,例如洋基跟小熊,但是基於 什麼傳統倒是沒有明說,不過有趣的是,裡面提到大都會是購買Rally Towels的好客戶 XD 至少大概可以知道這個舉動是從NFL開始傳往各種類運動的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: waitla 來自: (10/08 13:38)
Burrell:鋼人隊的Terrible Towel看來真的蠻可怕的 10/08 15:26