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※ 引述《pobm (Rafale)》之銘言: : Rudin p.141 18 的一部分 : 1 : Let γ(t)=e^(2πit sin---) define on [0,2π] : t ^^^ : ? : Show that γ(t) and f(t)=e^(it) have the same range : 我想問的是任給定θ在[0,2π]間 : 1 : 如何找到一個t使得θ=2πt sin--- : t : 這是不是高中數學阿XD : 謝謝^^ 看起來不是你所說的這回事,關於 t = 0 的地方,是需要被定義為γ(t) = 0 . [以下是我 N 年前寫過的東西,可能有錯,你斟酌一下] 18. Let γ_1,γ_2,γ_3 be curves in the complex plane, defined on [0,2π] by γ_1(t) = e^(it), γ_2 = e^(2it), γ_3 = e^{(2πit).sin(1/t)}. Show that these three curves have the same range, that γ_1 and γ_2 are rectifiable, that the length of γ_1 is 2π, that the length of γ_2 is 4π, and that γ_3 is not rectifiable. Proof. First, it is clear γ_1, and γ_2 have the same range. In addition, it is also clear that by Theorem 6.27, the length of γ_1 is 2π, and the length of γ_2 is 4π. So, let us study γ_3 as folows. In order to show three curves have the same range, it suffices to show that the range of f(t) := t sin (1/t) defined on (0,2π] contains a closed interval I with |I| = 1. Note that sinx > x - x^3/(3!) if x in (0,π/2), then we consider f(2π) - f(2/(3π)) = {2π sin (1/(2π))} - {2/(3π) sin (3π/2)} = {2π sin (1/(2π))} + 2/(3π) 1 1 1 > 2π.(----- - ---.-------) + 2/(3π) 2π 6 8π^3 = 1 + 5/(8 π^2) > 1. So, the range of f(t) contains a closed interval I with |I| = 1. From above sayings, we have proved that these three curves have the same range. In order to show that γ_3 is not rectifiable, we consider γ_3 = (cos {2πf(t)}, sin {2πf(t)}). If γ_3 is rectifiable, then so are cos {2πf(t)}, and sin {2πf(t)}. Consider g(t):= sin {2πf(t)} defined on (0,1], and define a new sequence {a_n = f( 2/(nπ) )}, then a_1 = 2/π ; a_2 = 0, a_3 = -2/(3π), a_4 = 0, a_5 = 2/(5π), ...... It is clear that for k=0,1,2,3,... a_(4k+1) = 2/{(4k+1)π}, => g(a_(4k+1))=sin {4/(4k+1)}. a_(4k+2) = 0, => g(a_(4k+2))=0. a_(4k+3) = -2/{(4k+3)π}, => g(a_(4k+3))=We dont care. a_(4k+4) = 0, => g(a_(4k+4))=0. Let P = {a_1,a_2,.....,a_n,..}, then consider Σ_[j=1,∞] |Δg_j| = Σ_[j=1,∞] |g(a_j) - g(a_(j+1))| ≧ Σ_[k=1,∞] sin {4/(4k+1)} = +∞, by limit comparison test and lim_{x→∞} (sin x)/x = 1. So, γ_3 is not rectifiable. NOTE. In order to make preceding proof more clear, it is better to draw the graph of γ_3, f and g, roughly. -- Good taste, bad taste are fine, but you can't have no taste. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pobm:請問為什麼可以把需要包函(0,1]轉換成只要有個|I|=1就好? 03/23 23:21
math1209:r_1 與 r_2 的 range 是單位圓的圓周 對吧? 03/23 23:37
math1209:別忘了 γ_3 = e^{(2πit).sin(1/t)} = e^( 2πif(t) ) 03/23 23:38
pobm:其實我大概知道m大的意思 負的可以補足正的不到1的部分 03/23 23:47
pobm:可是該怎麼把這裡寫清楚呢>"< 謝謝 03/23 23:48
math1209:Sorry, 我不懂你的意思 = = 03/23 23:56
pobm:我的意思是說如果是一般的函數g(3t)要onto g(t)的range 03/24 00:07
pobm:所需的區間只要g(t)的1/3 如e^t要佈滿圓要0~2pi e^(2t)則只要 03/24 00:09
pobm:0~pi (我剛剛說錯是e^(it)和e^(2it) ) 03/24 00:10
pobm:所以e^(2πit) 所需的是0~1 對吧 03/24 00:12
pobm:但是你給的f(t)恆小於1所以不在0~1 但是卻可以跑到-的而且實 03/24 00:14
pobm:際上的range比1 還大 這是因為在圓週上跑到負的角度剛好可以 03/24 00:15
pobm:補足逆時針方向沒跑完對吧 03/24 00:15
pobm:我的意思是我不知道怎麼把上面這一大段寫出來(還是有錯?) 03/24 00:16
math1209:我有寫: f(2π) - f(2/(3π)) > 1. 03/24 00:26
pobm:抱歉我表達能力不太好 我的意思是"it suffices to show that" 03/24 01:46
pobm:該如何說明 只要包含一個大小大於1的區間即可 03/24 01:47
pobm:感謝m大我OK了^^ 03/24 02:05