精華區beta Math 關於我們 聯絡資訊
課本:[Wade] Theroem11.13 Let f be a vector function. If f is differentiable at a ,then f is continuous at a. Theroem11.14 Let f be a vector function. If f is differentiable at a then all first-order partial derivatives of f exist at a. 這裡為什麼只能得到first-order partial derivatives存在? 而不是得到first-order partial derivatives存在而且在a點連續呢? Theorem11.15 Let V be open set in |R^n Let a E V (a屬於V) Let f:V→|R^m If all first-order partial derivatives of f exist in V and are continuous at a, Then f is differentiable at a. 這裡的條件是要first-order partial derivatives在a點 不僅僅要存在,而且first-order partial derivatives在a點還要連續. 我想問的是,為什麼定理15的條件要強到:它偏導數在a點要連續? 只是存在的話,f在a點就不可微了嗎? (如果可以,能不能麻煩大大舉實際的例子跟我說>""<) 麻煩大大了~ 謝謝大家~ -- To高微課本: 嗚~可不可以不要對我這麼嚴厲>""< From:一直都學不好的我 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ert0700:我記得趙文敏的書裡面有例子,去圖書館借看看 02/08 15:26