精華區beta Madonna 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Hi ! I'm happy to be french : Mirwais CD is available earlier here !!! I've just heard "Paradise not for me"... The CD is ready (it was not a promo CD, but the "official" one, with a pink sleeve), so I guess we're gonna find it easily soon (it will be sent to radios/magazines for promotion...) The guy who had the CD told me it was going to be released in April, and could not sell me his own copy ! I guess he was a music journalist... The song is very slow. M is not "singing", but more whispering. To give you an idea, it sounds A BIT like "Mer Girl". I do not say it is the SAME, but this is what it made me think of... I'm sorry, I couldn't keep the CD, though I tried ! If someone got it, please make a MP3 out of it (like we had for "AP" !) -- ▌ █ ▌ ● Origin: 灰姑娘城堡 ( bbs.ms.nctu.edu.tw ) ▌ █ ▌ ▃▃▃▃ ▃▇▃ ▃▇▃ ▃▇▃ ▃▇▃ ▃▇▃ ▃▇▃ ▃▃▃▃