精華區beta Madonna 關於我們 聯絡資訊
MTV NEWS: MADONNA RAW - The Early Years - Act Two NORRIS: Welcome back to early Madonna Raw. In the summer of 1984, while riding high on the charts with "Lucky Star," Madonna's own star was rapidly on the rise, MTV News caught up with her here at the New York Hilton, on a New Music Seminar panel with the likes of George Clinton, John Oates, Afrika Bambaata, Fred Schneider of the B-52's, Lou Reed, Peter Wolf and the Godfather Of Soul himself -- James Brown. MADONNA: Well, it was a real thrill to be sitting with artists that I really respect and admire. James Brown, George Clinton so on and so forth. And in addition to that, I felt like I had something to share with a lot of other people who were aspiring recording artists. If they had any questions about what they can look forward to or any advice that I could give them -- before -- you know, "I'm getting a record contract" so I think that I had a valid contribution to make. ON PANEL Videos might have a limited audience in one sense but on the other hand you could be reaching a lot of people that would never be able to come and see you live, so I think that they're definitely an advantage. JAMES BROWN TRIES TO SPEAK MADONNA: I'm sorry but, kids today, worship the television, so I think it's a great way to reach them. JOHN OATES: I sort of resent the fact that a kid grows up you know, listening to the radio and listening to the great legacy of music that we have and, dreams about playing the guitar or playing the drums and all of a sudden, has to be an actor! To me, that makes absolutely no sense at all. If someone wants to be, that's great, but as far as I'm concerned, I always wanted to be a musician and to me, that's still my purpose. MADONNA: Yeah but, but listen. When you perform on-stage you're acting. I mean that's the performance. I mean if someone puts a camera on you what's the difference? (Audience Claps And Cheers) MADONNA: My definition of new music is something fresh and reflecting of the times, you know? The politics, the fashion, the energy, something new. You know, something that's applicable to what's happening in the world today. Well, to start out with a lot of people thought that I was a black artist before they saw my videos because my music is a lot more r&b oriented. And I think that I am a white artist playing r&b music and getting played on pop stations and I think that, the kind of music I make is changing peoples ideas...from splitting up and categorizing music and I think that opening up ways for black and white artists as well. So that's something new. MADONNA: I just finished recording an album with Nile Rodgers and I hope to put it out in October, but they are still playing stuff off my last album which I can't complain but I'm really anxious to get the new stuff out. So, you can expect a new release in October. MTV: Are you gonna do any videos...? MADONNA: Yes, I have a new video that's all ready for the new single that I am putting out in October. There's a video which I shot in Venice a couple of weeks ago, and I am really excited about that too. MTV: Can you give some more details, who directed it? MADONNA: Mary Lambart directed it. She directed my "Borderline" video and you know, I worked with her again because I thought that she was really great. MTV: What's the title? MADONNA: Like A Virgin.(laughs) MADONNA: I'm going to do another video for the release, for the second release after "Like A Virgin" and um, so I'm thinking about that. I'm also getting together a tour... I'm planning to go on tour upon the release of my album in October. An American tour in major cities and possible parts in movies but I can't really talk about that so... MTV: As far as your band for the tour? MADONNA: Who am I going to use on the band? A lot of different people. Some people that I have been working with through the years I mean I had a band before I got a record contract so some of those musicians and I'm still not finished auditioning people so I'm not even sure myself. But, whoever they are they are going to be great. NORRIS: Despite all this talk, Madonna fans would still have to wait almost an entire year before a full scale tour was launched, but the whole world got a taste of what she had to offer just a few months later -- down the street at Radio City Music Hall at the first annual MTV Video Music Awards. Stay tuned. Original From:交大機械女王版terissa的文章