精華區beta Monkeys 關於我們 聯絡資訊
哈哈 幸好有安打 不然感覺曾豪駒馬上會被換代打 XD ?? S 揮空 138 S 外角飄進來紅中高 126 F 外角好球帶邊緣變化球 破壞掉 看台沒正妹 119 B 外角變化 close 恐怖@@ 136 F 內角高 太晚揮棒擦到一壘側界外 123 外角變化 打到中外野小飛球接殺 跑者不動 2out 12B 4:1 領先 -- Men spent their whole life waiting praying for some big reward. It seem sometimes they pay off leaves. You feeling like a dirty hole. If I could choose the way I'll die.Make it by the gun or knife 'Cause the other ways there's too much pain. Night after night after night after night. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pelicanzero:結果打得紮實反而沒安打 orz 04/04 19:03
p123i456g:GO 04/04 19:04
a0241200:打得好不如打的巧阿XD140.123.236.112 04/04 19:04