精華區beta Monkeys 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. It must have been a hard decision to leave your wife and children alone and come here on your own. What actually made you do that? 2. As a foreigner here, you probably have had some interesting experiences owing to the cultural differences between Taiwan and your own country. Can you tell us some? 3. Like any other players, sometimes you face some problems as well(no matter mentally or technically) and cannot perform well in the games; however, it doesn't seem so difficult for you to get rid of the bad situation. Can you tell us what you usually do when you find yourself stuck in the bad situation? 4. As you could remember, could you name some pitchers who've made you impressive because of their outstanding performance(or any other reasons)? 5. Do you feel comfortable(in any way)to stay in the recent team? Why? 7. Which book has made you most touched so far? 8. It's said that you often go to 大遠百(我不會翻..我家旁邊沒有啦...) when you have free time. Is it true? 10. What was the most impressive thing after you came to Taiwan? 11. What's your favorite Taiwanese food? 12. In the whole team, do you especially get along with anyone better than the others? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
AtpRyan:老規矩。 07/13
chinyan:大遠百=MEGA MALL '21 07/13
IlovePete:推4.10.11.12 07/13
williams1002:推7,11,12 07/13
angelvan: 07/13
pig035: 07/13
carolannlin:4,10,12 07/14
hater:10,12請務必問一下... 07/14
elmoja: 07/14
※ 編輯: AtpRyan 來自: (07/14 23:09)