精華區beta Mobile-game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
最近真的很閒 一直去挑戰普通模式跟無限模式 今天在公車上玩出結局了 沒看過的可以連去相簿看 http://nadoka.pixnet.net/album/photo/113547880#pictop 似乎是超過20萬分的評價就只有King of Zookeeper. 我昨天玩到210477分(13:35)但是只過到LV.11 今天終於闖過了LV.12並且拿了304951分(11:16) 結局是老闆小時候... There was a man. who had a baby was very happy. 有一個有小孩的男人過得非常快樂. "I have a dream to make this zoo the biggest in the world!" "我夢想要把這座動物園變成世界第一!" Like his wife, he worked very hard at his job. 跟他的妻子一樣非常的努力工作. But then tragedy stuck one day. 但是有一天悲劇發生了. He was stricken with grief 他心中滿是悲痛. and he gave up his dream. 他放棄了夢想 Soon his deep sorrow turned into anger 很快的他把悲痛轉為憤怒 and he blamed the animals for his wife's death. 他把喪妻之痛轉嫁至動物身上. Finally, he remembered his dream. 最後, 他想起了他的夢想. "I'm sorry, son. I have acted terribly." "對不起,兒子. 我是一個壞榜樣." Surely, this zoo will become the best in the world. 當然,這座動物園將會變成世界第一. 總分:304951 評價:King of Zookeepers. 其次分享無限模式的新紀錄... 總分:686240 (17:48) 評價:Let's put a picture of you on the wall. 有圖有真相 http://nadoka.pixnet.net/album/photo/113547862#pictop 歡迎挑戰XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
arienai:ZOO KEEPER超有趣的 我NORMAL 最高 447605 (12:17) 03/18 16:54
arienai:ENDLESS 1401295 (17:02) 努力破NORMAL 50萬中QQ 03/18 16:55
inzan:會不會太拼了點?不過結局似乎是跟其他平台的一模一樣。XD 03/19 09:01
cloud2211s:我想問一下 這個遊戲有沒有240*320觸控版? 03/19 12:35
agnes60519:交我怎麼玩ˊˋ 我每次很快就出局了....why????????? 03/20 22:09
iwcc:有遊戲可以分享嗎?? 03/22 16:22
cloud2211s:我有遊戲 不過是240*320 樓上需要用站內信給我email 03/22 23:32
nash:真的很好玩...我NORMAL最高447630 (13:29) 03/29 19:35
nash:TIME ATTACK (最喜歡玩的) 最高210569 (922) 03/29 19:37
spot482:有沒有人知道陣亡後如何拿肉塊,我都是棒棒糖 04/01 16:40