精華區beta Monkeys 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《orangechock (恩...)》之銘言: : 我昨天有寫信給相簿的主人,跟他說霸漢現在在La New打球 : 也很受到球迷歡迎,一方面是他打擊很好,一方面也是因為他長的很討喜 : (我跟他說像巴斯光年 XD),也問他知不知道強森,因為他是加拿大人 : 然後給他youtube上霸漢跟強森的MVP訪問,看來他在Ottawa也很受歡迎阿 : 以下節錄一些他的回信 : You're lucky to have him. Indeed he hits well. And okay, : maybe he's not super fast. But he was always hard-working. : And very friendly with the fans. He used to throw : bubble-gum into the crowd and was always willing to talk to : the fans after and even DURING a ball game. Cool! : I never made the Buzz Lightyear connection but yes, I agree : with you. Gary does indeed look like the typical American : lantern jawed super hero. 我想這大概最能代表typical American lantern jawed super hero的圖吧... 美國超級英雄~超人特攻隊的老爸...就是這種厚斗臉... http://www.starstore.com/acatalog/The_Incredibles-family-photo-L.jpg
就中間那隻,下次霸漢如果把防炫塗在眼睛上不知道會不會跟這隻很像...XD 霸漢真的越來越像卡通人物啦 : Thanks for the links to the videos. Of course, we know all : about Mike Johnson. He played for Ottawa in the late 90's. : Great starter. -- 我的Y部落格 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/genkiboy83 似乎是要擺一下才趕得上潮流... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hotface:關鍵點還是在身材比例啊XD 04/18 13:43