精華區beta Minecraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://mojang.com/2015/10/minecraft-snapshot-15w42a/ Today is a very special day. Do you know why? No? Well then nevermind, it clearly isn’t important. Oh, you’d like to know? Well, fine, I guess. It’s a snapshot day. There, happy now? You’ve gone and ruined all the surprise. I might as well just tell you exactly what’s in the snapshot then, and forgo any fun or mystery. Notable changes: Added two new “treasure” enchantments: “Frost Walker” and “Mending”. Treasure enchantments cannot be created, only found. “Frost Walker” enchant leaves a path of frost (new block) behind you, when walking across water. “Mending” enchant allows items to stay durable, at a cost. Improved speed & handling of boats. Added new cost to using brewing stands. Fixed a bunch of bugs. Optimised a bunch of plugs. Drank from a bunch of jugs. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Minecraft/M.1444832773.A.A14.html
hit1205: Frost Walker 怎麼描述看起來很像冰雪奇緣 XD 10/14 22:47
hit1205: 試了一下冰霜不會永久存在,但夠在水上行走了 10/14 23:51
hit1205: 原地站著一樣會融化,絲綢之觸也挖不起來 10/14 23:52
hit1205: Mending 的代價看來是你用它打出來的經驗球都會被吸走 10/14 23:52
LPH66: 不一定用它打, 只要獲得經驗值時拿著它即可 10/14 23:54
LPH66: 例如丟經驗瓶在遠處, 東西拿著再走近 10/14 23:54
LPH66: 另外吸走時會修復你拿著的那個 Mending 工具 10/14 23:55
hit1205: 這樣的話如果拿著它拿熔爐裡的物品不知道會怎樣 10/14 23:56
LPH66: 現在做藥水需要用烈焰粉, 一個可以做三十個步驟的樣子 10/14 23:58
LPH66: 樓上的問題實驗結果是一樣會修復 10/15 00:10
LPH66: 若照維基記載燒一個金錠一點經驗值無誤的話 10/15 00:11
LPH66: 經驗值一點修復工具兩次使用 10/15 00:11
LPH66: 這樣一把鑽鎬要零到 23 級半的經驗值完全修復 10/15 00:24
LPH66: 現在滑翔撞山會扣血, 撞山而死的死亡訊息是 10/15 00:59
LPH66: "xxx experienced kinetic energy" 「感受到了動能」XDD 10/15 01:00
CP64: 撞山 XD 10/15 01:50
LPH66: 有點不太好意思發一篇新文 (因為是未確認消息) 所以推在這 10/16 20:18
LPH66: 困擾東亞麥塊玩家的 MC-2781 (中文輸入問題) 下個 snapshot 10/16 20:18
LPH66: 有可能會修好! 10/16 20:19
mmis1000: https://goo.gl/zfrcTy 10/16 21:27
error405: 那原來是BUG嗎!? 10/16 21:31
CP64: 原來是上古 Bug 我還以為只是沒有對 IME 做處理耶 !? 10/16 23:03