精華區beta MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Yasmani Grandal made history Saturday in an 8-4 win over the Rockies, becoming the first player to homer from each side of the plate for his first two career hits. Yasmani Grandal創造了歷史,第一次先發,就成為史上第一個 生涯前兩支安打都是全壘打並且一支從左打區、一支從右打區打區擊出者 Grandal, making his first-ever start in the majors, blasted a solo shot to center as a right-handed hitter off Christian Friedrich in the fourth inning. He then put the Padres ahead to stay when he launched a two-run bomb from the left side of the plate off Jeremy Guthrie in the sixth. Grandal figures to get the bulk of action behind the plate with Nick Hundley demoted to Triple-A. Grandal is the sixth player since 1974 with a multi-homer game in his first big league start, also according to Elias. He is the fourth player in Padres history to homer from both sides of the plate in the same game, and the ninth to homer for his first Major League hit. 相關紀錄 The Padres are still looking for the second homer Grandal launched into the left-field seats in the sixth inning, but when they find it they expect the Hall of Fame to make a request. 找不到第二顆全壘打球 但教士認為即使找到了,名人堂也會要求納貢 http://0rz.tw/ZGk77 打完第一支全壘打還被整XD 最近Latos也開始威了,雙贏的交易(?) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
rtipaa:補影片 http://0rz.tw/Gd1Vp 07/01 17:13
ming0423:真猛 推打也那麼遠 07/01 17:18
※ 編輯: rtipaa 來自: (07/01 17:21) ※ 編輯: rtipaa 來自: (07/01 17:25)
keroro01:回來自己空中擊掌感覺好有趣 XDD 07/01 18:08
FoolBook:好喜歡看這些被整的影片喔XD 07/01 18:09
TassadarGau:他第一次打擊是保送? 07/01 18:13
monkeyrace:自己跟空氣擊掌 超好笑的 07/01 18:18
nolander:轉錄至看板 Padres 07/01 18:31
yrt3168:靠杯 = = 我看 LIVE 的時候以為他是在揮拳(氣功?)之類的.. 07/01 18:37
okme:揮空好funny哈哈哈!!!XDD 07/01 18:46
JohnMcDonald:跟空氣擊掌好可愛~ XD 07/01 18:55
svince88:打出COMBO技 07/01 19:08
blacklittle:為什麼找不到球? 07/01 19:50
YU0987:與空氣擊掌這招真絕! 07/01 20:41
Carreras: 這很多新秀被醬玩的時候,都會跟空氣擊掌解除尷尬。 07/01 21:07
jardon:SD難得的好消息 07/01 21:17
SS505:大家整他XDDD 07/01 22:32
ksaon:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc11PUnFgkQ NBA也有 07/01 23:19