精華區beta Math 關於我們 聯絡資訊
WINDHEAD :聽到數學笑話會覺得很好笑很幽默的人,一定適合數學系 03/01 15:02
既然說到了數學笑話, 來提供幾個我覺得跟數學有關又好笑的 XD (希望版主大允許... 囧) 1. A comathematician is a device for turning cotheorems into ffee. 2. (singing) Old Macdonald had a form; ei ^ ei = 0. 3. Prof: "Give an example of a vector space." Student: "V" 4. The category of Banach Analytic Manifolds: BanAnaMan. 5. Exercise VIII.8.3 of Sarason's Complex Function Theory: " Stand straight with feet about one meter apart, hands on hips. Bend at the waist, knees straight, and touch left foot with right hand. Straighten. Bend again and touch right foot with left hand. Straighten. Repeat 15 times. " -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
calvin4 :第五個超棒!wwwwwww 03/02 10:06
n19860423 :XDDDD 03/02 10:12