精華區beta Minecraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.mojang.com/2012/10/minecraft-snapshot-12w40a/ Minor terrain additions for the witch Flatworld configuration now allows you to generate trees, strongholds etc A number of new NBT tags for items (intended for custom map makers) The pick block action now works on items Pressing the 1-9 hotkeys while hovering over an item will put that item into the inventory bar The left-click action will no longer open doors, pull levers, push buttons or open trapdoors. Use the right mouse button! Firespread has been slightly nerfed again to prevent infinitely spreading fires More bugfixes & tweaks! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kizajan:flatworld終於...( ′-`)y-~ 10/04 21:13
jeff20092:糟糕還是看不懂QQ 10/04 21:14
jeff20092:左鍵不會打開門惹,以後要拆超方便 10/04 21:18
gh0987:火焰延燒又被輕微改弱了 10/04 21:21
Nuaaukw:好久沒看到森林大火了 QQ 10/04 21:46
gh0987:wiki寫很多細節 10/04 21:47
gh0987:據說還修了寵物bug 正念還真有用 10/04 22:07
Nuaaukw:等明天wiki補得差不多了再來翻譯 (?) 10/04 22:10
yuan860721:終於可以拆門了!! 10/05 14:28
mabikerry:拆門不都是挖掉底下的方塊嗎.... 10/05 14:57
jeffffliu:拿著岩漿桶對門右鍵 點歪自己燒死 10/05 15:24
shadowblade:拆門就是拆底座阿 10/05 15:27
ferretwind:多想三秒鐘 你可以不要把岩漿拿在手上 10/05 15:27
shadowblade:本來就不該把岩漿拿手上的好嗎w 10/05 15:27
mabikerry:所以鐵門就要搭配不能用手拆的方塊當門框.. 10/05 17:41