精華區beta MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文加上翻譯的文章很長,我試著一次全部翻譯完, 有興趣的版友請有點心理準備。 另外,如果有翻譯的意思錯誤或者對球員的了解不深導致的謬誤, 也請大家提供修改建議哦。 -----------------------分隔線-------------------------- 標題:Baseball notes: Being a two-way player in MLB might be too demanding 來源:Boston Herald 網址:https://goo.gl/YimMZS By Chad Jennings Sunday, May 14, 2017 標題:在大聯盟成為二刀流球員可能過於嚴苛 There’s a high school kid on the cover of Sports Illustrated, an unprecedented superstar causing a commotion in Japan, a failed catching prospect trying to reinvent himself in the minors, and a left-handed ace hitting bombs in San Francisco. It’s enough to make you wonder: Is Major League Baseball ready for a true two-way player who can throw fastballs for strikes one night and hit line-drive doubles the next? Then you see the Red Sox pitchers strike out in literally every one of their at-bats in Milwaukee and begin to think again. 運動畫刊的封面有個高中男孩、有個在日本引起騷動的史無前例的超級新星、 有個在小聯盟努力重塑自己的捕手潛力新秀, 還有一位舊金山巨人隊的王牌左打重砲。 這足以使你開始懷疑,大聯盟是否已經準備產生一位前一晚能 投出進入好球帶的快速球,而下一晚又能擊出 強勁平飛二壘安打的真正二刀流球員? 當你看到紅襪隊投手面對密爾瓦基釀酒人的打席全部被三振, 你又會開始想這個問題。 A pitcher/hitter hybrid isn’t exactly the holy grail of baseball scouting. No team in recent memory has put significant time or resources toward drafting and developing a player who can both pitch and hit at the big league level, but the notion has intrigued for decades, and it’s gained attention in recent months with the emergence of Japanese megastar Shohei Otani, a new memoir from pitcher-turned-hitter Rick Ankiel, and a pair of Opening Day home runs by Giants ace Madison Bumgarner. 一個投打兼具的球員並不是棒球球探追尋的寶物(聖杯), 至少在近期內並沒有球隊會花費大量時間或資源在挖掘及開發 能夠在大聯盟既投又打的球員。但對於二刀流球員的興趣仍然持續了數十年, 並且在最近幾個月,隨著日本超級巨星大谷翔平的出現, 又得到了矚目的焦點。這是自從棄投從打的Rick Ankiel, 以及在開幕戰擊出兩支全壘打的巨人隊王牌Madison Bumgarner 以後, 新出現的二刀流傳奇。 From the adoption of the designated hitter, to the creation of lefty specialists, to the growth of offensive-minded shortstops, to the deployment of infield shifts, baseball norms have evolved in time. Could a pitcher/hitter be another step in that evolution? “I think there’s (only) so much you can put your body through before it ends up breaking down,” Red Sox first baseman Mitch Moreland said recently. “I’m not saying it can’t be done. You’d think that somebody would have done it by now, and it hasn’t (happened). It’s definitely going to take something special for that to happen.” Why ask for Moreland’s opinion? Because he was a standout left-handed reliever at Mississippi State, good enough that he thought he might be drafted as a pitcher, not a hitter. 從指定打擊的採用、左投左打球員的產生、攻擊意識強的游擊手, 到內野移防布陣的發展,棒球規範不斷地與時俱進, 投打二刀流會不會是規範演進的下一步呢? 紅襪隊一壘手Mitch Moreland最近說到: 「我認為身體的負荷量是固定的,二刀流最終會讓身體垮掉。」 「我不是說這做不到,你會認為有人現在已經做到了, 但並沒有發生。這絕對是需要某些特殊條件才會發生。」 為何要問Mitch Moreland的意見呢?因為他在密西西比州立大學時 就是位才華出眾的左投,優秀到他認為可能會以投手身分被選中,而非打者。 Red Sox reliever Tyler Thornburg also did both in college and didn’t focus primarily on pitching until his junior year. Most of his college career was spent playing the outfield or first base on Friday and Saturday, then starting on the hill Sunday. “I just feel like over the course of a 162-game season, you’re just going to break down way too much,” Thornburg said. “Arm-wise, body-wise, you see how hard it is for position players to stay healthy for the entire year and for pitchers to stay healthy for an entire year. Now double the workload? “I feel like it’s not that you can’t compete at the highest level doing both, but it’s just a matter of, over the course of a season, how well can you actually keep doing it to your body?” 紅襪隊投手Tyler Thornburg在大學時期同樣是投打兼具, 而且並不特別專精在投球領域直到大聯盟的菜鳥年。 他在大學生涯的周五與周六,多半是擔任外野手或一壘手,周日則先發主投。 Tyler Thornburg說:「在經歷過整個球季162場比賽後, 你會覺得已經快要操壞了,就算謹慎使用手臂,小心保護身體, 野手或投手要整年度能保持健康是多麼困難的事。 現在要把這工作負擔加倍?」 「我覺得並非你無法以投打二刀流在最高層級賽事中競爭, 而是在於經歷過一整個球季的訓練與比賽以後, 你的身體在投打兼具下,還能維持良好狀況多久?」 Consider this as well: Bumgarner is one of the best hitting pitchers of this generation, and he has a .185 career average with an OPS (.557) more than 120 points lower than Rusney Castillo, whom the Red Sox are paying to hit anywhere but Fenway Park. Is there really a pitcher out there who can hit consistently at this level, or a hitter who can pitch well enough to be useful? 也請想想看,邦加納(Bumgarner)是這個世代最棒的投手兼打者, 他的生涯平均打擊率是.185;整體攻擊指數是.557; 比紅襪隊最近想要釋出的Rusney Castillo低超過.120。 真的有大聯盟投手能持續地擊出安打, 或者有野手的投球能優秀到成為有用的投手? Next big things If there is a true major league hybrid on the horizon, it’s surely Otani, the reigning MVP of Japan’s Pacific League who’s expected to leave for the United States next winter. He hit .322 with 22 home runs last year and had a 1.86 ERA with 174 strikeouts in 140 innings on the mound. “Trust me, it’s silly to us, too,” current teammate and former big league infielder Brandon Laird told Sports Illustrated. “It’s a see-it-with-your-own-eyes-type thing.” If not Otani, perhaps Hunter Greene, the top high school baseball player in the country who last month was on the cover of Sports Illustrated with the words: “He’s 17. He mashes. He throws 102.” 如果地表上真的有大聯盟等級的投打二刀流球員, 這人絕對是大谷了。一位日本職棒太平洋聯盟的MVP球員, 外界認為他將在明年冬天到美國發展。 大谷去年的打擊率是.322;擊出22支全壘打, 並且有1.86的投手防禦率,140局的投球局數中創造了174次的三振。 前大聯盟內野手與現任隊友Brandon Laird告訴運動畫刊: 「相信我,這讓我們難以置信,他是那種親眼見到才會相信的類型。」 若不是大谷,那可能就是Hunter Greene了, 他是高中頂尖棒球球員並且是上個月運動畫刊的封面人物, 封面並寫著:『他17歲,他炸裂,他投102英里。』 “Several scouts agree that he is the best two-way amateur prospect they have ever seen,” Lee Jenkins wrote. “A first-round pick as a pitcher and a shortstop, with comps to Noah Syndergaard on the mound and Alex Rodriguez in the field.” So what to do with Greene? Put his electric fastball on the mound, put his explosive bat at the plate, or does a team dare to try both? Lee Jenkins寫到,好幾位球探都同意Hunter Greene是他們所見過, 最優秀的投打二刀流潛力新秀。他會在第一輪選秀中 同時以投手與游擊手身分被選中,並且足堪與 Noah Syndergaard(投手)及Alex Rodriguez(野手)比擬。 那應該拿Hunter Greene怎麼辦呢?當個能投出閃電快速球的投手? 或者當個有重砲威力的野手?或者有哪一支球隊敢讓他同時投打兼具? “It’s hard to think about,” said Red Sox first base prospect Nick Longhi, who was a highly touted pitching prospect coming out of high school. “Because when you get to professional baseball, you’re specializing in one thing, and you’re working on your craft at one thing. . . . I can’t imagine going from, alright, I need to get my hitting in, I need to get my fielding in, oh, and at the end of the day, I’ve got to throw a (bullpen). I can’t imagine doing that.” That’s the logistical challenge. How would a major league team utilize a true hybrid player? 紅襪隊的一壘手Nick Longhi,同樣是高中時期投球就受到高度讚揚 的潛力新秀說:「這是個很困難的想法,因為當你進入職業棒球以後, 你會專精於一個項目(位置),並且努力增進這個項目的技巧。 但我無法想像,我必須加強我的打擊技巧,同時也加強守備技巧, 喔,在每天練習結束前,我還得去牛棚丟球!我無法想像能這麼做。」 大聯盟球隊該如何造就一位真正的二刀流球員呢? 這是後勤系統所面臨的挑戰。 Moreland threw bullpens and took batting practice throughout college, and on game days, he’d often throw on the side when it wasn’t his turn to hit so he could stay loose for a mid-inning move from the outfield to the mound. Thornburg was a starting pitcher in college, and he was such a valuable bat that he also was an everyday outfielder. Eventually, Thornburg was used as the designated hitter or played first base the day before his starts just to avoid making extra throws. “It was basically like long tossing like crazy the day before you start,” he said. 大學時期,Mitch Moreland在牛棚丟球,也在做打擊練習。 在有比賽的日子,當不是輪到他上場打擊時,通常會在旁邊投球, 如此他才能夠在換局時直接從外野轉換到投手丘投球。 Tyler Thornburg在大學時期是先發投手,但因為棒子夠力, 他同時也是每天出賽的外野手。到最後Tyler Thornburg要先發投球之前, 都是以指定打擊或以一壘手身分上場,以避免額外的投球分量。 他說:「基本上像是先發投球前一天先瘋狂做長傳一樣。」 Limited success Not that a two-way player has never been attempted in the major leagues. Fifteen years ago, the Brewers had a left-handed-hitting outfielder named Brooks Kieschnick who had hit just .220 in sporadic big league action across five organizations. The White Sox had let him pitch in the minor leagues, but the Brewers were the first to let him do it in the bigs. In 2003 and 2004, Kieschnick appeared in 147 games for Milwaukee, 74 as a pitcher, four as a designated hitter, three as a starting left fielder, and 71 as a pinch hitter. He had a .496 slugging percentage and a 4.59 ERA. That’s the most recent semi-success story, but there have been other attempts since. 大聯盟並非從未出現二刀流球員。 15年前,釀酒人隊曾有位左打的外野手,名叫Brooks Kieschnick, 在五個球隊零星出賽的紀錄中,他只有.220的打擊率。 白襪隊曾讓他在小聯盟投球,但釀酒人隊是第一支讓他上場投球的大聯盟球隊。 在2003與2004年,Brooks Kieschnick為釀酒人隊出賽147場, 其中74場是以投手身分上場,4場是指定打擊;3場是先發左外野手, 71場是代打。他有.496的長打率以及4.59的投手防禦率。 這是最近比較接近成功的案例,但在那之後還有其他案例。 In 2013, former Diamondbacks and Reds starting pitcher Micah Owings began playing left field in the minors, but neither the Brewers nor the Nationals ever called him up as a two-way player. Last year, the Padres began using catcher Christian Bethancourt in the outfield and out of the bullpen. He broke camp this season as a true hybrid, but he hit and pitched so poorly — .143 average and 14.73 ERA — that he was sent to the minors in April. Another former top-100 prospect, Jordan Schafer, was in Cardinals camp this spring trying to make the team as a speedy fifth outfielder and left-handed reliever. He’d spent parts of six seasons in the majors as a center fielder and began pitching in the minors last year but needed elbow surgery after three at-bats and 32 innings this spring. 在2013年,前響尾蛇隊與紅人隊的先發投手Micah Owings 開始在小聯盟擔任左外野手,但釀酒人隊或國民隊都沒有 以二刀流球員的方式把他叫上大聯盟。 去年,教士隊將原來的捕手Christian Bethancourt轉為外野手與牛棚投手, 他在今年球季開始時是以二刀流球員出發,但他的打擊與投球成績很糟, 只有.143的打擊率與14.73的投手防禦率,所以四月份時就被下放到小聯盟了。 另外一位曾經是前100名潛力新秀的球員,Jordan Schafer, 今年春訓在紅雀隊是有速度的第五號外野手同時也是左投, 他在大聯盟總共有六個球季是以中外野手上場, 並且去年在小聯盟時也開始投球, 但今年春天經過3個打數以及32又1/3局投球後,他必須做手肘手術。 “I feel like some guys have the talent level to be able to do both,” Thornburg said. “But staying healthy is tough, and the fact of doing both, I feel like you’re going to diminish in both. You’re going to go from being great in one thing or great in the other, to being maybe average in both as time goes on.” And average doesn’t cut it in the big leagues. A player can be an average fielder, but only if he’s a great hitter. He can have an average fastball, but only with terrific command. This is a world of the exceptional. Tyler Thornburg說:「我覺得某些人具有二刀流的天份, 但要同時投打兼具又能保持健康是很困難的, 我覺得二個項目(位置)都會漸漸做不好。 隨著時間拉長,你將會從某個項目做得很棒(投或打), 變成二個項目都做得平凡而已。」 平凡並不能在大聯盟生存,一個球員也許是個平凡的野手, 但必須是個非常優秀的打者;也許他只有平凡的快速球, 但必須有極佳的控球能力。這是個傑出人才的世界。 Baseball’s most famous two-way player surely is Babe Ruth, but he never hit more than 30 home runs in a year in which he was still pitching regularly. He made 15 starts and hit 29 home runs in 1919, then made just one start and hit 54 home runs in 1920. His OPS jumped nearly 200 points when he gave up pitching. Nearly a century later, Ankiel also went from pitching to hitting. He did so out of necessity — he famously lost the ability to throw strikes in the 2000 playoffs — and wound up playing seven seasons as a power-hitting major league outfielder. During those years as a pitcher, he hit just .207 and slugged .310. Fully committed as a position player, he hit .242 and slugged .427. 棒球界當中最著名的二刀流球員,莫過於貝比魯斯(Babe Ruth)了, 當他仍照常以投手身分出賽時,卻從未在一年當中打出超過30支的全壘打。 1919年他先發投球15場,並且打出29支全壘打; 1920年他只有一場先發投球,卻打出54支全壘打。 當他放棄投球後,整體攻擊指數上升到接近200個百分點。 將近一個世紀以後,Rick Ankiel也棄投從打, 但他是因為2000年季後賽時無法投出好球(單局5暴投)而迫不得已這麼做。 後來他以外野手身份兼強力打者重返大聯盟並打了七個球季。 在當投手的那幾年間,他只有.207的打擊率及.310的長打率; 轉為全職野手以後,他的打擊率是.242,長打率是.427。 “There’s a ton of work that goes into just one side of it,” Moreland said. “And the schedules seem to conflict so much. I’m not saying (doing both at the same time) can’t be done. It seems like there’s been some people who tried. It just doesn’t seem like it lasted long. It’s going to take someone special to do it, for sure.” Mitch Moreland說:「光是一種身分的工作量就非常龐大了, 而且訓練排程也常有衝突。我不是說投打兼具的人不能做到這樣, 似乎有某些人曾經嘗試過,只是無法維持長久。 可以確定的是,將來必須是很特別的人才能夠做到。」 Harder than it seems The first time Thornburg stepped to the plate in a major league game, he was 23 years old, just two years removed from playing both ways at Charleston Southern. He doubled to center field at Miller Park in Milwaukee. In 24 at-bats since then, he’s never had another hit. “I’ve flown out to the warning track twice,” he said. “But it’s incredibly tough. . . . Then I think I had one (at-bat) a couple of years ago when I hadn’t had one in quite a while. I was just like, ‘I know I can do this.’ But seeing the first ball, it’s only like 92 or something like that, but it feels incredibly fast. And it’s hard to track. ” In 2014, seven years after he was drafted, Moreland made his one and only appearance on a big league mound. He warmed up by throwing into a net in the batting cage, then he hit for the pitcher and stayed in to pitch the ninth. 當Tyler Thornburg在大聯盟比賽第一次踏進打擊區時, 他是23歲的年紀,與在查爾斯頓南方大學投打兼具的時間間隔只有兩年。 他在密爾瓦基的Miller Park球場打出中外野二壘安打。 從那以後的24個打數,他沒有再擊出安打。 他說:「我曾經有過兩次打到全壘打牆前警戒區的高飛球出局, 但這實在是不可思議地困難,然後我想到兩年前在很長一段時間以後, 也曾發生過一次。我知道我做得到,但看到第一顆球飛過來, 也許只有92英哩,但感覺卻是不可思議地快,很難完全咬中球。」 2014年,也就是選秀的七年以後,Mitch Moreland 達成了唯一 一次大聯盟投球紀錄。他對著打擊練習網投球暖身, 並代替投手打擊,之後在九局時上場投球。 He set the side down in order. “They didn’t let me throw any breaking balls or anything,” he said. “But I went three up, three down and had fun with it. It was a good time. (Velocity) was still pretty decent. I was still getting it up there.” So maybe Moreland will be the one to finally do it. Start throwing some bullpens from time to time, give the Sox an extra lefty out of the ’pen for special circumstances? 他說:「他們不讓我丟任何種類的變化球, 但我完成了三上三下的半局也覺得好玩。這是個美好的時光, 而且球速仍然相當棒,投球時我還是很興奮的。」 也許Mitch Moreland最終能達成投打兼具,從牛棚練投開始, 逐漸成為紅襪隊在某些特殊情況下,偶爾以牛棚的左投身分出賽。 He’s not interested. “You’re playing the best players in the world at their own positions every day,” Moreland said. “So it’s tough to try to do both, in my opinion. I would love to do it and try it, but I also want to stay healthy, try to play a full season and win a World Series. That’s the goal. I’m not going to go testing it out.” Moreland說:「你是每天在跟專精於自己位置的全世界最棒的球員比賽, 所以在我的想法裡,要能投打兼具是相當困難的。 我很樂意去試試看,但我同樣希望保持健康, 打完整個球季並贏得世界大賽冠軍。 這是我的目標,我並不想去嘗試投打二刀流。」 (全文完) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1494937204.A.24F.html
earnformoney: 推翻譯 05/16 20:24
AMartial: 推 但是第五段是瘋邦OPS比Castillo低超過.120而不是有12 05/16 20:25
AMartial: 0分打點吧? 05/16 20:25
borriss: 6個月打162場的密度 05/16 20:30
oopsmamamiya: 同意這種觀點,不是天分無法達到,而是訓練量會負 05/16 20:31
oopsmamamiya: 荷不了,尤其在高一層級聯盟 05/16 20:31
Minihil: 大谷DH+投手已經極限了吧 再練個守備操都操死 05/16 20:34
s90523: 先推 05/16 20:36
MrNeverDie: 推翻譯分享 05/16 20:36
arsenefrog: 第一段是"紅襪的投手面對釀酒人的打席全部被三振" 05/16 20:42
TokyoHard: 當年大谷要在NPB玩二刀大家也是笑,現在大家都笑不出來 05/16 20:43
borriss: 日職輪值大概一周才一場 05/16 20:44
noahlin: 但大谷確實在NPB吃的局數也不如其他王牌投手 05/16 20:45
noahlin: 生涯到現在最多一年吃160局 達比跟田中在日本都吃過200 05/16 20:46
pujos: 大谷哪來什麼二刀流 05/16 20:46
pujos: 常常斷一截一截的,連日職都持續不了 05/16 20:46
noahlin: 大谷絕對有在大聯盟二刀流的天份跟能力 但可以貢獻多少 05/16 20:46
noahlin: 局數跟打席就是另一回事了 05/16 20:47
pujos: 2015年160局那一季只有119個打席 05/16 20:48
Roshiel: 大谷最令人遐想的就是他已經在NPB完成投打二刀流了 05/16 20:48
pujos: 這比例跟只有持續貢獻投或打有啥差異 05/16 20:49
Roshiel: 而且是投打都是頂尖,想像一下如果有個AAA的選手繳出 05/16 20:49
pujos: 還增加自己受傷的風險 05/16 20:49
Roshiel: 大谷這種成積,二刀流真的不可能嗎?? 05/16 20:50
pujos: 他成績根本不是二刀流,只是一半打擊一半去丟球 05/16 20:51
pujos: 要這樣何不專心一邊 05/16 20:51
pujos: 嫌受傷風險不夠高? 05/16 20:52
BlitzX: 一半打擊一半去丟球中肯 05/16 20:53
jo3434: 推 05/16 20:54
borriss: 二刀流也是拿一隻小太刀 所以叫二刀流也可以啦(X 05/16 20:54
oicecnir: 燒大聯盟的強度..光投球應該是飽了..再分心打擊.. 05/16 20:54
saiulbb: 在大聯盟先穩定一種再說吧 MLB二刀流太困難了 05/16 20:55
oicecnir: ..真的難啊..尤其一年162場..還不只一年 05/16 20:55
arsenefrog: 整篇看來翻錯的地方還不少 全部站內信給原po好了 05/16 20:55
TaiwanNeko: 冉伯牛可惜了,他的吃局數能力可以看出體能不差 05/16 21:07
TaiwanNeko: 投少一點,兼打者有機會 05/16 21:08
magicmanny: 要打擊的話!去國聯蠻不錯的啊 05/16 21:12
HuanYuWu: 我是覺得大谷二刀流感覺有點是高層為了提高球員的身價 05/16 21:13
HuanYuWu: 或話題吧.. 05/16 21:13
Raskolnikov: 二刀流最大問題應該是身體負荷 在日本沒問題 淡去 05/16 21:19
a2156700: 那就先去道奇吧 05/16 21:22
gorbykuo: 推 05/16 21:25
selfconfi: 大聯盟要二刀流太勉強了吧,不過去國聯不錯! 05/16 21:38
※ 編輯: PPLong889 (, 05/16/2017 21:47:27
DanielHudson: 想到綠帽的Sean Doolittle剛進職業還是打擊不錯的 05/16 21:55
DanielHudson: 一壘手,受傷後回去投球直接變鐵牛 05/16 21:55
lovebulls: MLB賽程更密集 完全二刀流感覺人類體能無法負荷 05/16 21:58
Roshiel: 如果大谷在NPB一開始就專職投手,現在說不定200IP+20W 05/16 22:03
Roshiel: 的澤村賞,這樣比二刀流更有貢獻度 05/16 22:04
a2156700: 反正在日職200000IP也是浪費HP 05/16 22:06
hahabis: 沒提到 !Ichiro ? 05/16 22:28
ericf129: 推 05/16 22:42
yankees733: 大谷真的在MLB二刀流的話會變小倫 05/16 22:44
plug: 大谷:二刀流是為了保護手臂,懂? 05/16 22:57
plug: (避免監督過度濫用成為肩肘爆彈) 05/16 22:58
ray41705: 推推 05/16 22:59
Cishang: 大谷還是去投球吧 05/16 23:05
sylviehsiang: 大谷要兼具投打的最佳模式是五六號先發配DH 05/16 23:17
sylviehsiang: 但是不會有人簽你來這麼做 05/16 23:18
tortoise2006: 推翻譯 05/16 23:23
mightymouse: 要二刀流要很小心控制局數,而且不應該上場守備 05/16 23:26
newest: 去國聯玩玩可以 到美聯兼職DH大概半季就報銷了吧 05/16 23:38
onime0704: 真的覺得火腿很夭壽,讓大谷這樣玩,即使是他的意願,但不 05/16 23:49
onime0704: 懂得保護選手,真的不是一個好球團 05/16 23:50
maikxz: 體能撞牆期看他要怎度過... 05/16 23:52
tgsh: 其實讓谷翔平去國聯打打看就知道了 05/16 23:56
tgsh: 最好笑的是叫人家穩定一種再談另一種的說法,全心追求一種以 05/16 23:58
tgsh: 後另一種哪有可能還維持頂尖?這就是MLB至今沒有很強二刀流 05/16 23:59
tgsh: 或者國聯投手打擊再強都有限的原因 05/16 23:59
tgsh: 如果讓大谷步上放掉再拾起而其中一種能力退化後塵,再來說他 05/17 00:00
tgsh: 果然也不能二刀流,那就是一邊把人壓著不讓成長,一邊恨鐵不 05/17 00:01
tgsh: 成鋼 05/17 00:02
ShaShoukun: 這邊的問題是野手跟投手的訓練菜單不同,你要同時負荷 05/17 00:03
ShaShoukun: 兩種訓練目前在日本證明可以,但MLB未必,更不用說MLB 05/17 00:04
ShaShoukun: 的賽事密集度要這樣玩難度很高,真的要給他玩可以,但 05/17 00:05
ShaShoukun: 是這同時是代表你要冒著一定風險,大谷要去一定是拿個 05/17 00:05
ShaShoukun: 大約過去的,應該很少有球團肯冒這種風險搞二刀流 05/17 00:06
pujos: 日本哪裡證明可以了... 05/17 00:34
pujos: 日本現況不是告訴你不行嗎 05/17 00:34
pujos: 去查查大谷去年投球怎麼斷的 05/17 00:35
pujos: 到目前為止沒有一季打得像雙刀流,能打不能投,能投不能打 05/17 00:36
Lmkcat: MLB賽事真的強度太高太密集了 二刀流完全不看好 05/17 00:36
pujos: 160局那季只有11xPA,300多PA那季丟140局 05/17 00:37
pujos: 日職完整的投球可以到200局,打擊可以超600PA 05/17 00:38
pujos: 他只是把球季的一部分拿去另一邊而已 05/17 00:38
pujos: 完全做不到雙刀流,連日本都這樣了,去MLB? 05/17 00:39
FarRed: 去國聯先玩玩看啊XDD 05/17 00:50
hsiang0619: 推翻譯 05/17 00:59
edhuang: 翻譯辛苦了 05/17 01:59
onime0704: 而且說真的,打者的肌肉訓練跟投手並不完全一樣 05/17 02:00
onime0704: 就跟引擎一樣,只能追求低轉大扭力或是高轉大馬力, 05/17 02:01
onime0704: 兩者兼具就是兩個都不行, 05/17 02:01
BlitzX: 大Z其實生涯OPS+也才62而已 以投手來講他打擊很強 05/17 06:55
BlitzX: 以野手來講根本就連代打都稱不上 05/17 06:55
BlitzX: 大谷那種玩法根本就是半個野手+半個投手而已 根本算不上 05/17 06:56
BlitzX: 甚麼二刀流 05/17 06:56
wolf0531: 完全不看好大谷能在mlb玩二刀流 最終應該還是以投球為主 05/17 07:25
Asucks: 不可能在大聯盟稿二刀流,否則最多2~3年就要去躺DL 05/17 08:51
Asucks: 人類的體能有極限,連黑人都做不到的事,亞洲人有何能耐 05/17 08:53
jet113102: MLB賽事密集強度又高,絕對撐不過一季的 05/17 09:23
yankees733: 等他在日本能投200局又打500PA再說吧 05/17 10:38
Cishang: 大谷還是快逃吧,留越久越可能受傷,之前他有傷的疑慮還讓 05/17 10:39
Cishang: 他上去打擊就算了叫他跑壘不要怎麼樣結果還是怎麼樣下來 05/17 10:39
Cishang: 那個教練就大怒? 你不要讓他上去打不就好了? 不愧是要陽 05/17 10:40
Cishang: 帶傷上陣打到現在陽還沒回一軍的血汗腿 05/17 10:40
onime0704: 個人覺得KURIYAMA真的是害人 05/17 13:06
dinos: NPB 155IP/y or 590PA/y 的沒很多吧,大約就一隊一個 05/17 13:52
xo1100: 火腿不讓他這樣玩他就去美國了阿 05/18 00:06
xo1100: 確實在更高強度的mlb二刀流真的會爆開就是 05/18 00:09