精華區beta Mind 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Numberical Value for Letters ------------------------------------------ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A B C D E U O F I K G M H V Z P J R L T N W Q S X Y Example:(full name) M A R I A C H I A N G (自已英文名字+中文的姓氏) 4+1+2+1+1 3+5+1+1+5+3 =27(27=2+7=9……lucky number) 1.A leader. Responsible. Maybe too bossy and vain. Dislikes criticism. 2.Sensitive. Can be hurt easily.Shy.Is a true friend and hard-working. Home-loving. 3.Lively. Optimistic. Loves telling jokes. Very popular. 4.Always finishes what he starts. A perfectionist.Very filial son/daughter. 5.Restless.Impatient.Never finishes a job. Loves excitement and adventure. 6.Sensitive and artistic. Loves books, music and art. Very loving personality. 7.Very different and special. Dreamer. Likes wearing strange clothes. Might be radical. 8.Fighter. Loves excitement and adventure. Loves arguing and always plays to win. Sometimes hurts others. 9.Very intelligent, proud and logical. Loves order and balance. Will always help friends in trouble. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MsJay:好屌 我居然看懂了 推 12/09
queena0209:好屌..我也看的懂...= = 推 12/09
hercales:我也看懂了,這真是太屌了 推 12/09
perhapslove:挺準的.... 推 12/10
tliya:蠻準的耶......wow 推 12/10
qwp:不錯準ㄝ 推 12/13