精華區beta Magazine 關於我們 聯絡資訊
是美國的一本有關音樂的雜誌,我是沒看過台灣有在賣的 雜誌裡的夾頁裡面都有促銷廣告,一本加郵資大約一百五六十左右 這樣子的話如果跟雜誌瘋訂會比較便宜嗎(他們現在沒有在賣) -- _/\/\______/\/\____/\/\/\/\____/\/\____/\/\____/\/\/\/\___ _/\/\/\__/\/\/\__/\/\____/\/\__/\/\/\__/\/\__/\/\____/\/\_ _/\/\/\/\/\/\/\__/\/\__/\/\/\__/\/\/\/\/\/\__/\/\__/\/\/\_ _/\/\__/\__/\/\__/\/\/\__/\/\__/\/\__/\/\/\__/\/\/\__/\/\_ _/\/\______/\/\____/\/\/\/\____/\/\____/\/\____/\/\/\/\___ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: plastic (夢想 Corvette) 看板: Magazine 標題: Re: 請問一下如果要訂外國雜誌 時間: Thu Apr 4 11:32:40 2002 ※ 引述《M0N0 (江西老師)》之銘言: : 是美國的一本有關音樂的雜誌,我是沒看過台灣有在賣的 : 雜誌裡的夾頁裡面都有促銷廣告,一本加郵資大約一百五六十左右 : 這樣子的話如果跟雜誌瘋訂會比較便宜嗎(他們現在沒有在賣) 通常內頁廣告的價格都是surface mail的價格 等寄到時 新雜誌都變成舊雜誌了 (surface mail大概要郵寄1~2個月) 如果要用Airmail郵寄 一年大概要多USD$30~$40左右 並不是很划算~~ -- "Didn't you know that the one millionth Corvette has just rolled off the line? And did you know that there is no sportcar like that in this whole wide world?" by Zora Arkus Duntov -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: