精華區beta Math 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《hectorhsu (The Hector)》之銘言: : Suppose that : [1] ν1 is abolutely contionuous with respect to μ1(ν1<<μ1) : [2] ν2 is abolutely contionuous with respect to μ2(ν2<<μ2) : 證明 (ν1xν2) << (μ1xμ2) : -------- : 應該是卡在不知道如何表示 (μ1xμ2)(E) = 0,來做 (ν1xν2)(E)? Assume (X,M1,μ1), (X,N1,ν1) and (Y,M2,μ2), (Y,N2,ν2) E \in M1 x N1, (μ1xμ2)(E) = 0 Let Ex = {y \in Y | (x,y) \in E}, x \in X (Ey = {x \in X | (x,y) \in E}, y \in Y) (μ1xμ2)(E) = 0 implies μ1{x|μ2(Ex) > 0} = 0 (μ2{y|μ1(Ey) > 0} = 0) ν1<<μ1, ν2<<μ2 imply ν1{x|μ2(Ex) > 0} = 0 (ν2{y|μ1(Ey) > 0} = 0) which also imply ν1{x|ν2(Ex) > 0} = 0 (ν2{y|ν1(Ey) > 0} = 0) since {x|ν2(Ex) > 0} is contined in {x|μ2(Ex) > 0} (and {y|ν1(Ey) > 0} is contined in {y|μ1(Ey) > 0}) Hence (ν1xν2)(E)= 0 -- 秋風清 秋月明 落葉聚還散 寒鴉棲復驚 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hectorhsu:原來是這樣做@@ 感恩 12/06 23:06