精華區beta Madonna 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Melanie Chisholm influenced by Madonna (Launch) - As has been thoroughly documented in the press, Madonna has had a heavy influence on Melanie Chisholm's upcoming solo album, "Northern Star." Those from the post-Madonna camp that worked on "Star" include songwriter/producer Rick Nowels, Grammy-winner William Orbit, Patrick McCarthy, Craig Armstrong, Marius De Vries and Rhett Lawrence. The only stray from the makers of Madonna's music is Rick Rubin (producer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Beastie Boys and Tom Petty). Chisholm recently explained why her album is so heavily influenced by Madonna. "I think she's inspired me a lot musically and maybe just in the way I present myself. I've always admired how hard she works and what a strong lady she is, so she's always inspired me in that way," Chisholm said. Chisholm launched her debut solo record, "Northern Star," with a brief world tour. 天啊,幾乎都是大瑪用過的人嘛 -- ※ Origin: 交大機械站 ◆ From: h29.s127.ts.hinet.net --