精華區beta Madonna 關於我們 聯絡資訊
女王跟Ricky Martin和TLC雖在米國的VMA出進鋒頭 來到歐洲卻只能白瞪乾眼回家... 比較起來Fatboy Slim兩地都吃香 BSB也是,Will Smith也得一座回家 但他們的師妹不然你美妹在歐洲表現比在她組國要來得好很多... Best Video不意外的頒給Blur的”Coffee&TV”~實至名歸 Here's the complete tally of who won what at the ceremony: Best Male Artist: Will Smith Best Female Artist: Britney Spears Best Dance Artist: Fatboy Slim Best Hip-Hop Artist: Eminem Best Rock Artist: The Offspring Best R&B Artist: Whitney Houston Best Nordic Act: Lene Marlin Best Group: The Backstreet Boys Best Pop Artist: Britney Spears Best German Act: Xavier Naidoo Best Album: Boyzone's "By Request" Best Italian Act: Elle e le Storie Tese Breakthrough Artist: Britney Spears Best U.K. and Ireland Act: Boyzone Best Video: Blur's "Coffee & TV" Best Song: Britney Spears' "Baby One More Time" -- When I first saw you,I saw love And the first time you touched me,I felt love And after all this time,you're still the one I love -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: sparc17.cc.ncu.edu.tw