精華區beta Madonna 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Interviwer: I saw a magazine article the other day, and you were quoted as saying, in your worst dream you would be Madonna. Annie: Ooh! Did I say that? Int: Well, we want to know what exactly, that meant. A: Well, if I said that...hmmmm... Int: Kind of like a nightmare for you? A: I don't know, I don't know what the question was. Um, you want me to tell you what I think about Madonna? Or, what would you like me to say? You want me to dish the dirt. Int: Well, a little bit, go ahead. A: Well, um...well, if I said that--which I don't recall saying, that kind of statement would mean from me that I don't think I'd like to have that kind of enormous exposure. That kind of glare of spotlight that Madonna seems to enjoy and to attract. I think that's a heavy, heavy place to be...I think that's difficult. Int: If that would be a nightmare, what would be [an ideal] situation? A: I'd like to be a fly on the wall! With a little tape recorder and a video camera. -- ※ Origin: 交大機械站 ◆ From: h152.s251.ts30.hinet.net --