精華區beta Monkeys 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NY-Yankees 看板] 作者: rresonance (rresonance) 看板: NY-Yankees 標題: Re: [新聞] 關於 Giambi 的選球 時間: Mon May 8 15:13:38 2006 ※ 引述《sheff (2331)》之銘言: : http://0rz.net/931jt : 有興趣的看看吧 一開始是說洋基球場本壘板上方有裝一台攝影機 有時有打者拿香振 打擊教練就會要求技術人員看重播 但只要打者是大吉的時候 技術人員不用看都知道答案.."壞球" 他說 "There's really never any doubt. If he lays off it, it's almost 100 percent a ball. If there's a question, it's a question of black or nonblack. It's never on the plate." 幾乎沒有任何疑問 只要他放掉100%都是壞球 只有在邊緣 幾乎沒有在本壘板上 大聯盟沒有一個球員有大吉這樣的選球眼 他現在是被保送次數最多和上壘率上最高的球員 大吉說 "A lot of people would say, in certain situations, we need you to swing the bat. But my theory is, no, I'm helping the team more by taking my walks because I'm putting that guy behind me in a better position to hit." 很多人會說 在很多情況下 我們需要你揮棒 但我的理論是 不要 我要用保送來幫助球隊 因為我也讓後面的打者得到一個有利的揮擊位置 而大吉的揮擊觀念來自他的父親和great Ted Williams: You are a better hitter when you swing at good pitches. 而他從小就是這樣 他高中的隊友Aaron Small說 "He never swung at bad pitches, even when he was a 17-, 18-year-old guy. Everybody around our district knew he was a good hitter, so I think there was some fear factor there, guys not wanting to throw to him. He had to learn to lay off bad pitches, because he was getting a lot of them. But he's just gotten better over the years as far as his eye. It's incredible watching the pitches he doesn't swing at. You don't know how he does it." 他從來都不會去打壞的球 從他十七八歲就這樣了 我們那區的人都知道他是個很好的打者 所以我想投手總有點畏懼他 也不會給他太好的球 要面對很多壞球 他必須學習怎樣放掉壞球 但這些年來他的選球眼越來越厲害 簡直不可思議 不知道他怎麼辦到的 打擊教練Mattingly也說 "He gives up on the ball so early, it's almost like instantly when that guy lets it go, he can tell it's a ball. You see him just give up quick. I could never do it. Not even close. I'd pick it up, but I wouldn't give up on it like that." 他很快就放掉球 幾乎是投手一出手就決定了 他可以看出來那是壞球 我就絕對做不到 大吉說 他總是對投手的投球動作有記憶 (**也難怪有時老托要評估投手都要問問大吉的意見**) 例如在一次面試他就記得藍鳥隊投手Josh Towers投曲球變換角度 變換不同的進壘位置 他還說 "I get on deck and I start looking at guys' release points. You can pick things up from the side. I can tell you without even looking at the catcher, from his release point, if that's a ball or a strike." "我站上準備區 開始觀察投手的放球點 我可以從他的放球點 甚至不看捕手 就可以看出是好球還是壞球" 但他沒辦法看太多球 所以兩好球之後 他開始猜球 他舉例 當Jeter在一壘 一人出局 後面是A-Rod的情況 "What's this guy going to do? More than likely, he'll try to throw me an off-speed pitch I can hook into the hole and try to roll into a double play. If you're going to sit on changeup, make him throw it for a strike, get it up in the zone. Boom, first-pitch sinker, that's a ball, 1-0. Alex is hitting behind me, so more than likely he's going to throw me a 'get me over' curveball or changeup to try to get me to chase. So, 1-0, I can't hit that changeup down and away, you give it to him for a strike. More than likely, on 1-1, he's going to try to keep me from leaning over the plate and come inside with a fastball to try to back me off. Well, that's the one I've got to be ready to hit, because if he makes a mistake on the inner half, that's where I want it. That's the ball that I can lean on, and if I have to hit it through the shift or get it up in the air to right field, that's my pitch. But if he misses — a lot of times it's up and in — boom, you take it and now it's 2-1. Well, 9 times out of 10, he's going to go changeup down and away again, or he's going to throw me a hard sinker down and away and try to get me to roll into the shift." 這傢伙要怎麼做 很有可能他想投個變速球 讓我打成雙殺 但高一點才是好球 所以第一球sinker 壞球 而Alex在後面 投手可能想調球 曲球或變速球 我是不會去打外角偏低的球 所以也是壞球 也有可能一好一壞 他想把我逼離本壘板 來個內角快速球 那就是我要的 可以揮到右外野 但如果他沒投好 那就是一好兩壞 那十次有九次又會是外角低的變速球 或是外角低的快速sinker..... 就這樣諸如此類點點點 大吉對他的模擬打擊沒有結論 但他心中常模擬這樣的打擊 當他小的時候就幻想 怎樣的球他要怎樣打穿中線 要怎樣打到右外野的上層看台 即使現在他心中的比賽還是指引著他 賽前他只練習揮幾下 有時還不參加BP "I know if I get myself in a good mind-set, that's where I need to be, I don't need a million swings to get where I need to go." 雖然他不想要揮擊一百萬次 但他卻擁有一個打擊學院 去年球季結束 在他家附近 悄悄買下一個全套的打擊場 因為前任擁有者要搬走並準備關掉 而孩子們促使他買下他 除了他自己還有退休球員Mike Easler和四屆國聯打擊冠軍Bill Madlock都將擔任指導員 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jagdzaku:不能看太多球 ?是因為查克拉用完了嗎 ? 05/08 15:17
pathfinder:2好球後就不能放球不打啦,後面在敘述接下來的擊球策略 05/08 15:21
scarad:推一樓 我第一個想法也是XD(握) 05/08 15:24
XdynamicX:真是太偉大了! 05/08 15:26
jieping:大吉真是選球神人呀XD 05/08 15:28
amax1120:Bill Madlock是之前Lanew的打擊教練嗎?@@" 05/08 15:42
newstyle:靠腦子打球 05/08 15:45
fero: 偉哉! 大吉! 05/08 15:45
rosemars:突然覺得 Giambi 說不定可以當很好的投手教練... 05/08 15:45
szk:有開打者之眼和外框 05/08 15:47
pathfinder:回6F 對 :) 05/08 15:50
fosa:好文,感謝翻譯 05/08 16:26
ellacosier:好神@@" 05/08 16:27
realG:大吉:我是天生神力 05/08 16:32
agoodjob:大吉要不要來台灣開個分店... 05/08 16:45
rresonance:大吉和Madlock什麼關係啊?怎麼覺得有些暴力熊的打擊 05/08 16:54
rresonance:準備站立的方式有大吉的味道(林智勝 EZ 喇叭 小頭等) 05/08 16:55
penpower:那個打擊練習場在哪?? 05/08 17:10
DAING:神吉 <(_ _)> 05/08 17:26
rresonance:in Henderson, Nev.(我也不知那是哪裡) 05/08 17:30
Nasty:幹 洋基的打都超 Man的,各各難三振.... 05/08 17:36
harryrain:神眼吉啊 XD 05/08 18:12
paradizo:Aaron Small 跟大吉是高中隊友耶 05/08 18:17
amibalala:借轉BEARS 05/08 19:18
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
abc2090614:裡面也說到Valdy這個好球帶超大的怪物 05/08 19:30
abc2090614:Madlock現在不知道在哪當教練 @_@ 05/08 19:42
abc2090614:唔 沒看到 原來在技安比的打擊場 05/08 19:44
autumneve:老梅什麼都沒教..<囧> 05/08 20:07
ky284074:這真令人佩服 沒功夫是無法站上大聯盟的140.112.211.227 05/08 20:08
bigsun0709:膜拜........Orz (果然有選球眼) 05/08 23:15
pocketwolf:這幾場看下來,大吉的選球眼真不是蓋的 05/08 23:16
AngelMAyCry:真是太屌了!(膜拜) 05/09 00:02