精華區beta Madonna 關於我們 聯絡資訊
正如同行銷所講的「打不過就加入」 昨天滾石不就正式發表台灣第一張合法mp3專輯... The record industry may be forced reluctantly to embrace the controversial MP3 technology which is widely used by pirates posting music on the internet. This move comes in the same week that Public Enemy have made their new single 'Do You Wanna Go Our Way???' available free over the web either as an MP3 or as streamed RealAudio. The Secure Digital Music Initiative, the IFPI-backed group of record and techno logy companies which is seeking to set standards for legitimate digital distribution, is understood to be preparing to support both secure and non-secure form ats in a set of guidelines to be published next month which will be used to develop a future generation of portable players. According to sources who attended last week旧 three-day SDMI meetings in London, although no specific technology has been identified, the move effectively means that devices based on the first version of the SDMI specification will be able to play unsecure formats such as MP3 "The record companies have given in to big concessions," says one SDMI technology member. "It means all legacy content can be played on these machines. I think you虐are going to see a big increase in MP3-related content over the internet. One senior record industry executive, who also attended the meetings, says it appears likely the specification will support non-secure formats for an initial period until digital distribution becomes more established. "Clearly we don't急 like this much as the principal uses of these unsecure formats are for piracy. However, there is a lot of pressure from all three sides - the recording, IT and CE (consumer electronics) industries," he says. Another senior record company executive adds, "The fact is these guys are going to put devices out in the marketplace whether we like it or not. -dotmusic.com -- ※ Origin: 交大機械工廠 ◆ From: --