精華區beta Minecraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Version_history 補充一些 wiki上持續更新的 注意還可能在更新資料 ※ 引述《sb117611 (sb117611)》之銘言: : 可以更新1.1了 : Below is a list of some of the added features: : - Bow Enchantments : 附魔弓 Arrows which are on fire now set entities they hit on fire. : - Golden Apple recipe : 改了金蘋果的配方 (Uses gold nuggets instead of gold blocks) 改成佣金碎塊 : - New language translations. : 多國語言 56 new language translations, including fictional ones such as Pirate 包含一些虛構的語言 : - Slightly smoothed color transitions between biomes : 讓氣候間的顏色更調和 - Added beaches 新增海灘(不是氣候) 補充:beaches 是分類在產生的結構物中 請參考以下連結 http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Generated_structures : - Reduced brewing time to 20 seconds : 釀造藥水時間減少到20秒 : - Added spawn eggs to creative (the colors of the eggs even look like the : mobs) : 增加創造模式專用道具-生怪蛋 : - Added world type options (currently only super-flat and default) : 建立世界時可以選擇建立超級平坦世界 : - Removed collision box from ladders : 梯子不再佔有一小塊空間 : - Sheep eat grass and regain their wool : 羊會吃草並再長毛 Sheep eat Grass, converting them to Dirt, and regain their Wool again Sheep only drop 1-3 wool per shearing. 撿羊毛只會掉1~3個羊毛 - Fixed collision box on fence gates 修正柵欄門的體積變成一片 - Fence Gates can now be opened and closed with redstone 柵欄門可以由紅石迴路控制 - Walking on Crops no longer tramples them 在作物上走路不會踩濫它 - Magma Cubes now drop Magma Cream 地獄使來母會掉落...那個叫啥..調防火藥水用那個物品 - Leaves now have a slight chance of dropping Red Apples 樹葉現在有低機率掉落紅蘋果 - NPC Villages now spawn treasure chests in blacksmith shops NCP村莊的鐵匠舖會有箱子 - Melons and Pumpkins can now grow on Dirt, instead of just on Farmland 南瓜跟西瓜現在可以長在土上,不在只有長在耕地上 : Plus many bug fixes! : 還有修了很多bug! Fixed "Sniper Duel" achievement Fixed Powered Rail Non-Depowering Bug Fixed Powered Rail Failure-to-Update on Placement Bug Bugs: Major crash bug in the loading screen for some users Ice blocks spawning in non-ice biomes and in waters previously not ice -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jeffffliu 來自: (01/13 10:37) ※ 編輯: jeffffliu 來自: (01/13 10:39)
juicefish:狙擊手成就被修正了ww 以前的50M到底要怎麼打啊XD 01/13 10:41
jeffffliu:之前的BUG是無法取得那項成就 01/13 10:45
olys:柵欄門改那麼大官方竟然沒有自己提 =口=||| 01/13 10:56
thesky14:虛構的語言 克林貢語嘛wwww 01/13 11:05
louis60401:有昆雅語嗎wwww 01/13 11:07
kaj1983:龍語...fus ro dah~ 01/13 11:10
jeffffliu:火箭會燒房子WWW 01/13 11:18
jeffffliu:creeper 掉落cd增加_A_ 01/13 11:23
※ 編輯: jeffffliu 來自: (01/13 12:09)
slcgboy:金蘋果的成本終於降低了 不然8個金磚 夭壽貴 01/13 12:50
slcgboy:阿 作物不會被踩壞了 可以更快速種植採收了 01/13 12:52
jeffffliu:突然想到 走路不會 那跑步會踩濫嗎 01/13 13:48
suyushan:好像會耶 因為我剛剛踩掉一個 = = 01/13 14:10