精華區beta Minecraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://mojang.com/2016/10/minecraft-snapshot-16w41a/ It’s time for a new snapshot, and this one includes a lot of bugfixes! And this snapshot includes… Notable changes: * A number of Observer block fixes * Two+ crash fixes * The ascii rabbit was removed from the code, but fortunately added again * Damaged items are now more bright * Nothing wrong with pistons anymore ever. -Grumm Bugs fixed in 16w41a: [Bug MC-2912] - Creative Mode Hotbar Glitch when using Number Key to exchange items slots [Bug MC-11416] - Dispenser / Dropper / Piston / Command block placing is not consistent [Bug MC-59303] - When placed next to a cactus, the head of bed remains same [Bug MC-70806] - Blocks with a data value > 0 have missing texture in superflat customization [Bug MC-80692] - WitherBoss attacks ArmorStands [Bug MC-96544] - Temperature Freezing Point Inconsistency [Bug MC-97982] - Offhand slot frame rotated 180 degrees compared to hotbar [Bug MC-98009] - Elytra equipment sound using Leather armor equipment sound [Bug MC-99103] - You can’t see remaining time when you have potion effect in Demo Mode [Bug MC-99599] - Server does not test if player is sleeping when receiving CPacketEntityAction.Action.STOP_SLEEPING [Bug MC-99603] - Wolves, Dogs, and Ocelots fall out of the world [Bug MC-99661] - Summoning a LeashKnot with a passenger entity crashes [Bug MC-99814] - help -1 throws unknown command exception [Bug MC-99900] - Enchantments boostrap class has the wrong error message when called before bootstrap [Bug MC-101249] - Target selectors ignore invalid arguments [Bug MC-102439] - Shield Desynchronizes [Bug MC-102683] - “Elder Guardian Flops” showed as “Guardian Flops” in subtitles [Bug MC-104901] - Suboptimal visibility and horrific look of the tool’s durability bar colors [Bug MC-105406] - OpenGL Leak in View Frustum [Bug MC-105898] - Mushrooms and crops cause bed to drop; leaves “head” of bed behind, same with double plant [Bug MC-106296] - Wrong subtitle for sound (sounds.json mistake) [Bug MC-107171] - maxEntityCramming is off-by-one [Bug MC-107407] - Zooming out an exploration map turns the map blank [Bug MC-107410] - Observer block outputs single game tick pulse, not single redstone tick pulse [Bug MC-107600] - Observer block causes bottom half of bed to break [Bug MC-107662] - Observers can cause blocks to be stuck in the powered state when being pushed by pistons [Bug MC-107730] - Oberserver block powers air blocks [Bug MC-107783] - Observer powers redstone dust only to level 1 [Bug MC-107795] - Redstone connects to Observer Blocks on sides [Bug MC-107869] - Llamas often spawn in blocks and die while in mountainous regions [Bug MC-107907] - Llama spit is not saved as entity [Bug MC-107934] - Observers are placed with the input facing you (unlike MCPE) [Bug MC-107957] - Hopper: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException [Bug MC-107959] - Buttonspamming with observerblocks [Bug MC-108054] - Observer rotates towards +z, when reloaded while being moved or set with /setblock [Bug MC-108216] - Copying then zooming out an Explorer Map make it lose its structure pointer [Bug MC-108270] - Wither skeleton spawing quelled by normal skeletons [Bug MC-108315] - Closing options with esc doesn’t send player setting packet [Bug MC-108344] - Left-handed vindicators raise right arm when aggressive [Bug MC-108348] - Totem of undying is not consumed/destroyed [Bug MC-108349] - When a sticky piston (facing up with a block on it) is retracted while an entity is standing on it, the entity appears to sink into the ground. [Bug MC-108354] - Incorrect subtitle when equipping a llama with a chest [Bug MC-108357] - Naturally generated vindicators axe is missing [Bug MC-108358] - Crash when 32 or more pistons retract in a single chunk (IllegalArgumentException) [Bug MC-108378] - Crafting a Zoomed Out Map By a Hotbar Hotkey Won’t Update It [Bug MC-108399] - No subtitle for when the totem of undying activates [Bug MC-108409] - Villager makes disagree sounds when you click arrows and trade boxes. [Bug MC-108480] - Johnny Vindicators attempt to attack armor stands [Bug MC-108525] - shulker_box.png Default resource pack GUI 1 pixel too high (167 vs 166 pixel) [Bug MC-108588] - Structure blocks save invalid data when saving a structure at 0, 0 ==== 觀察者方塊修了很多東西: 訊號持續時間從 1 遊戲 tick (1/20 秒) 改成 1 紅石 tick (1/10 秒) (MC-107410) 輸出不會對空氣方塊充能了 (MC-107730) 輸出訊號強度從 1 改成 15 (MC-107783) 放在非出口方向旁邊的紅石不會指進去了 (MC-107795) 放置方向變成跟 PE 一樣是朝向要偵測的方塊 (MC-107934) 不過好像還是有一些微妙的 bug 就是 然後前一篇推文提到的 block 36 推東西的 bug 似乎在這個快照完全解決了 現在連含史萊姆磚的推送也不會發生了 可以看 Doc 的影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61TIqRLJfzM
-- 'Oh, Harry, don't you see?' Hermione breathed. 'If she could have done one thing to make absolutely sure that every single person in this school will read your interview, it was banning it!' ---'Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix', P513 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Minecraft/M.1476394925.A.328.html
twosheep0603: 不能對後方充能跟改tick這兩點挺傷的 10/14 09:00
error405: 改弱到reddit一堆人在哭哭了 10/14 11:57
twosheep0603: 一次推三格的bug消失後 運輸技術回復了以往的平靜(? 10/14 19:39
error405: 不能對方塊充能好像是bug https://redd.it/57bv2n 10/14 23:03
LPH66: 所以是改過頭? 原本連空氣都充能, 現在什麼都不充能這樣? 10/16 06:43