精華區beta Math 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《TrySoHard (夢永遠都只是夢)》之銘言: : 1. Does there exist an infinite σ-algebra that has only countably : many element?   Let G = {(a,b)∩Q|a,b are both in Q.}. Then the σ-algebra generated by G is countable. : 2. Let E be a measurable subset of [0,1]. Let A={ x^1/2 | x is in E }. : Is A a measurable subset of [0,1]? : 先感謝各位解答了   Since taking square root is a continuous function on [0,1], A is measurable. --           翩若驚鴻 婉若游龍 榮曜秋菊 華茂春松           髣彿兮若輕雲之蔽月 飄颻兮若流風之迴雪        遠而望之 皎若太陽升朝霞 迫而察之 灼若芙蕖出淥波        襛纖得衷 脩短合度 肩若削成 腰如約素 延頸秀項        皓質呈露 芳澤無加 鉛華弗御 雲髻峨峨 脩眉聯娟        丹脣外朗 皓齒內鮮 明眸善睞 靨輔承權 瑰姿豔逸               儀靜體閑 柔情綽態 媚於語言 奇服曠世 骨像應圖 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
TrySoHard :不懂1的那個例子為什麼是countable? 10/17 18:58
TrySoHard :2.連續函數不保持measurable吧? 10/17 18:58
TrySoHard :不是要Lipschitz才會保持measurable嗎? 10/17 18:59
yusd24 :你是對的 10/17 20:30
zombiea :if Lipschitz preserve measurability... then 10/17 21:32
zombiea :consider E_n=E ∩[1/n,1] then do it for each n 10/17 21:33
TrySoHard :感謝樓上!! 那第一題呢? 還是看不懂QQ 10/17 21:56