精華區beta MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
身為水兵粉的我,雖然水兵維持一貫的季後賽缺席,更不要說WS, 我還是要來幫我水兵搶版面 來源: The Seattle Times 網址: http://tinyurl.com/yalebxxn Brandon Morrow’s pitches don’t include throwing Mariners under the bus Brandon Morrow與水兵的愛恨情仇 LOS ANGELES – You don’t hear resentment in his voice when he talks about his time with the Mariners. He enjoyed Seattle. He appreciated the fans. He bonded with teammates, and all that good stuff. 從他在講他在水兵時光的聲音當中,聽不出來有怨恨的意味。他喜歡西雅圖,他也喜歡水 兵粉,他跟水兵的球員相處甚歡,都是美好的經驗。 But Los Angeles Dodgers reliever Brandon Morrow can’t help but share an opinion when reflecting on his former club. 但是道奇後援投手Bradon Morrow忍不住要對他的前球團表示一點意見。 “It was inconsistent developmentally,” said the 33-year-old Morrow, who is about to take part in the first World Series of his career. “It was awesome not spending any time in the minor leagues and making the team in the first spring training, but long term, if you think the kid you draft fifth overall is going to be a starting pitcher in the major leagues, you probably want to handle that a little better. But I’m not going to throw anyone under the bus. ” 「這球隊在培育上是前後矛盾的,」Brandon Morrow,33歲,要開始他人生的第一次世界 大賽。「不用花時間在小聯盟打球而直接在第一次春訓就進大聯盟是很讚。但是,若是長 遠來看,如果你認為你第五順位選到的新秀要培養成一個大聯盟等級的先發,你應該要做 的比那更好一點吧!但我現在不會要出賣說是誰的問題。」 This was not pent-up frustration Morrow was waiting to unload. It has been eight years since Seattle dealt him to Toronto, and given that he’s about to live out his childhood dream, Morrow doesn’t have much reason to be upset about anything. But he does have a point. 這並不是Morrow壓抑許久的挫折感要一次宣洩。水兵把Morrow交易到多倫多已經八年前的 事了,而且基於他正準備要實現他從孩提以來的夢想,他沒有太多的理由要去抱怨甚麼事 情,但他講了一個重點。 If the Mariners weren’t postseason contenders in 2007 — when they went 88-74 and finished six games out of the final playoff spot — he likely would have been developed differently instead of being instantly vaulted into the bullpen. 如果水兵2007年不會是有搶季後賽的競爭隊伍--當年水兵88-74,打了最後六場要搶季後賽 席次--他或許就會有不一樣的發展,而不是就是一下子就丟到牛棚去。 He likely would have spent more time in the minors, where the Mariners would have tried to groom him into a starting pitcher. He likely wouldn’t have vacillated between starting and relieving roles, where he failed to find consistency in either. 他或許就會花多一點時間在小聯盟,水兵就可以慢慢把他培育成一個先發。他或許就不用 先發跟後援換來換去,結果兩邊都做不好。 It didn’t help that he was drafted in 2006 above Cy Young winners Clayton Kershaw, Max Scherzer and Tim Lincecum — the latter was a Washington Husky and won his Cys in Morrow’s last two years in Seattle. His draft position wasn’t his fault, of course, but Morrow felt that a bit at the end. 在2006的選秀,他的順位比賽揚得主書僮,薛蛇跟盲腸都要好,但是那並沒有幫到他--盲 腸以前是西雅圖華盛頓大學的球員,盲腸在Morrow最後兩年在水兵的時候拿賽揚獎。當 然,他被高順位選秀選上不是他的錯,但是Morrow最後覺得有一點。 “It wasn’t like I was bad,” he said. “It’s just that (Lincecum) was so good.” 「那並不是因為我投的不好,」他說。「那是因為盲腸太強了。」 These days, though, Morrow is thriving in a league Lincecum no longer plays in. If not for rock-star closer Kenley Jansen, Morrow’s 2.06 ERA would be the best on the Dodgers. 這些日子以來,Morrow在聯盟逐漸向上爬,盲腸已經不再打球了。要不是道奇有王牌守護 神Kenley Jansen,Morrow的ERA只有2.06,會是道奇陣中最佳投手。 In seven appearances during these playoffs, Morrow has logged 81/3 innings while posting a 1.08 ERA. 在道奇季後賽7次上場,Morrow投了8又1/3局,ERA1.08。 As Jansen said Monday: “There’s a reason we’ve had the best bullpen this postseason — him.” Jansen星期一說:「我們有季後賽最強牛棚的原因是因為他--Morrow。」 That’s pretty high praise for a player the Dodgers signed to a minor-league contract in January. That’s pretty lofty acclaim for a player whose injury history includes biceps tendinitis, arm inflammation, an oblique strain, radial nerve entrapment, an index-finger tendon sheath strain, shoulder inflammation and, last year, valley fever, which is a fungal infection of the lungs that feels like the flu. 對一個道奇今年一月用小聯盟約簽下來的選手來說,這是極高的讚美了。對於一個傷病史 不斷的球員,包括二頭肌肌腱炎,手臂發炎,腹斜肌拉傷,橈神經壓迫症候群,食指肌腱 鞘拉傷,肩關節發炎,以及去年因為肺部真菌感染導致的溪谷熱,這真的是很好的稱讚 了。 Morrow — who was also diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in high school — admits that last malady was the low point for him. He had already lost 10 pounds recovering from shoulder surgery, then dropped another 15 while recovering from the disease. Morrow在中學的時候被診斷出有第一型糖尿病,他也承認得到最後那個溪谷熱是他人生的 低點了。他因為肩膀的手術恢復後掉了10磅,而從那個溪谷熱康復又掉了15磅。 So when he failed to make the Dodgers’ roster last spring — being relegated to Class AAA Oklahoma City instead — there was reason to think he was done. Now, there’s reason to think Morrow might have another five years left. 所以當他春訓的時候沒擠進先發輪值,被下放到3A奧克拉荷馬的時候,大家大概會認為他 的投球生涯大概就是這樣了吧!不過現在,大家應該會有理由相信Morrow大概還可以再投 個五年吧! Since being called up to the majors in late May, Morrow has been one of the most productive pitchers for the National League’s best bullpen. He said his command and health have never been better, which a career-best 0.916 WHIP would reflect. 從五月底被徵召上大聯盟,Morrow就一直是這國聯最強牛棚裡的一位表現傑出的投手,他 說他現在的控球跟健康狀況是最好的一次,這可以從他的WHIP只有0.916看得出來。 Moreover, Dodgers pitching coach Rick Honeycutt said using Morrow is contingent less on what inning it is, and more on who he would be facing. In other words, the Dodgers want Morrow pitching against the opponent’s top hitters. 甚至,道奇投手教練Honeycutt說派Morrow投球比較不用看是哪一局才上,而是要看他要對 上誰要上來打擊。換句話說,道奇要讓他對付對手的頂尖打者。 “You have to pitch extremely well to be a back-end guy facing the best part of the lineup,” Honeycutt said. “That’s where Brandon is right now.” 「你要是那種投的極好的人才能成為比賽後段上場面對對方最強打擊的投手,」Honeycutt 說。「那就是Brandon Marrow現在的狀況。」 Relief pitchers are commanding bigger and bigger salaries these days, with closers such as Aroldis Chapman and Craig Kimbrel earning $21 million and $13 million, respectively, this year. Morrow won’t command that much scratch, but he’s proven enough to earn one more contract that should set him up for life. 後援投手現在可以拿越來越大的合約,像是終結者Chapman今年2100萬鎂,Kimbrel拿1300 萬鎂。Morrow或許拿不到那麼大筆,但是他至少證明他現在可以再拿一個讓他終生無虞的 合約。 Not that he’s concerning himself with that. 並不是說他有在想到這些事情。 “You can’t think ahead because you have no idea what’s going to happen,” Morrow said. 「這種是沒辦法事先計畫的,因為根本不知道將來會是怎樣。」 He would know better than most. Eleven years later, Morrow is finally throwing at the level scouts foresaw when the Mariners drafted him. 不過他會比其他人更了解將來會如何。11年了,Morrow終於達到水手選他時,球探預期他 可以到達的投球等級了。 He’s been waiting for this moment his whole career. The only option is to embrace it. 他等這個機會等了他整個投球生涯,現在就是抓住它的時候了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1508898745.A.8CD.html
hong1126: 推 10/25 10:39
Allenichiro: 推 10/25 10:40
Roshiel: 還好吧,多少投手SP RP換來換去最後消失的.... 10/25 10:40
Allenichiro: 當初換的Brandon League也先後到躲人 10/25 10:40
jcto04: 恭喜他在牛棚找到一片天 不要再痛痛了 10/25 10:43
berelentless: 推 我躲有他真的很爽 10/25 10:45
HuanYuWu: 推 10/25 10:46
davidex: 水手真的很誇張 打擊修好了換投手炸掉 10/25 10:46
raysun011081: 查普曼竟然值2100@@ 10/25 10:52
austintsou: 推推 我水加油 10/25 10:53
JessicaA1ba: 躲人超會撿珍珠 10/25 10:53
AZBTPATONY: 躲人一定有一顆水晶球 看看NLCS MVP 10/25 11:00
eon4: Smoak,Morrow...水兵迷看自己的作物在別隊開花真的會很嘔 10/25 11:06
catsondbs: 超級喜歡他 10/25 11:06
cd12631: 其實當初會讓他RP和SP轉換球團是說因為他糖尿病的因素 10/25 11:06
cd12631: Morrow曾有過投完下來在休息室差點昏倒的紀錄 10/25 11:07
cd12631: Morrow這種不算是開花了 應該說道奇救得好 10/25 11:08
Toy17: Chris Taylor也是水兵出產的 10/25 11:09
cd12631: 後來去到藍鳥那個傷病史 其實現在還能投只能說道奇厲害 10/25 11:09
Roshiel: 小公主單純像運氣好吧.... 10/25 11:13
mess: 躲人神簽,這樂透最少中二獎等級 10/25 11:15
mess: 永遠記得Morrow先發17K 10/25 11:15
chenghow: Brandon League結果春訓受傷後人就消失了 10/25 11:27
chenghow: 還滿喜歡這位球員!道奇有一場投手聯合無安打他也有參與 10/25 11:27
chenghow: 話說當年道奇找他來當CL結果當得很爛,就換現在的簡森 10/25 11:28
dumu: 這我覺得是科科提做的白癡決策之一..讓Jansen晚了一年上位 10/25 11:32
dumu: 不是說League不好啦~ 他在剛交易到躲人時的後半季表現不錯 10/25 11:36
dumu: 然後就簽了21m/3ys,結果第一年位子就丟給Jansen了 10/25 11:37
dumu: 科科提交易他來不是錯,但把他簽這麼貴又長就令人搖頭... 10/25 11:38
edhuang: Morrow在藍鳥對光芒17K一安打完封真的超猛 10/25 11:53
edhuang: 影片精華有存起來看 10/25 11:53
sam9595: 讓後援強投晚上位仲裁可以省超多錢的好嗎 看看洋基小B 然 10/25 11:57
sam9595: 後操壞了以後就不用花錢了 10/25 11:57
sam9595: 但力格還是很爛 理想狀態應該是他投得好把Jansen卡在SU三 10/25 11:58
sam9595: 年的 10/25 11:58
pjharper: 水兵迷淚推~ 10/25 12:10
airplanes: 推 10/25 12:14
SunNEET: 總感覺水兵的養成問題不小 10/25 12:17
dumu: 但我不覺得這個晚上位真的有省到什麼XDDD 看看代價竟然是21m 10/25 12:19
dumu: League本來就不是終結者等級的 只是科科提being科科提的成果 10/25 12:20
dumu: 但最慘的大概還是簽Brian Wilson的1+1合約了,等同丟了50m到 10/25 12:22
dumu: 水裡~ 10/25 12:22
dumu: 不對是40m~||| 10/25 12:23
apple210238: Game Score 100+的那場 很精美 10/25 12:24
earnformoney: 推 10/25 12:28
Blitzkrieg63: 希望能簽一份讓他能夠生活過得好的合約 推推 10/25 12:34
dragon50119: 17K那場好殺啊 頂級stuff 10/25 12:37
sam9595: 其實這就是弔詭的地方 其實季賽最強的後援擺在CL不一定是 10/25 12:59
sam9595: 貢獻最多的 A米那種用法才是 除非為了增加交易價值像以前 10/25 12:59
sam9595: Andrew Bailey 否則年輕還沒仲裁的牛放中繼對於總貢獻跟 10/25 12:59
sam9595: 壓低薪資都有幫助 10/25 12:59
uranusjr: 找老人壓 closer 把仲裁人放 7 8 局省錢這方向是對的 10/25 13:54
uranusjr: 但是拿超過 20M 簽 30-32 歲普通強中繼並不是... 10/25 13:55
JustinIdiot: throw...under the bus怎麼會直譯呢… 10/25 14:37
哈哈 大大沒講 我還沒去查 已更正 大大厲害
Roshiel: 現實上還是會把最強的壓在第九局關門 10/25 15:15
Roshiel: 除非球隊上有兩個同等級的RP,才會像A米這樣搞 10/25 15:15
Roshiel: 說CL不用放最強的不見季初條子吸塵器的慘狀 10/25 15:16
Roshiel: 搞到提早出局賣達爾 10/25 15:16
noahlin: A米不管怎麼看都比Cody Allen強一個等級 10/25 15:20
noahlin: 明年看A米變FA可以簽到怎麼樣的約就知道了 10/25 15:20
noahlin: 未來說不定會越來越多的頂級RP用法跟A米看齊 10/25 15:21
Roshiel: 因為Cody Allen在A米來之前就擔任CL了,在沒有特殊狀況 10/25 15:28
Roshiel: 自然不會拔掉自家CL,如果笑臉人沒有Cody Allen這個CL 10/25 15:29
Roshiel: A米過去一定是直接接下CL的位置 10/25 15:29
※ 編輯: pneumo (, 10/25/2017 15:42:39
applehpsh: 不過我記得今年季中就有讓A米還有Allen互換位子過了 10/25 15:49
dog54317: 推 10/25 16:48
hikaruton: 推夢蘿!!! 10/25 18:09
ancientmoon: 馬肉本來就很強很有power 10/25 20:02
osiris860411: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AQxHiTZt4U 10/25 20:51
chenghow: 畢竟11年Brandon League也是有強力的97麥的伸卡 10/25 20:52
chenghow: 只是控球....!而且Brandon League很妙簽三年合約前一年 10/25 20:53
chenghow: 到了道奇真的不算差!只是簽約完第一年就慘兮兮 10/25 20:53
chenghow: 最後一年中繼,雖然有時候是消化比賽的,但投的還算可以 10/25 20:54
chenghow: 想說合約年看能不能維持,結果受傷~人就不見惹 10/25 20:54
chenghow: 不然現在才34歲而已 10/25 20:55
sam9595: 難啦 要球員本人接受才行 A米個性真的好 誰不想退休累積 10/25 22:53
sam9595: 幾百個SV 10/25 22:53
sam9595: 那種享受每場結束勝利的感覺也是很好的 10/25 22:54
ultratimes: 皇家三鐵牛時期,好像也是ERA最高的當CL... 10/26 01:13
ultratimes: A米在查普曼去洋基後也是被拔啊 10/26 01:16
dufflin: 六天連上五場 壯烈陣亡 qq 10/30 12:01
kymcoco: 朝聖 10/30 12:13