精華區beta Maiden_Road 關於我們 聯絡資訊
真的要去洗澡了(喂 猜一句話 強大提示:英文 歡迎來秒殺^^ 小意思50P 別介意 -- _\^^^^^^^^/ 不允許! (改編: kpier2) _——— 近藤桑 —\﹨— \ \\\ // / 什麼姊夫阿!/ // \ \ 你20歲以前 ╱╱ \╲╲ ╬ \ / 身為姊夫 /◤◥◥╬ \\ 就已經在 / ◤◤◤\ \ ◣ ◢絕不允許! 而且你才是 \○—○ /| 蠢蠢欲動 \/"═ | ◣ ◇ 蠢蠢欲動等你 最蠢蠢欲動 ◥_皿___ 了吧? // /|≡|\ 20歲後再說! 的人吧! ◢ (原作freijaking) /\ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
rinrei:you still have more to learn? 05/05 23:59
Kusari:I'm your father! XDDD 05/05 23:59
SUKAKIYO:樓上XDDDD 05/05 23:59
moritas35:二樓....你以為我是這種人嗎XDDD 05/06 00:00
bluelamp:洽李~~~~~~~~~~~(最近火紅的英文?) 05/06 00:00
nilovehere:you see? 05/06 00:00
asagihajime:Are you ready?XD 05/06 00:01
b111120:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 05/06 00:01
tenob:You can't pass~~~~(回音) 05/06 00:01
rinrei:ring~ring~hello? 05/06 00:01
moritas35:====================以上不是 先去洗澡 05/06 00:02
poppymoe:Let's go to the candy mountain! 05/06 00:02
moritas35:================沒這麼難啦!!!!!!!!! 05/06 00:03
lannakaki:and that's all? 05/06 00:03
moxian:You are the Banana King! 05/06 00:03
roger418:繼續猜這個 shut up 05/06 00:03
nilovehere:shit 05/06 00:04
vesia:yes, your highness 05/06 00:04
keigoatobe:大家都掐哩中毒了www 05/06 00:04
bluelamp:you know ?~ 05/06 00:04
finlute:那我猜 All Hail Britannia!!! XD 05/06 00:05
正解:All Hail Britannia!!!
Kusari:I am the bone of my sword (下略) 05/06 00:05
vesia:BRAVO~(這不是英文 05/06 00:05
※ 編輯: moritas35 來自: (05/06 00:06)
bombpeople:Z~~~~~~ 05/06 00:06
SUKAKIYO:這句真的很經典XDDDDDDDDDD 05/06 00:06
harukatakki:那我就 All Hail Lelouch 吧!!!!!!!!魯魯啊啊啊~~~ 05/06 00:06
harukatakki:XDDDDDD 05/06 00:07
weskerlove:我才想猜May the force be with you... 05/06 00:07
moritas35:======================我不會出太冷門的啦^^ 05/06 00:07
finlute:收到了 謝謝 All Hail Britannia!!!~~~~~ 05/06 00:07
moritas35:大家一起:All Hail Britannia!!! 05/06 00:08
moxian: All Hail NOBUNAGA!!!! (咦咦咦?) 05/06 00:09
harukatakki:All Hail Britannia!! 我比較想喊All Hail Lelouch(喂 05/06 00:10
moritas35: All Hail Hijikata !!!(喂喂 05/06 00:10
catspajamas: All Hail To Arthur Kirkland(口水) 05/06 00:22
e352762:All Hail Lelouch!!!!!(欸欸) 魯魯Q口Q 05/06 00:31