精華區beta ManUtd 關於我們 聯絡資訊
About ''Dead Leg'' 文章來源: 曼聯周刊論壇 dead leg,基本感覺是因為衝撞導致肌肉內出血;如果程度輕,僅僅淤血幾天;如果程度 重好像就比較恐怖了,要動手術,搞不好腿就廢了。。。 Q: I have often come across reports of footballers being rested because of『 dead leg』 . Could you please explain what constitutes a dead leg and what is the treatment and its prognosis. A: A "dead leg" is simply a bruise. It is common in football because of the contact element of the game and the mechanism of injury is usually one of blunt trauma. An example of this is a players knee impacting hard against an opponents thigh. This causes damage to the thigh muscles and as a result bleeding occurs. The initial impact often results in an immediate feeling of pain and weakness and the injured player may be physically unable to run & to kick. Minor cases of a "dead leg" may result in a couple of days soreness which settles with ice & local treatment. However care must be taken with moderate & severe cases as some serious complications can arise. The most severe is what's known as an acute compartment syndrome. This comes about due to persistent bleeding within the muscle and over a few hours the pressure inside the muscle increases to such a degree that the circulation to the muscle is restricted. If emergency measures are not taken to reduce the pressure then the injured muscle can start to die. Left untreated serious cases of compartment syndrome could result in gangrene (tissue destruction) where amputation would be required to preserve the life of the player. Pretty heavy stuff from just a bruising injury. Thankfully such instances are rare but following a dead leg any increase in swelling and pain should be treated with extreme caution and medical help should be sought immediately. The second serious complication (though not as serious as having your life threatened & your leg amputated!) is that of developing what is known as Myositis ossificans. This is the calcification of the injured portion of the muscle and this may be sparked off by trying to exercise too early following the original "dead leg". It is also conceivable that vigorous therapy such as deep massage and vigorous stretching could precipitate this condition. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
Ewen216:.................. 推218.172.152.190 04/13
narcolepsy:老大你一定要保重啊... 推140.112.216.120 04/13
pago:呵呵 好像是我問的 謝謝^^ 推140.112.251.106 04/13