精華區beta Math 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《et548548 (John小毛)》之銘言: : 上次被資管同學考倒= =,完全看不懂這啥問題 : 不知道是不是分析這一類的問題,我怕我問錯! : The accompanying sketch represents a maze of one-way streets in a city in the : United States. The traffic volume through certain blocks during an hour has : been measured. Suppose that the vehicles leaving the area during this hour : were exactly the same as those entering it. : http://www.badongo.com/cn/pic/7344593 : What can you say about the traffic volume at the four locations indicated by : a question mark? Can you figure out exactly how much traffic there was on : each block? If not, describe one possible scenario. For each of the four : locations, find the highest and the lowest possible traffic volume 這應該屬於線性代數中的網路分析 Network Analysis (或是交通流量 Traffic Flow) 它的法則是:在一個節點(Junction)中,流入等於流出:flow in = flow out) 將剛剛的圖整理成... 400 100 ↑ │ │ ↓ 300─→J1─→J2─→250 ↑ X1 ↑ X4│ │X2 320←─J4←─J3←─120 ↑ X3 ↑ │ │ 300 150 對於 J1 這個節點來說: X4+300 = X1+400 以此類推可得到... J1: X4+300 = 400+X1 J2: X1+X2+100 = 250 J3: 120+150 = X2+X3 J4: X3+300 = 320+X4 整理一下後 X4-X1 = 100 X1+X2 = 150 X2+X3 = 270 X3-X4 = 20 再用矩陣的方式表達 ┌ -1 0 0 1 ┐┌ X1 ┐ ┌ 100 ┐ │ 1 1 0 0 ││ X2 │ │ 150 │ │ 0 1 1 0 ││ X3 │=│ 270 │ └ 0 0 1-1 ┘└ X4 ┘ └ 20 ┘ 接下來就請自己用高斯消去法計算囉 答案必須使用參數表達法: 令 X4 = t X3 = 20+t X2 = 250-t X1 = t+100 有錯請糾正~謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
et548548 :t這個未知數代表捨麼?? 10/05 22:13
lenux :代表答案會有無窮多組解 隨t的值而變 10/05 22:20
lenux :是因為在高斯消去法的過程中沒有辦法解出所有X的值 10/05 22:20