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http://baseballanalysts.com/archives/2008/08/perspective_tim.php Perspective Time By Patrick Sullivan 展望未來的時刻 In a 4-3 win over the Detroit Tigers last night, Grady Sizemore hit home runs number 30 and 31, pushing his season line to a phenomenal .271/.383/.532 mark. Having turned just 26 three weeks ago or so, Sizemore has affirmed that his outstanding 2006 campaign (.290/.375/.533) was no outlier. It seems safe to say that he has arrived as a superstar for years to come. 昨晚以4比3擊敗底特律老虎的比賽中,Grady Sizemore轟出了本季第30、31號全壘打, 把他亮眼的表現推向本季新高。(打擊三圍.271/.383/.532) 這個三周前剛滿26歲的小 伙子,已經證明了他2006年突出的成績絕非偶然!(.290/.375/.533) 你可以放心地說:他會是近幾年的超級巨星。 Of course that he may have reached a new, sustained performance level should strike fear into the rest of the league. Sizemore is already a player of historic significance, as there just have not been many center fielders able to produce, both with the glove and the bat, the way Grady has so early on in his career. He won the 2007 Gold Glove, and defensive statistics show him to have been one of the finest defenders before last season as well. Offensively, well, have a look at the table below. Sizemore持續穩定的表現已經在聯盟中投下震撼彈。他此時已是有歷史意義的球員,因 為同時具有攻擊火力和優良守備的中外野手並不多。他曾經贏得2007年的金手套獎,而 且各項守備數據也顯示:他是上一季守備最好的野手之一。攻擊火力,從下方的圖表也 顯而易見。 From To AVG OBP SLG OPS+ Griffey '89 - '93 .303 .375 .520 145 Lynn '74 - '78 .303 .372 .498 133 C Cedeno '70 - '74 .294 .346 .476 131 Sizemore '04 - '08 .280 .372 .494 126 Wynn '63 - '67 .254 .336 .4444 125 Over the last fifty years, that's your list of center fielders who have managed a 125 OPS+ or better in their first five seasons. If Sizemore stays healthy and settles into the .375/.520 hitter it appears he is, Sizemore will eventually take his place among the finest center fielders ever to play. 這是在過去50年中,在生涯前五個球季就達到125 OPS+以上的中外野手名單。 如果Sizemore能保持健康,顯然能成為一個擁有.375/.520 實力的打者。在有史以來最 好的中外野手中,Sizemore也能佔有一席之地。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
rexseraphim:HR怎麼是31 32? 是30 31吧 08/26 21:07
wingmouse:我查了一下官網 真的是30 31 原文寫錯了XD 08/26 21:13
※ 編輯: wingmouse 來自: (08/26 21:14)
koyosky:未來40 40的新希望 08/26 21:51
Movice:人帥又強真好 08/26 21:58
larcqoo:每玩MVP必選中外!! 08/26 21:58
littlelike:感謝翻譯,獎金已發放 08/26 22:01
subcrew02:打第一棒能有這種成績真強 08/26 22:07
SwordCar:就像他的姓一樣,成績會愈來愈好。 08/26 22:23
kkjjkkjj:推!! 08/26 22:27
ecbytesan: 08/26 22:35
artics:感謝翻譯..一定會越來越強的!! 08/26 22:44
mrkey:其實 Holliday 也快 30-30 了 (現在 24-23) 08/26 22:52
goopa:不過他不是中外野手,所以就沒有列在表上了... 08/26 22:58
goopa:這也是他去年打擊成績亮眼卻輸給Rollins的其中一個原因... 08/26 22:59
goopa:畢竟角落外野手,一壘手跟DH要跟二遊捕手,甚至中外野比打擊.. 08/26 23:00
goopa:通常都要贏不少才會被列入考量... 08/26 23:01
ca1123:還剩30來場,搞不好有機會挑戰40-40 08/27 00:36
HXZ:我也覺得應該有機會40-40 08/27 14:24